View Full Version : 5th Annual Parkway Ford Show, August 26, 2006
05-14-2006, 04:30 PM
Bring your Ford car or truck to the BIG Show at Parkway Ford in Winston-Salem, NC on Saturday, August 26, 2006. Last year we set the new club record for most vehicles in a show, with 124. We can top that this year, so plan to join in the fun event. Parkway Ford supplies the food, show space, radio remotes, all kinds of advertising and they are one of our strongest club sponsors. So, make a note on your calendars now and plan to attend.
The registration form and a flier document which can be printed and used for advertising the show are downloadable from the Official SCMC website. Just page down in the middle of the page until you see the event description on August 26. If any questions, e-mail Dave Stanfield at or call on his cell, 919 414-0252.
Registered so far:
1. Jim McDaniel - 04 Comp Orange Cobra coupe
2. Butch Handy - 04 Black Mercury Marauderrome Cobra
3. Jennifer Hess - 71 Green Ford Bronco
4. Mike Boyle - 97 Pacific Green Cobra vert
5. Donnie Nance - 93 Red Cobra coupe
6. Greg Peppers - 03 Torch Red Cobra coupe
7. Rich Riley - 98 Chrome Yellow Cobra coupe
8. Margie Riley - 05 Screaming Yellow Mustang GT coupe
9. Roger Bowers - 03 Red 03 Cobra vert
10.Robbie Kiser - 04 Commp Orange Cobra coupe
11.Justin Dobesh - 93 Calypso Green Mustang LX coupe
12.Dave Stanfield - 99 Rio Red Cobra vert
13.John & Dianne Pearson - '06 Legend Lime GT
14.Bill & Binky Dangerfield - '03 Redfire Cobra vert
15.Sam Deadmon - '06 Legend Lime GT
16.Larry Hiatt - 03 Red Lightning
17.Jim Deuel - 06 Legend Lime Mustang vert
18.James Finney - 01 White Cobra coupe
19.Gregory Young - 69 Aqua GT350 fastback
20.Eric Young - 04 Mystichrome Cobra coupe
21.Allan Scott - 04 Redfire Cobra coupe
22.Jesse Benge - 03 Torch Red Cobra vert
23.Steve Allen - 03 Black Cobra coupe
24. Tony Sorrentino - 04 Mystichrome Cobra coupe
25. Clarence Milstead - 97 Crystal White Cobra vert
26. Lisa Milstead - 86 SVO 'sorrentino killer' coupe
27. Garrett Younts - 01 True Blue Cobra vert
28. Michael Smith - 66 green Mustang vert
29. Chris Rocco - 94 Indy Pace car Cobra
30. Diane Rocco - 67 white T-bird
31. J J Crowe - 01 Silver Cobra vert
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
05-14-2006, 06:33 PM
I'll talk to David Brown about MORE space. :D :D :D
05-15-2006, 08:02 PM
I'll talk to David Brown about MORE space. :D :D :D
that is definetely needed!!!!
05-24-2006, 11:50 AM
I'll talk to David Brown about MORE space. :D :D :D
Dang, I guess that will mean we, (the employees at Parkway) will be moving tons of cars on Friday!!! I HOPE SO!!
The Parkway show is a lot of fun, huge crowds, food and fun. Unfortunately, I will be in my best friend's wedding that day :(
However, I will try to drop by in the morning...
05-24-2006, 02:24 PM
great, I always enjoy this show:thumbsup: . Just drop the Cobra off at the show, we will babysit it for you!
06-07-2006, 07:51 PM
OK, time to start sending registraitons in. Let's get he big list started so others will follow suit. Check the main website for the form and a flier.
:bounce: :bounce:
06-22-2006, 03:14 PM
SCMC members and other Ford vehicle owners......send in your registration forms for the big show in Winston-Salem, NC in August. See the start of the link for more info. Time to make your late August plans before you come up with something less important to do. Let's have a big turnout again for this one.
:thumbsup: :bounce:
07-16-2006, 04:13 PM
I got us more room for this year. We'll get all the way up to the used car sales building. :thumbsup: I also have several Legend Lime Mustang cars coming.
07-16-2006, 08:15 PM
I have completed my solicitations from vendors for raffle prizes and promotional items. 46 vendors were contacted. If they come through for me, we could have a helluva raffle at Parkway with everone taking home at least one free item. Sign up now so we can tell how many to expect at the show.
07-16-2006, 08:23 PM
I have completed my solicitations from vendors for raffle prizes and promotional items. 46 vendors were contacted. If they come through for me, we could have a helluva raffle at Parkway with everone taking home at least one free item. Sign up now so we can tell how many to expect at the show.
:eek:more for Big Daddy to win is more like it:rotf:
Big Daddy
07-16-2006, 11:12 PM
more for Big Daddy to win is more like it:rotf:
Only if I buy $50 worth of raffle tickets! ;) ;) :D
07-18-2006, 10:35 AM
Is Dan going to be tuning cars or just dyno pulls?
07-21-2006, 09:27 AM
Dan will do whatever he can for whoever wants it done while he is there. :thumbsup:
Thanks to Dave for securing the following sponsors:
Parkway Ford - Awards & Lunch -
Year One - raffle prizes -
Pro-Dyno - Free Dyno tuning certificate ($350.00 value) -
Zaino Charlotte (Steve Treece) - :thumbsup:
07-21-2006, 02:09 PM
my entry has been mailed out:thumbsup:
07-21-2006, 05:43 PM
mailed mine today
07-21-2006, 06:03 PM
Dan will do whatever he can for whoever wants it done while he is there. :thumbsup:
Tony, have you called David Brown about where the dyno will be parked???? There isn't a lot of room left.
07-21-2006, 06:15 PM
How much more space is he giving us? If all else fails, we can put Pro-Dyno at the end where the highway is. There always seem to be room left there??
The Dyno is another good plug for Parkway Ford, they can announce it on the radio and bring more people in to see the numbers the cars put out! :thumbsup:
07-21-2006, 09:46 PM
yeah, down by the road might draw in more people
RF Cobra
07-21-2006, 11:36 PM
You just have to remember that means people will have to drive through the show area and people looking at the cars to get to and from the dyno, but it would be a good place for it to attract attention.
07-24-2006, 10:51 PM
I talked with David Phillips today and he's going to remind David about the dyno but from what David is saying, we should have plenty of room for Dan. I have been designing the trophies for Parkway and am almost finished so let me know what you think and maybe what we should place in the middle of the award??
RF Cobra
07-25-2006, 09:48 AM
Would you like a high resolution copy of that picture for use on the award?
I talked with David Phillips today and he's going to remind David about the dyno but from what David is saying, we should have plenty of room for Dan. I have been designing the trophies for Parkway and am almost finished so let me know what you think and maybe what we should place in the middle of the award??
07-25-2006, 09:48 PM
I changed the resolution to 400 from 96 and it helped the photo to be more crisp. I also edited out the driveway. I changed it last night to show you as the photo author too! :thumbsup:
I've still have to fill the middle with something if you have any ideas??
Thanks! ;)
RF Cobra
07-25-2006, 10:05 PM
Actually, Leah gets credit for taking that photo. :)
As far as the center, could you do a gold, silver, and bronze Cobra for each respective award?
That would probably stand out well against the black.
07-25-2006, 10:11 PM
that might look pretty cool, and set each award apart.
07-25-2006, 10:14 PM
Yes, I think I can do that and maybe put the word "Gold" below the Snake??
My wife also thought of maybe the NC flag or state flower but she didn't want too much put on the awards. I think the gold, silver, and bronze snake would be cool! :thumbsup:
07-25-2006, 10:17 PM
maybe a shadow of the NC flag behind the snake?
RF Cobra
07-25-2006, 10:37 PM
Yeah, if you did the flag I think it would need to be done like Mike said. Sort of a ghost flag or something. You don't want to put too much down there because then it competes with the photo and minimizes it.
RF Cobra
07-25-2006, 10:40 PM
Yeah, I figured you would keep the gold, silver, bronze wording at the bottom below the Cobra.
Yes, I think I can do that and maybe put the word "Gold" below the Snake??
My wife also thought of maybe the NC flag or state flower but she didn't want too much put on the awards. I think the gold, silver, and bronze snake would be cool! :thumbsup:
07-25-2006, 10:45 PM
You have to have flexibility when you do these things so the flag cannot be behind the Cobra but rather beside it. Let me play with it a while and see what we canget out of it. The reason is if you want to move someone up to Gold from Bronze or Silver, you don't want the flag in the background. It can be simple with an aluminum plate to cover up the other color snakes. Make sense?? :thumbsup:
07-25-2006, 11:18 PM
Is this better??
RF Cobra
07-25-2006, 11:23 PM
I wouldn't add anymore to the bottom than what you already have because I think it will start to get cluttered and overpower the picture.
07-25-2006, 11:31 PM
Um...I didn't add anything else. That was basically the final layout. :thumbsup:
RF Cobra
07-25-2006, 11:39 PM
Okay. I wasn't sure if you were still playing around with the idea of adding the flag. :)
In that case, what do you think about lowering just the Cobra and Gold to put it closer to the bottom? Visually it may look better to have it that way (unless you have already tried that and didn't like the result).
Um...I didn't add anything else. That was basically the final layout. :thumbsup:
07-26-2006, 06:22 AM
This last one looks the best. Great job.
08-03-2006, 03:29 AM
Registrations are arriving daily. Time to get yours in to beat the August 15 price hike.
I'm going to need a truck to haul all the raffle prizes and goody bag giveaways.
:bounce: :bounce:
08-03-2006, 08:26 PM
Please make a list and post it for people to see, thanks! :thumbsup:
08-03-2006, 10:00 PM
Tony---you can add two $100 off an install gift certificates to the raffle prizes from MM Performance. We will also be attending this event :thumbsup: .
RF Cobra
08-03-2006, 10:17 PM
I think it would be good to have some sort of sign at the club tent and a flier to hand out with the registration cards listing those who provide their support (and the items if enough space). We need to do everything we can to promote those that are stepping up and supporting the SCMC and our members. :)
Please make a list and post it for people to see, thanks! :thumbsup:
RF Cobra
08-03-2006, 10:23 PM
Tony---you can add two $100 off an install gift certificates to the raffle prizes from MM Performance. We will also be attending this event :thumbsup: .
That's what I'm talking about! :)
Thanks for your support Torrey! :thumbsup:
08-03-2006, 11:08 PM
These are the ones I know so far and Dave can add to this list:
Parkway Ford - Awards & Lunch - David Brown-
Year One - raffle prizes -
Pro-Dyno - Free Dyno tuning certificate ($350.00 value) - Dan Desio -
Zaino Charlotte (Steve Treece) - Zaino Show products -
Time Out Sportswear - tee shirts/golf shirt - Pat Madigan -
MM Performance - Torrey Tennant - gift certificates -
Data Plates Plus - Mystery Products - Mystery Vendor-
3 open track weekends at Carolina Motorsports Park
Big Daddy
08-04-2006, 10:33 AM
These are the ones I know so far and Dave can add to this list:
Parkway Ford - Awards & Lunch - David Brown-
Year One - raffle prizes -
Pro-Dyno - Free Dyno tuning certificate ($350.00 value) - Dan Desio -
Zaino Charlotte (Steve Treece) - Zaino Show products -
Time Out Sportswear - tee shirts/golf shirt - Pat Madigan -
MM Performance - Torrey Tennant - gift certificates -
Data Plates Plus - Mystery Products - Mystery Vendor-
Data Plates Plus - Mystery Products - Mystery Vendor??? Come on TONY YOU don't know who this is???? ;) ;) :D I think I have a REALLY good idea as to whom this Mystery Vendor is don't you TONY???? :thumbsup:
08-04-2006, 10:53 AM
:rotf: I think I know, too:rolleyes:
08-04-2006, 11:04 AM
Hey, I need to know how much it costs to advertise on this site. I think the mystery vendor may want to advertise. :thumbsup:
And Greg, I have no idea who you are talking about. They're a mystery vendor. :rotf:
08-04-2006, 06:29 PM
ToNY- blah blah blah..... WE KNOW :cool: :D :cool: :D
Dave- I have some stuff for the goodie bags
Tony- I also have the club tent here in case you were wondering - Will bring that also! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
RF Cobra
08-04-2006, 07:44 PM
Hey, I need to know how much it costs to advertise on this site. I think the mystery vendor may want to advertise. :thumbsup:
For you...I mean the mystery vendor, I think I can offer a special rate of $50.00 per day. ;)
08-05-2006, 06:19 PM
5 radio remotes-all bringing food and drink
portable dyno
3 free track weekends at CMP will be raffled
live band
room for 50 more cars than last year
nice raffle prizes
I'm sure Dave Stanfield will need plenty of volunteers to help out. :thumbsup:
08-05-2006, 10:27 PM
I think I might show up...Sound like alot of fun....
08-06-2006, 11:26 AM
This is our biggest car show of the year and we hope we can have at least 200 cars for this event. :thumbsup:
08-06-2006, 11:51 AM
This is our biggest car show of the year and we hope we can have at least 200 cars for this event. :thumbsup:
SO WHAT?? You telling me I should Go?? Fine!!!!:D
08-06-2006, 12:09 PM
SO WHAT?? You telling me I should Go?? Fine!!!!
No, I just stated that this is our biggest show of the year. Whether you attend or not is up to you but there'll be plenty of club members in attendance as well as some local Mustang owners. :thumbsup:
08-09-2006, 04:50 PM
Registered? See who is on the first post in this thread. Beat the August 15 price increase and get your forms in to me ASAP.
08-09-2006, 08:14 PM
Registered so far:
Jim McDaniel - 04 Comp Orange Cobra coupe
Butch Handy - 04 Black Mercury Marauder
Jennifer Hess - 71 Green Ford Bronco
Mike Boyle - 97 Pacific Green Cobra vert
Donnie Nance - 93 Red Cobra coupe
Greg Peppers - 03 Torch Red Cobra coupe
Rich Riley - 98 Chrome Yellow Cobra coupe
Margie Riley - 05 Screaming Yellow Mustang GT coupe
Roger Bowers - 03 Red 03 Cobra vert
Robbie Kiser - 04 Commp Orange Cobra coupe
Justin Dobesh - 93 Calypso Green Mustang LX coupe
Dave Stanfield - 99 Rio Red Cobra vert
John & Dianne Pearson - '06 Legend Lime GT
08-11-2006, 06:25 AM
I'll be there... if i get my car back together in time! Gonna try my hardest to make it.:bounce:
08-11-2006, 06:38 AM
I'll ride up with TL :D
08-12-2006, 06:54 PM
I mailed mine today.
08-15-2006, 08:22 PM
List has been updated. Send the registrations in. August 15 deadline for price protection has passed. Now send $20.
08-15-2006, 11:41 PM
Can I register and pay the day of event????
RF Cobra
08-15-2006, 11:57 PM
Absolutely. Just be sure to get there before we run out of space. :)
Can I register and pay the day of event????
08-16-2006, 05:46 PM
Absolutely. Just be sure to get there before we run out of space. :)
Thanks, What time will we be able to sign in???
08-16-2006, 05:48 PM
Show starts at 8:00 AM
More new registrations posted today, look at first post in the thread.
08-16-2006, 05:57 PM
Thanks, What time will we be able to sign in???
the earlier the better, trust me on this. :thumbsup:
08-16-2006, 09:42 PM
Registered so far:
1. Jim McDaniel - 04 Comp Orange Cobra coupe
2. Butch Handy - 04 Black Mercury Marauderrome Cobra
3. Jennifer Hess - 71 Green Ford Bronco
4. Mike Boyle - 97 Pacific Green Cobra vert
5. Donnie Nance - 93 Red Cobra coupe
6. Greg Peppers - 03 Torch Red Cobra coupe
7. Rich Riley - 98 Chrome Yellow Cobra coupe
8. Margie Riley - 05 Screaming Yellow Mustang GT coupe
9. Roger Bowers - 03 Red 03 Cobra vert
10.Robbie Kiser - 04 Commp Orange Cobra coupe
11.Justin Dobesh - 93 Calypso Green Mustang LX coupe
12.Dave Stanfield - 99 Rio Red Cobra vert
13.John & Dianne Pearson - '06 Legend Lime GT
14.Bill & Binky Dangerfield - '03 Redfire Cobra vert
15.Sam Deadmon - '06 Legend Lime GT
16.Larry Hiatt - 03 Red Lightning
17.Jim Deuel - 06 Legend Lime Mustang vert
18.James Finney - 01 White Cobra coupe
19.Gregory Young - 69 Aqua GT350 fastback
20.Eric Young - 04 Mystichrome Cobra coupe
21.Allan Scott - 04 Redfire Cobra coupe
22.Jesse Benge - 03 Torch Red Cobra vert
RF Cobra
08-16-2006, 09:42 PM
What Mike said. Last year there was already a bunch of cars by 9:30 so I wouldn't sleep in that morning.
Big Daddy
08-17-2006, 09:19 AM
I would have been there earlier but the Law decided it wanted to take a close look at my car and my drivers license! Maybe this year we can avoid that little side stop! :eek: :eek: :thumbsup: ;) :D
08-17-2006, 01:46 PM
a little less pressure on the right pedal:thumbsup:
Big Daddy
08-17-2006, 02:13 PM
Well I have a room (for free) at the Embassy Suites about 3 miles from Parkway off of business 40. I should be there by 8:00 - 8:30 so long as I take it easy and don't attract to much attention from the boys in blue! :D
RF Cobra
08-17-2006, 09:34 PM
You could always put it in valet mode. :)
Well I have a room (for free) at the Embassy Suites about 3 miles from Parkway off of business 40. I should be there by 8:00 - 8:30 so long as I take it easy and don't attract to much attention from the boys in blue! :D
Big Daddy
08-17-2006, 09:46 PM
You could always put it in valet mode. :)
Ya that would work wouldn't it! ;) ;) :D
08-18-2006, 01:50 AM
I will be there by 8:00 or before....:thumbsup:
08-18-2006, 09:21 AM
What time are you guys going to be getting here to setup? I am going to be in a wedding later that day, so I am going to try to help as much as I can in the morning. Its hard to believe the show is already here!
See you guys soon!
David Phillips
08-18-2006, 09:24 AM
Some of us will be there by 7:30 AM, so please have the space open and ready for us. Thanks.
More registrations posted today.
08-18-2006, 04:43 PM
Well, I think I should actually be able to make it. I will be bringing the old lady (66 Mustang Convertible) for the show to have some fun. I hope she can get up early enough to make it there in the morning, plus she is not nearly as fast as the younger 03 Cobra. I will send my money and slip tomorrow am. See you guys there.:bounce:
08-18-2006, 06:44 PM
Y'all, I just got a sample shirt from Time Out Sportswear for the raffle and it looks freaking A. :thumbsup:
We are going to have some awesome "one of a kind" prizes. Time Out will be providing a 2007 Shelby GT 500 Golf shirt and some awesome looking tees.
Data Plates Plus will be providing a "Cobra Chest" and some other neat stuff! Be there or be square. We are also upping the number of trophies from 51 last year to 99 this year! :bounce: :bounce:
08-18-2006, 09:54 PM
Well, I think I should actually be able to make it. I will be bringing the old lady (66 Mustang Convertible) for the show to have some fun. I hope she can get up early enough to make it there in the morning, plus she is not nearly as fast as the younger 03 Cobra. I will send my money and slip tomorrow am. See you guys there.:bounce:
sweet, can't wait to see the old girl in person!!
08-18-2006, 10:49 PM
Hey guys I should be able to make it there too!:thumbsup: However, I'm just gonna have to cut out around 1 or so.
Mike H.
08-19-2006, 08:26 AM
:( Work is insane busy. I don't think there is any way I will be off for the show. :mad: Work Sucks!!
08-19-2006, 02:43 PM
that sucks, Tim. I was hoping we could work together judging those classics again.
08-19-2006, 03:09 PM
yeah, that was fun last year.
I think work is trying to kill me. :(
08-19-2006, 10:13 PM
Just posted an update to the registered group in first post of this thread. Still time to send them in.
But after Monday, just print, complete and bring the registration forms to the show and finish registering there.
There will be an 07 Shelby GT500 in the show, not registered yet. Too bad it won't be me.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
08-20-2006, 07:45 AM
Went to the monthly Grill 57 car show last night and couldn't believe that there were actually 3 2007 Shelbys there. One black w/silver and 2 blue w/white. I really didn't think that many would be around yet.
08-21-2006, 10:52 AM
OK, I'm a slacker.. Chrisanne and I will be there Sat. AM. Maybe Jay too..
08-21-2006, 09:02 PM
List updated. :thumbsup:
08-21-2006, 09:21 PM
Registered so far:
1. Jim McDaniel - 04 Comp Orange Cobra coupe
2. Butch Handy - 04 Black Mercury Marauderrome Cobra
3. Jennifer Hess - 71 Green Ford Bronco
4. Mike Boyle - 97 Pacific Green Cobra vert
5. Donnie Nance - 93 Red Cobra coupe
6. Greg Peppers - 03 Torch Red Cobra coupe
7. Rich Riley - 98 Chrome Yellow Cobra coupe
8. Margie Riley - 05 Screaming Yellow Mustang GT coupe
9. Roger Bowers - 03 Red 03 Cobra vert
10.Robbie Kiser - 04 Commp Orange Cobra coupe
11.Justin Dobesh - 93 Calypso Green Mustang LX coupe
12.Dave Stanfield - 99 Rio Red Cobra vert
13.John & Dianne Pearson - '06 Legend Lime GT
14.Bill & Binky Dangerfield - '03 Redfire Cobra vert
15.Sam Deadmon - '06 Legend Lime GT
16.Larry Hiatt - 03 Red Lightning
17.Jim Deuel - 06 Legend Lime Mustang vert
18.James Finney - 01 White Cobra coupe
19.Gregory Young - 69 Aqua GT350 fastback
20.Eric Young - 04 Mystichrome Cobra coupe
21.Allan Scott - 04 Redfire Cobra coupe
22.Jesse Benge - 03 Torch Red Cobra vert
23.Steve Allen - 03 Black Cobra coupe
24. Tony Sorrentino - 04 Mystichrome Cobra coupe
25. Clarence Milstead - 97 Crystal White Cobra vert
26. Lisa Milstead - 86 SVO 'sorrentino killer' coupe
27. Garrett Younts - 01 True Blue Cobra vert
08-21-2006, 09:24 PM
2 rock bands
2 bass boats on display, casting tourney for the kids
Roush Stage 3 on display
2 Ford GT's
Roush club is coming from Charlotte
Come early and help Mr. Stanfield park cars. :D :D
08-21-2006, 09:28 PM
Fellow Mustang, SVT Cobra, and Ford Enthusiasts,
It's that time of the year when the SCMC puts on its biggest show at Parkway Ford in Winston-Salem, NC. This year's event promises to be even bigger than last year with more Mustangs, SVT Cobras, and Fords in attendance. We have added a few more options to this year's event with an "on site" portable dyno where you can see how much horsepower your Pony Car or Ford puts down at the rear wheels. We have also added more trophies last year as promised. Last year we gave out 51 awards and this year we will be giving out not 60, not 70, not even 80 , but 99 trophies. This allows us the flexibility to add categories according to the number of entrants in the show. The cost for the event is just $20.00 per car and with that you get a free lunch, a chance to win some awesome raffle prizes, a 50/50 opportunity of which all of the proceeds go to charity, and an opportunity to see some of the most amazingly clean and well maintained vehicles in the Carolinas.
There will be some 2007 Shelby's in the show, a Roush display, GT 40, and a lot of music, with 5 remote radio stations in attendance. Also, there will be represnetatives from the Winston-Salem Journal to cover the event and write about it in the newspaper.
Join the SCMC for a day of fun with family & friends, fellow SVT, Mustang, and Ford enthusiasts and the opportunity to win some really cool stuff! We hope you'll join us as we celebrate 5 years with Parkway Ford! For a registration form or for more information go to
See you Saturday,
Tony Sorrentino
SVT Cobra Mustang Club
SCMC Hotline: (803) 371-0725
SVT - The passion never dies!
08-21-2006, 09:35 PM
Raffle prizes include:
Time Out Sportswear 5 Cobra shirts and 1 GT 500 golf shirt
Mothers car wash spray bottles, goody bag inserts
Meguiars boxes of quick detail spray bottles, wax packs, goody bag inserts
Year One hats, fans, goody bags & inserts
Eaton 1 shirt and goody bag inserts
Steeda goody bag stuff
Edelbrock goody bag stuff, 2 gift certificates for shirts
K&N gift cert for filter, goody bag inserts
Pro Dyno - gift certs for dyno time
Mr. Clean gift cert for wiper blades
Carbotech 20 gift certs for discounts on purchases.
Data Plates Plus - SVT Cobra Jewelry Box
SCMC - 2007 Planning Calendar
08-22-2006, 05:27 PM
Registered list updated again.
08-22-2006, 05:52 PM
Registered so far:
1. Jim McDaniel - 04 Comp Orange Cobra coupe
2. Butch Handy - 04 Black Mercury Marauderrome Cobra
3. Jennifer Hess - 71 Green Ford Bronco
4. Mike Boyle - 97 Pacific Green Cobra vert
5. Donnie Nance - 93 Red Cobra coupe
6. Greg Peppers - 03 Torch Red Cobra coupe
7. Rich Riley - 98 Chrome Yellow Cobra coupe
8. Margie Riley - 05 Screaming Yellow Mustang GT coupe
9. Roger Bowers - 03 Red 03 Cobra vert
10.Robbie Kiser - 04 Commp Orange Cobra coupe
11.Justin Dobesh - 93 Calypso Green Mustang LX coupe
12.Dave Stanfield - 99 Rio Red Cobra vert
13.John & Dianne Pearson - '06 Legend Lime GT
14.Bill & Binky Dangerfield - '03 Redfire Cobra vert
15.Sam Deadmon - '06 Legend Lime GT
16.Larry Hiatt - 03 Red Lightning
17.Jim Deuel - 06 Legend Lime Mustang vert
18.James Finney - 01 White Cobra coupe
19.Gregory Young - 69 Aqua GT350 fastback
20.Eric Young - 04 Mystichrome Cobra coupe
21.Allan Scott - 04 Redfire Cobra coupe
22.Jesse Benge - 03 Torch Red Cobra vert
23.Steve Allen - 03 Black Cobra coupe
24. Tony Sorrentino - 04 Mystichrome Cobra coupe
25. Clarence Milstead - 97 Crystal White Cobra vert
26. Lisa Milstead - 86 SVO 'sorrentino killer' coupe
27. Garrett Younts - 01 True Blue Cobra vert
28. Michael Smith - 66 green Mustang vert
29. Chris Rocco - 94 Indy Pace car Cobra
30. Diane Rocco - 67 white T-bird
31. J J Crowe - 01 Silver Cobra vert
08-22-2006, 10:25 PM
Sorry I'm not going to there because I have to work that day.:mad: Y'all have fun!:thumbsup:
08-25-2006, 10:45 AM
Is Dan going to be tuning cars or just dyno pulls?
DaveTuning :D :D :D :D :D :thumbsup:
Big Daddy
08-25-2006, 04:19 PM
I'm packing the car right now and heading down. I will be there by 7:30 PM tonight and I'll be at Parkway by 8:30 AM at the latest tomorrow. I'm out! :thumbsup:
08-25-2006, 07:22 PM This will only be up tonight. There should be a pop up window of the show.
RF Cobra
08-25-2006, 09:39 PM
It didn't come up when I tried. :(
I wonder if we should have planned a cruise to the show from the Lewisville/Clemmons area? ;) This will only be up tonight. There should be a pop up window of the show.
Big Daddy
08-26-2006, 07:58 PM
Had a great time!! Thanks for putting on a great show everyone!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
08-26-2006, 08:20 PM
Had a great time!! Thanks for putting on a great show everyone!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I have to agree...
08-26-2006, 08:35 PM
This is the pop-up on the newapaper site.
08-26-2006, 09:36 PM
Tina and I had a great time. Hot, but great!
I received my second award ever, so I am pleased. I know I worked hard on the car.
08-26-2006, 09:40 PM
I'm cooked medium well, had a great time also thanks everybody
08-26-2006, 10:45 PM
Had a great time!!!! well done... got fork!! I'm dooone:D
08-28-2006, 09:45 AM
Thanks for the great turnout! As always, you guys put on a great show. Everyone at Parkway had a great time Saturday. We had one of our best sales days of the year which is actually unusual for a show date-but, we'll take it!
I hope everyone had a great time! Thanks for all the hard work and time you guys spent preparing for the show. :thumbsup:
After Dan working on my car for an hour, it is running great and making more power than it ever was... :bounce: :bounce:
See you guys later,
08-28-2006, 10:35 AM
Thanks for the great turnout! As always, you guys put on a great show. Everyone at Parkway had a great time Saturday. We had one of our best sales days of the year which is actually unusual for a show date-but, we'll take it!
I hope everyone had a great time! Thanks for all the hard work and time you guys spent preparing for the show. :thumbsup:
After Dan working on my car for an hour, it is running great and making more power than it ever was... :bounce: :bounce:
See you guys later,
anybody take any?
08-28-2006, 11:18 AM
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