08-26-2005, 01:23 AM
The Western Carolina Stampede Mustang club will be hosting a car show on September 10th at the Haywood County Fairgrounds. Its open to all cars and trucks, there will be over 20 trophies and prizes, we are starting a new head to head car club competition where each car club that comes chosses a car to represent them and there is a special trophy for the club that wins. We will have raffles and prizes. Show is free for the public and free to show your car but is $10 to register to car to be judged. also the same day at the fairgrounds a local church is doing thier fall festival at the fair grounds so you can wonder around there they will have food, music, cake walks, games for kids, face painting, flea market, and lots of fun for all. all the money raised at the show is being donated to that church to biuld a youth education biulding. all are welcome to come and hope to see as many of you there as possible, thank you
for more info email me at or visit our website
for more info email me at or visit our website