View Full Version : Modular Engines or Suspension Setup Book?

01-25-2007, 01:13 PM
After finishing my last book, The Racing Engine Builder's Handbook, I am presently trying to decide on which will be my next book. Ones I am considering would be how to modify or rebuild the Modular engine--two-, three- and four-valve versions--, a suspension handbook or how to rebuild the new 460. Any input would help me make a decision. I guess this question would be more suited to a poll, but I'll try this for now.

01-25-2007, 01:21 PM
Welcome to the boards and I'm sure you will enjoy. You have some real fine cars listed there.

01-25-2007, 02:09 PM
welcome and we are neighbors, enjoy your stay. If you want I will watch your cars for you:thumbsup:

01-26-2007, 12:14 AM
Let me answer your question first...none of the above. Read this book and learn more about SVT Cobras... Iron Fist, Lead foot! (A story about John Coletti's Terminator Cobras and everything that went into the process of making the new Terminators) :thumbsup: www.ironfistleadfoot.com If you have to chose of those listed, probably the "how to" on the modular engines as I'm sure there will be a lot of people asking for your assistance when it comes to rebuilding time. :rotf:

Glad you joined our little part of Cyberspace. Maybe you can bring that GT 40 down to our open track event in March so everyone can check it out! :D

01-26-2007, 08:17 AM
Welcome to the boards!

You might also want to try out Sean Hyland's books. I have read one and just started a second book. For a fairly new person (me) they seem to be pretty good. He describes how to build a N/A engines up to 400 Hp, blown engines at nearly 700, and also shows some examples of 1500 Hp Cobras.