View Full Version : American Muscle Charity Event -- July 21, 2007 -- Malvern, PA

07-19-2007, 07:27 AM
American Muscle is having a Charity Event for Homes for Our Troops on July
21st. 5% of all orders from 10am - 4pm will be donated to the organization.
We have done a press release on the event over at PRWeb. I have attached the graphic that we used for our press release. Here is the link to the actual press release:


We would like to get the word out to as many people as possible and thought
that letting our current advertising partners know would be a good idea. Any
type of news post that tells a little about the event and points people in
the right direction to go would be great and would be much appreciated.

We thank you for your continued support of our business!
Jason Moore