View Full Version : cleaning engine

mojo dad
01-21-2007, 02:56 PM
Once the weather gets better I will want to get my 04 Cobra SVT ready for the show season and I need help on cleaning the engine compartment. What do I need to cover up? I'm really concerned about water into the engine and components.

01-28-2007, 11:47 AM
When I clean my engine, I only do it when the block is cold and I try not to start the engine to move the car unless it is necessary. What I use for cleaning is a small paint brush (2" trim brush); dluted simple green or the purple power stuff; garden hose set for light spray; and a shop vac that can double as a blower. As for covering up anything..... not really necessary unless you have an exposed air filter. I would avoid using the engine brite or other caustic engine cleaners as they may damage some components if it is made from aluminum as well as the engine paint since it is metallic. It is best to stick with mild cleaners. It also depends on what you have under the hood especially when it comes to polished aluminum parts.

I usually wet the engine down with a light shower of water, spray the cleaner in the area you begin to work in (not necessary to spray entier engine at once) and use the paint brush to do the scrubbing. Hose off the cleaner with light spray of water and continue to the next area. Once the engine has been scrubbed, I use the shop vac in blower mode to push all of the water out and off the engine. At this point I typically was the entire car with car wash soap including under the hood (no longer have the hood blanket in place). Once the car is completely clean, I return back to the engine bay and use the shop vac to blow off any residual water from the hood, fenders and firewall and engine. Once the car gets pulled into the garage I will let the engine warm up while I blow dry the car. I usually leave the hood up. Then I will let it all cool down for at least one to two hours before detailing the engine which is enought time to wax the car, polish the wheels, etc.... I sometimes wax the eaton and valve covers but do not use a paste wax for this since it is difficult to wipe clean. Most of the time it is not necessary to wax the engine parts. Since I have a few items of polished aluminum under the hood, I may remove them (depending on what it is) after cleaning the engine so they can be hand polished (spark plug coil covers).

When it comes to rubber and plasctic parts, Mothers 'back to black' does a great job in shinning them up.

01-28-2007, 06:57 PM
nice, detailed write up:thumbsup:

01-29-2007, 07:53 AM
I typically do the engine at least once every other month or at least two days before a judged car show. It depends on what type of show (cruise nights or judged class event).

mojo dad
01-30-2007, 09:51 AM
Thanks for the info. I'm excited for the weather to improve (hopefully by April) so I can work on the Mystichrome and get it cleaned.