View Full Version : Charleston SC Charity Volunteer Firemen's Fund Drive - July 22, 2007 - Charleston SC

07-19-2007, 07:31 AM
The City of Charleston will be bringing Engine #16. For a minimum $20 donation you can pull up next to this fire truck as you enter the cruise in and have your picture taken. We will be uploading the pictures on the Coastal Carolina Corvette Club's website after the event so that you can view and print them. (You will be given an instruction sheet at the event on how to retrieve your picture.)

The City of North Charleston will be bringing two fire trucks (one will be the ladder truck) and a Fire & Rescue vehicle. They are also bringing the Smokehouse (an educational display that teaches children what to do if they are caught in a fire).

We will also have activity books and other goodies from both fire departments on hand for the kids.

Brad Franko with Channel 2 news will be our Honorary Host.

Skip Barrus with Sound Waves will DJ the event.

We have two guest singers who will perform several songs during the event.

The North Charleston and American LaFrance Fire Museum and Educational Center will be open. If you have not visited this museum it is a must see!!!! They are waiving the admission fee. Instead there will be a donation box in the lobby.

The Cotton Exchange in West Ashley designed Charleston 9 Memorial t-shirts. These t-shirts will be sold throughout the event for $15. They are incredible t-shirts ... everyone will want one!

At the end of the event, everyone will be invited to go on a police escorted cruise from the Tanger Outlet Mall to the Sofa Super Store on Hwy 17. The City of North Charleston and the City of Charleston police departments will be working together on this escort. We will not be stopping at the Sofa Super Store - this is only for a drive by and will be considered the end of the event.

Note - If your club wants to park together you must arrive together. We have received an overwhelming amount of support throughout SC as well as NC, GA and TN for this event. We will not be able to save spaces. Please plan ahead and arrive with anyone that you wish to park next to.

If you have any questions please feel free to email me back.

This is a historical event for Charleston and we hope that you will share it with us.

Thank you for your support,

Christine Henson
Palmetto State Ford Club, President