View Full Version : Darius' wife had a stroke... she's ok

09-19-2005, 09:26 AM
I know this is an "Events forrum", but wanted everone at GingerMan to know what was going on...

Margaret had a mini-stroke Saturday at dinnertime, and is fine now…

Margaret is 43 years old, and 5'8" 140lbs (good looking :D ) and works out 4 days a week at the gym, and cholesterol is like 150's. So health is good.

Saturday, while at Kohl's, shopping with the kids, she heard a sound in the back of her head, kind'a like your ears popping, but not in the ear, but behind it.
She shook it off, walked to another clothes rack, and then looked at the kids to ask if they like this outfit…
That is when her speech was "not working". She blurted out in gobbldy-gook-mumble. Kids looked at her, and didn’t know what to say. She tried again, and lips sort'a moved, voicebox made noise, but they werent words that came out. Monika was frightened, and Lukas was concerned. Soon, Lukas realized something was wrong, when her left side of her face looked drooped and not muscular moving. He called 911 on his cell phone, and the ambulance came and took her to St Mary's of Livonia. Kids went with sister-in-law and spent the night. Everyone was resting fine.
I was at GingerMan Raceway, instructing for a racing school, and 3 hours from home. The track in in the middle of corn fields, and no cell phone signal. Thus they had to locate me physically. At about 8:00pm, a State Trooper came into the pits, looking for (butchered my name) and big Yellow Truck. OH, that's Darius! He pulled me aside, and told me to "Call Loretta, your sister-in-law, your wife is in the hospital". I got a phone with a signal, and called Loretta, and then got the number to the hospital. Talked to Margaret, and by that time she was able to speak fine. She was well enough (not life-threatening) and I decided to come home. I had to pack up my gear, and put the Mustang on the trailer, and got home by about 12:30am. I saw her, kissed her, talked for 5 minutes, and went home to bed.
Sunday, visited her in the morning, then again after church. She is doing fine, and wishes to go home.
Doctors "think" (or at least "I" think so) it was a Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA).

They did not release her Sunday, as they arent as concerned that she had one (a stroke), but more concerned if/when of the "next one". THAT is why they are holding her over till Monday, and running tests and MRI and doing investigating…

Thanks, for everyone that volunteered assistance, but I don’t really need any at this point. Thank you though. We are managing fine, and Margaret will hopefully come home today.

09-19-2005, 09:50 AM
Darius - That is great news that your wife will be OK. :) I know she still has some more tests to go through but I'm sure she'll pull through fine. She has to be a tough lady to put up with you. ;)

09-19-2005, 09:57 AM
Darius; Lew and I both send you and your wife best wishes. We are glad that she is doing well. Liz

Black Horse
09-19-2005, 12:11 PM
Will definately keep you all in our thoughts and prayers, give a holler if you need anything!

09-19-2005, 12:42 PM

Please accept our best wishes for a full and speedy recovery for your wife.

(your student)

09-19-2005, 07:55 PM
Good luck and a speedy recovery:angel:. That gave me chills reading that.

09-19-2005, 08:08 PM
darius-- you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers... it too gave me the chills reading that..

Lisa and Clarence

09-19-2005, 08:15 PM
Glad to hear she is doing well. It was pretty scary when the trooper came in and we realized he was looking for you. We wish you and your wife the best. :thumbsup:


09-19-2005, 08:18 PM
glad she seems to be ok and you got to her. gotta thank the kids for seeing something was wrong and took action. will pray for a good outcome.

09-19-2005, 08:58 PM
darius, I didnt see you leave and wondered where you were, and hadnt heard the news til now....very scary....glad she's doing well and we all have her in our thoughts and prayers....

09-19-2005, 09:14 PM
Sorry to hear that Darius...I'm sure it was a shock to you but it's a good thing your kids are sharp! Hope everything turns out okay for you and the family! We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers!


09-20-2005, 08:11 AM

Glad to hear that your wife is OK (stable). I hope she gets well soon.

Please accept our best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery.

Jeff & Maria White

09-20-2005, 10:20 AM
Tuesday morning update:

Margaret is home and doing fine.
She had a bunch of tests on monday: EKG, EEG, MRI and (something else, I forget).
The test results showed that she did in fact have a stroke, there is "some" (?) brain damage, that was confirmed by the EEG and MRI.
Doctor released her and quite literally said "Go home, and lead a normal life". There is nothing she is doing wrong. She eats healthy, and has an occasional Big Mac... and does have a glass of wine or margarita when we go out... no smoking, and works out 4X a week, and is not overweight.
As a Physical Therapist, she is medically knowledged, and will keep an eye on herself and do neurological exams on herself (count on fingertips, clap-paddy-cake, coordination exercises...) to make sure all coordination and muscle skills are still there.

Looks like this was just a fluke, and we are still going to follow up with neurologist from UofM Hospitals... but appears it happened and its over.

Thanks for all the warm wishes, and prayers. We said a few of our own.

p.s. While in the hospital, I asked Margaret, since I was supposed to be gone at GingerMan for 2 days, and came back after 1, does that mean I can still go to another track event for 1 day next weekend...? :D (she smacked me for that one).

09-20-2005, 11:00 AM
I just found this thread, and the good news update. Cathy and I send our wishes for a speedy recovery.

punk lancelot
09-20-2005, 11:52 AM
Just saw this too. You and your family will be in our thoughts and prayers.