View Full Version : 24 Hours of LeMons Race

07-31-2007, 01:25 PM
Some of you know me from the old 411 Autocross events and from the Little Talledega event a couple of years ago. With 411 turning to dirt, I just don't have the opportunity to meet up with you folks nearly as often anymore. I spoke with Rick McNutt (Hazman) about a charity drive (literally) that some of "the Impala guys" have put together, and Rick thought that it would be appropriate for me to post an announcement here. The SCMC folks have always been so supportive of the "taxi drivers" and have welcomed us with open arms to your events. So, I would like to tell you about a little project that I am heading up and asking if any of you would like to contribute to the cause. If any of the moderators feel that this is an inappropriate post, please let me know and I will delete it immediately.

Here is the story: Over a year ago, I learned of an endurance race held in California named "The 24 Hours of LeMons". The name is obviously a parody of the historic "24 Hours of LeMans" race. The rules dictate that your car have a total investment of no more than $500, excluding tires, brakes, and safety equipment - hence the "LeMons" race. I tried to put a team of "Impala Guys" together to participate, but could not find anyone on the west coast that could take the lead. I couldn't do it from TN due to the distance, so I gave up.

A few months ago, I learned that the race organizers added a second race in Detroit. Well hell, that's only a day's drive from here! So I again attempted to put together a team of Impala enthusiasts. I was succesful in recruiting 4 other guys from TN, GA, NJ, and IL that would commit with both their finances and time. You will recognize 4 of those names as regular particpants in the SCMC 411 autocross events. The race organizer told me that there are always more entries than available starting spots, so the more we could do to make our team concept interesting, the better chance that we had of being accepted in the race. So our team collectively devised "Rubber Biscuit Racing" and I submitted our entry in late April.

Althought we knew that we would not learn if we were accepted or not until after the July 15th entry deadline, I purchased a car for our entry back in May. We've been waiting to start the work on it until we knew of our acceptance. Last week I recieved notice that our team entry has been accepted - we are IN the race! Rubber Biscuit Racing is alive!

Following is the webpage for this event:
24 Hours of Lemons - Detroit (http://www.24hoursoflemons.com/events/detroit/)

We are doing this for charity and are solicting both donations (tax deductible) and sponsorships (both individual and corporate). Our goal is to raise at least $5000 for a charity - "Cure Autism Now". Some of you know that I have an 18-year old daughter with autism, so this charity hits very close to home.

Following is the "flyer" that we are using to spread the word and to solicit donations and sponsorships.


And here is a downloadable PDF file if you would like to print and distribute. Please feel free to do so as we would like to spread the word as far as we can.

If any of you feel moved to help us, we would greatly appreciate your donation or sponsorship. If you have any questions, please feel free to post here or send me a PM. Thank you for your consideration!

Terry Kehne
Rubber Biscuit Racing Team Captain

How YOU Can Participate:
Sponsorships: Put your club logo/business/nick name on the race car. Make checks payable to ISSCA. Any help appreciated but these are the Guidelines:
$10-Trunk Lid $20-Roof $40-Door/Quarter $100-Hood $200-Rear Spoiler

The Impala SS Club of America (ISSCA) is helping us with the PayPaled contributions.

PayPal has been setup!
Contributions/Sponsorships can be sent to:
heather@impalassclub.org - BE SURE to attach a note "24 HRS" so Heather knows its for the Lemons mission.

Tax Deductible Donations to Cure Autism Now must be mailed and checks must made out to Cure Autism Now to be tax deductable. If a contribution is made to the PayPal account, it will NOT qualify as a Charitable Tax Deduction. A contribution/sponsorship from a business would be tax deductible as a promotional expense.

Checks can be mailed to:
Rubber Biscuit Racing C/O Mark Sulimirski
4402 Brickton Spur
Buford, GA 30518

07-31-2007, 01:26 PM
The brother of a guy that I work with has competed in the 24 Hours of LeMons race in California for the last 2 years. He has asked that I call him so that he can give me some insight on the tips and tricks to survival in this race. I'm going to take him up on it - what the hell, we might learn something. Although his first comment was "They picked the wrong car - it's too big for that tight course". But that's what all the infidels think...

He sent me this 8-minute YouTube video loop of the action from the Altamonte, CA over July 7th & 8th. This will give you some idea of what we will be looking at:

Clip 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYS_wYahZtU)

At the 3:22 mark of the video, a car spins, then pulls directly in front of another car while trying to get back on track. The guy in the car that broadsides the spun car is my co-worker's brother. The busted radiator took them out of the race for 2.5 hours for repairs, but they finished 33rd I think overall. Hmmm... he's driving a Puegot 204 and he says WE picked the wrong car? He raced a Mercedes diesel last year. Maybe I shouldn't call him after all. :)

Here are some other video clips of the Altamonte, CA race earlier this month:

Clip 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3qHgMfqCTXs&mode=related&search=)
Clip 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQwc3pB34ds&mode=related&search=)
Clip 4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUG7G0yJYT0&mode=related&search=)

08-02-2007, 04:07 PM
*bump* for the kids.

Stay tuned. We have an Rubber Biscuit Racing t-shirt in the works. The proceeds of the t-shirt sales will go into the kitty for the charity. The design proof looks awesome. As soon as the design is finalized, I will post it and details on how you can order one.

08-02-2007, 08:58 PM
I will buy a shirt to help support the cause! :)

08-02-2007, 09:48 PM
Thanks Tony! I will have the shirt design and ordering info posted up early next week. Thanks again!

08-07-2007, 08:35 PM

OK, here is a preview of the t-shirt design. It will be a high quality double printed shirt (front/back). We're probably going with yellow to keep a "LeMons" theme and to be a little different. I will post info on how you can order one as soon as the payment stuff has been set up. In the meantime, please keep those donations coming. We still have a LONG way to go to meet our $5000 goal.


08-07-2007, 08:47 PM
Looks cool and I like the Blues brothers a lot. Well, I guess I can live with the yellow although I may look like a yellow jacket wearing that one. :rotf:

08-08-2007, 09:36 AM
Well, Tony, we fixed you up. You can order grey if you prefer that over yellow.

Here are the final details for the shirts if you are interested in one:

PRICE: $25 shipped
COLORS: Yellow or Grey

Paypal - fasst94impala@bellsouth.net

Mail order - Make checks payable to Mark Sulimirski and mail to:
Rubber Biscuit Racing
C/O Mark Sulimirski
4402 Brickton Spur
Buford, GA 30518

Be sure to include Quantity, Color, Name and shipping address on the

The "shipped" price is the same whether you order one shirt or multiples. Remember the proceeds are for the charity. On single shirt orders we'll make a little less and on multiple orders we'll make a little more for the charity kitty. But this helps keep the math simple.

This is a "pre-order" so it will probably be a week or so before the shirts ship out.




08-15-2007, 03:49 PM
Rick/Jayne and Tony,

Thanks for the T-shirt orders and your support! We'll put the SCMC logo on the front fender behind the wheel since you guys enjoy being dusted by b-bodies so much ;) JK... Thanks again and hope to run with you guys again soon.


08-15-2007, 04:00 PM
Thanks Rick!

Hey Tony: I came through with the grey shirts for you - You are next. :D

08-15-2007, 08:39 PM
I appreciate that guys....I'll add this to my next club e-mail as I am sure we have numerous generous members who would contribute for a good cause. While we do not donate to this specific charity/cause, the SCMC has donated literally thousands of dollars to numerous charities since its inception. :thumbsup:

08-16-2007, 04:12 PM
Thanks Tony!


Rubber Biscuit Racing tee-shirt sales are booming - get yours while they are hot! It is for a great charitable cause.

I just learned this earlier today about the yellow shirt: The prototype of the bright yellow one didn't look so good. The white are on the car (doors) was not really white - it was transparent and we couldn't afford to add another color to the printing. So the yellow shirts will be more of a "maize" color that really looks a lot more presentable than the school bus yellow.

08-25-2007, 02:38 PM
I got all T-Shirt orders shipped today. Thanks for the support guys/gals

08-28-2007, 10:03 PM
Got my RBR shirt today...cool! :cool:

09-12-2007, 09:24 AM
* bump*

One final bump. We are a little more than $1000 away from reaching our $5000 goal to donate to Cure Autism Now. Thank you so much for all of you that have already made a donation and/or purchased tee-shirts. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

I am making an appeal to those that have been on the fence about helping pur cause to consider making a donation or purchasing one of these awesome shirts. Every little bit helps move us towards our goal to help out these kids. Thanks again for your consideration.

Terry Kehne

10-05-2007, 07:54 PM
Race recap with pictures can be found on the link below. The racing pics start on page 2. The car transformation from wreck to race car back to wreck was incredible. The story fails to mention that we raised over $5,500 for Cure Autism Now and that the RV next to the pit/track was the closest professional race team experience we all will probably ever have. The combination of preparing/driving/pitting/fixing/traveling/partying made this experience the most fun thing I have ever done in my life. :woot:

http://www.impalassforum.com/vBulletin/showthread.php?t=184431 (http://www.impalassforum.com/vBulletin/showthread.php?t=184431)
Thanks again for your support. The SCMC sticker was placed high on the passenger side front fender.

10-06-2007, 07:04 AM
You might want to check out this post on HPT for a complete re-cap. It is a little less disjointed than the thread on the Impala SS forum as that one is not quite chronological.


Thanks again to the SCMC donors for your support of our charity drive!


10-15-2007, 11:21 PM
All monies have been collected and the donation from our "Charity Drive" effort (pun intended) will be sent to the Cure Autism Now Foundation tomorrow. The grand total from this fund raising effort is $5541.89!!! That is more that 10% higher than our goal of $5000 and we are very pleased.

The entire Rubber Biscuit Racing Team would like to thank you for your generosity! It simply would not have been possible without you.
