View Full Version : A Miata...yes I said Miata!!!

08-12-2005, 03:21 PM
No kills lately. This may not be worth telling. I figure we need a new kill. Just a funny happening. So I'm going down the local Expressway minding my own happily driving buisness. I always look at cars, i see a silver Miata and laugh(i just find those cars amusing)and in the driver seat is a young lad. I pass by him and thats that. I don't see him for a while. Traffic is moving slow(40 in a 50) so I drop 4th gear for 3rd, hit the far left lane and leave everyone behind. But not annoyingly mind you. Well, in 3rd my car is very audible. As I'm leaving traffic behind, cruising at about 60mph in 5th....you guessed it....here comes Miata boy(probably his grandparents car :D) right up my tailpipes. So...naturally annoyed....I slam into 3rd and mentally wave bye bye. Well, again i hit 5th gear to cruise....and here his punk self comes AGAIN. Well, after reading a few other kill stories, I died laughing about the whole "beat 'em, then slow down and beat em' again". What a hilarious kind middle finger. So, naturally I hit 3rd, smoke his @ss, then slow down and pace him side by side(he's trying to get away, but i stay with him) I lag behind a little, then get next to him, roll down my window and do my jamming in the car dance(if you could only see it, kinda like a slow running man with a groove, retarded I know)....I smile at him....drop to third(at just under 80) and watch him shrink in my mirror as i hit 4th. I almost hit 140mph, you get there so darn fast(good elevated area...no cops ever) I hope he learned that next time he drives paw paw's car....mess with a Honda...not a Cobra! :tongue:

RF Cobra
08-12-2005, 05:27 PM
I'll send ricer boy your way so he can meet up with the Miata kid. RB ways trying to be cool in his stock civic with fart cannon mod today. What was extremely funny was every time he "got on it" for every decibel increase from the fc, there was an equal increase in the amount of smoke pouring out. I was soooooooooo impressed! :rolleyes:

(Not to mention the big dent in the driver's door)

He needs to get some WD-40 to lubricate that hamster wheel under the hood before the poor thing siezes up or the hamster dies from smoke inhalation!

08-13-2005, 12:50 PM
It is more fun that way, especially if they think they even have a chance at it. Gotta watch out for some ego's though, since the mentallity of the other driver is unknown. The worse case is that most cars you find on the street probably would not pass a safety inspection at the local drag strip.

I was at the drag strip last night, talk about import heaven. They may have beat me out of the hole, but I was first through the 1/4. I was hoping for a better challenge though since there were several mustangs and a few GTO's to toy with. I just kept getting stuck racing a ricer. Since it was my first time I guess that was okay but since I come across too many of those on the street it would be nice to be matched to a reasonable competitor.

08-14-2005, 06:06 PM
haha. Here at our dragstrip I watched a poor fella with a RUTHLESS box Nova have to race a Corsica.....bone stock! wtf...whats a guy in a corsica doing at a dragstrip? The guy in the Nova redlighted twice because he just wanted to kill that kid. The corsica was getting halfway down the track before the Nova could go, of course. They lined 'em up a third time and the Nova KILLED that kid. Finally, I thought, Justice!! Some fell's just need to kep the family sedans AWAY from a dragstrip. Poor Nova didn't even get to race a real car.

08-23-2005, 11:38 PM
After leaving a local cruise night here in Conn., which I didn't show my Cobra, I just went to sight see. Everyone was leaving and their were many muscle cars hitting the highway for there ride home. Well, in the sea of quick and fast cars there was one driver and car that grabbed my attention by weaving in and out of traffic like an idiot. It was a mint 69 Camaro, small block, 12 bolt, 4 speed. This one was different, it was PAINTED ORANGE AND HAD A BIG 3 ON THE DOOR AND WHEATIES DOWN THE SIDE WITH ALL THE OTHER CUP DECALS!!! I can send a pic if you need to see it to believe it. He's at all the cruise shows. Well I made sure I got in front of him on the highway and then I slowed it right down to 60. He down shifted his car and was "lurching" all over me. I blew it up to 90 and he sank back a little but not as much as I would have liked. We then got off the interstate and onto a four lane road which I KNEW he'd pull along side. As we sat at the light he revved up his car and it did sound nice. I, like a fool, revved up mine. Why a fool??? I have stock exhaust so I don't even know why I revved...anyhow, he was talking some smack and I said something about him not being able to touch me since he has a small block chevy. Well the light turned green and we were off, (I'm still trying to learn how to launch this thing) first gear was close, end of second, I had a half a car, I made a clean shift to third and it really seemed to pull. As I got a little over 4 grand I had him by two cars and then I had to hit the binders as the light ahead was yellow. When we rolled up to the line I looked over and yelled " Its all stock man". Then I made my right on red and headed home. I'll see his car around again. Maybe he won't drive like an idiot since we all have fast cars. Or maybe I'll have to go up to him and tell him that my Cobra is hungry for more Wheaties.

08-24-2005, 12:12 AM
I have noticed that the Cobras seem to draw attention from all of the ricers. I have had at least 1 to 2 a week try and get me to play with them but they are not much of a challange. I now there are a few around my area with a bunch of money in them but they don't want to seem to come out and play. I did have the kid that lives a few blocks over with an 1980 malibu want to try it and lost and then the excuse was that he had to retune it, wasn't running like it was supposed to. He built a small block and it is not as fast as he thought it was. But he doesn't want to try it again.

08-27-2005, 05:40 PM
I have noticed that the Cobras seem to draw attention from all of the ricers. I have had at least 1 to 2 a week try and get me to play with them but they are not much of a challange. I now there are a few around my area with a bunch of money in them but they don't want to seem to come out and play. I did have the kid that lives a few blocks over with an 1980 malibu want to try it and lost and then the excuse was that he had to retune it, wasn't running like it was supposed to. He built a small block and it is not as fast as he thought it was. But he doesn't want to try it again.
I never get any races in the cobra but but when I use to drive my 95 GT vert holy crap like everyday some jerkoff wanted to race mostly ricers