View Full Version : UMC Drag Day Sept 16th @Ware Shoals!

07-18-2006, 09:45 PM
Upstate Mustang Club is having their fall Drag Day on Sept 16th at Ware Shoals drag strip.

T&T/Grudge format from 6pm-10pm, with club member (card holding) bracket race from 10-11pm to end the night. Not exclusive to UMC members, the vette club(s), Modern Mopar, & scfyb/fastGM gang may participate but must show their club credentials...

Everybody walking in the gate 12 years & older will pay $10. Anyone 11-under are in free of charge. Gates open @ 5PM, racerin' (T&T/grudge) begins @6PM-10PM, & night cap is inter-club bracket race from 10PM-11PM.

other clubs that have been invited are as follows:

South East - Modern Mopar Club, SCFYB/FastGM, Carolina Corvettes, Inc. (Taylors) & Cross Flags Corvette Club of Spartanburg. SEMMC & CC have also been notified.

so now you know its not just a stang event, so come on and show us what you got.