View Full Version : Merry Christmas & a SCMC / Cobra New Year!

12-24-2006, 11:07 AM
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all my fellow Midwest region SCMC members!

2006 was a fun year... membership grew, we attended events as a group, and made new friends.

2007 - more regional events attended as a group, grow membership, and travel to more SCMC sponsored events. Support Mike Monjot however we can to develop this club. Goal in next 2 years is to have our own track event here in our region.

See you all in 2007.....plan on March @ 411 Speedway!

12-25-2006, 09:27 PM
If not our own, nasa had 3 events last year at mid-ohio and we could always get a group together and run there with them, or at putnam park.


12-28-2006, 12:17 AM
Same back to you guys. Side note, looking into going up to the UP in late January / Early February with a friend or two to go snowmobiling for a weekend, any takers?

12-28-2006, 08:51 AM
Happy Holidays as well guys. Can't wait to get together and start throwing around some ideas. I have to run, but Mark, I might be interested, just let me know. Talk it easy guys, Mike

12-29-2006, 02:23 PM
Same back to you guys. Side note, looking into going up to the UP in late January / Early February with a friend or two to go snowmobiling for a weekend, any takers?
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and here's an early salute for a great 2007! Mark, hate to sound ignorant.. but what/where is UP? lol

01-01-2007, 11:24 AM
Hey Tony!! UP is short for Upper Peninsula of Michigan, or the northern section. A friend who's been said it was about a 6 hour drive from Cincy. C'ya.....Mark.