View Full Version : Ted Russell Ford Show - Dragon Run VII - October 13-14, 2007
08-31-2007, 08:37 AM
Don't miss our Fall cruise event coupled with a Mustang and All Ford Show at Ted Russell Ford.
Each year this event gets bigger and bigger and before you know it, the show will be as big as Parkway Ford. Last year we had 75 show cars and this year we are shooting for 100 plus. The dealership has tons of show car room and ample space for vendors.
The show is on Saturday and the "Dragon Run" is on Sunday. Even with all of the talk about the Dragon this year, we will incorporate part of the 11 mile stretch into our Sunday cruise.
You can download a show form here:
Host Hotel:
You must tell them you are with the SVT Cobra Mustang Club to get the $99.00/$109.00 rate depending on your room needs. Remember, this is peak leaf week in the Smoky Mountains so the leaf color will be at full blast!
Courtyard by Marriott
216 Langley Place
Knoxville, TN 37922
(865) 539-0600
If you plan to come and you wish to help with the event, please post here or e-mail me at It should be much cooloer in TN in October than it is in NC in August. :thumbsup:
Show Organizers:
Steve, Crystal, and Jason Lorah - Registration
Tony Sorrentino - Judging & Registration
Burke Dawson - Judging & Registration
Allan & Leah Scott - Photography and Registration
Vernon Banks- Logistics
Prepaid Participants:
Steve & Crystal Lorah - 2003 Zinc Yellow SVT Cobra Convertible
Jason Lorah - 2003 Redfire SVT Cobra Coupe
George Shields - 2001 Blue Mustang Bullitt Coupe
Casey Welch - 1999 Black SVT Cobra Convertible
Doug Lehring - 2003 Azure Blue Mustang Mach 1
Kent Lehring - 1996 Laser Red SVT Cobra Convertible
Sonny & Becky Lloyd - 1992 White Mustang 5.0 LX Convertible
Lawrence Muzzy - 2003 White Roush Mustang Coupe
Ed Erdy - 1996 Black Mustang Fastback
Dennis Kirchdoerfer - 1999 White SVT Cobra Convertible
Jim and Pam Gillett - 1998 Bright Atlantic Blue SVT Cobra Convertible
RF Cobra
08-31-2007, 10:45 AM
Well, you already know I am helping with the event but I'll post here anyway. :)
08-31-2007, 11:13 PM
I will be going both days. Sat exhibition only. I will help anywhere I can!
09-18-2007, 11:41 AM
Just confirmed my hotel reservations! :bounce: :thumbsup:
09-18-2007, 05:27 PM
Won't be able to make this one this year; One week too early for me :(
10-03-2007, 10:58 AM
I need to register for the car show. Should I just wait until that day to sign up or should I go ahead and mail a check and hope it gets there in time? Let me know.
10-04-2007, 05:56 PM
I need to register for the car show. Should I just wait until that day to sign up or should I go ahead and mail a check and hope it gets there in time? Let me know.
MikeMike- I think I'd just wait if I were you. It would most likely get there in time, but ya never know. Fill out a reg form and bring it with you alreadey filled out. That will save some time.
10-04-2007, 10:31 PM
What she said! :lol:
10-05-2007, 07:20 AM
Sounds good.
RF Cobra
10-08-2007, 06:25 PM
If you have 2 way radios, be sure to bring them with you!
As I asked for those going to the Parkway show in August, those attending the Ted Russell show please bring your 2 way radios to the show. This will make things much easier for us. :) Plus you'll need them for the Dragon Run on Sunday. :D
10-08-2007, 07:56 PM
This is what the plaques will look like...sorry about the poor picture quality but they look really good in person. See preregistered list in the first post to verify you are registered for this event. Looks like this could be a triple digit car show, and the second chapter to be able to do that. The plaques are in the shape of the state of TN and hopefully the JMF show in TX will have TX shaped plaques. Have to wait and see if they get here in time for the show. :D
At the event there will be lunch provided by the TRF and a Nascar car on display. We hope to have an ice cream vendor out there and some other prizes. :thumbsup:
RF Cobra
10-08-2007, 08:15 PM
Great plaque! Guess I'll have to enter my Cobra for judging after all so I can try to win one of those. :D
RF Cobra
10-09-2007, 10:43 PM
Anybody wanting to cruise to TN on Friday from the Carolina region please let me know ASAP so I can setup meet times and final route etc.
Will follow a similar route to last year: Blue Ridge from Asheville to Cherokee then over the mountains into TN. The weather should be good with spectacular views and good fall colors at the higher elevations.
10-10-2007, 11:06 AM
I plan to attend both events, but seeing how I live just over an hour away I will not stay at the hotel. I would like to know the timed schedule for Sunday morning and a good place to meet everyone for the cruise. I don't have any 2 way radios, but I would like to have a couple of contact numbers just in case.
RF Cobra
10-10-2007, 02:15 PM
We usually have enough people that have radios to loan their second one to those that don't have one so that shouldn't be a problem. Will meet at Krystals off I-40 at Lovell Rd (exit 374) on Sunday morning. Last year we told everyone to meet early enough that we could leave there at 8:00 am. An announcement will be made at the end of the show on Saturday about the Dragon Run with the final plans for meet time etc. for Sunday. We have modified the route this year since the Bistro has gone too upscale in price but the new route includes another curvy stretch of road that everyone should enjoy. There is no cell phone coverage over most of the route.
We will do another group photo this year by the lake and hope to be able to do more drive by shots on the Dragon as well.
I plan to attend both events, but seeing how I live just over an hour away I will not stay at the hotel. I would like to know the timed schedule for Sunday morning and a good place to meet everyone for the cruise. I don't have any 2 way radios, but I would like to have a couple of contact numbers just in case.
10-10-2007, 08:17 PM
Won't be able to make this one this year; One week too early for me :(Hey Lisa! This was actually three days late for me, but I went ahead and took personal leave. I wish you were going to be there. :(
10-10-2007, 08:51 PM
Hey Lisa! This was actually three days late for me, but I went ahead and took personal leave. I wish you were going to be there. :(Oh- i would have had to take 'sick' leave no matter what- but since it isn't the weekend that we have usually done the dragon (my B-day weekend), I had other plans- very long standing. :D
Allan and his wife Leah will take very good care of you though! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: WON'T YOU, ALLAN!?!!!??? they better, anyway... you both have redfires!!:D
RF Cobra
10-10-2007, 09:16 PM
:rotf: Anybody with a Redfire Cobra automatically gets the VIP treatment. ;)
Oh- i would have had to take 'sick' leave no matter what- but since it isn't the weekend that we have usually done the dragon (my B-day weekend), I had other plans- very long standing. :D
Allan and his wife Leah will take very good care of you though! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: WON'T YOU, ALLAN!?!!!??? they better, anyway... you both have redfires!!:D
RF Cobra
10-10-2007, 09:23 PM
Anyone wanting to get together for dinner Friday night please either email me or send me a PM letting me know where you are staying and when you plan on arriving so that I can try to pick a time that will work and a place we can go to eat. Also give me a cell# where I can reach you Friday if needed. If you send a PM please provide an email address where I can send you a reply. I will send a reply to those that contact me with my cell number as well in case you get delayed or need to cancel.
10-10-2007, 11:28 PM
I'll be know my number. :rotf: I'm staying at the Courtyard by Marriott. :D
RF Cobra
10-11-2007, 12:10 AM
Didn't say what time your ETA is! :whipit: :p
I'll be know my number. :rotf: I'm staying at the Courtyard by Marriott. :D
10-11-2007, 12:58 AM
I don't know yet...I have to see how long it will take me to pack up and get moving out. I should be there around 4:00 p.m. but don't hold me to that. :D
RF Cobra
10-11-2007, 09:26 AM
So if you're not there by 4:01 that means you're paying for dinner. ;)
Is Jacque (sorry if I spelled her name wrong) going again this year to keep you in line?
I don't know yet...I have to see how long it will take me to pack up and get moving out. I should be there around 4:00 p.m. but don't hold me to that. :D
10-11-2007, 11:13 AM
I have a couple of suggestions for dinner Sat night after the car show! Puleos Grille (rated best restaraunt in Knoxville since 2003) or Cozymel's mexican. Here are the links, so check out the menu....
RF Cobra
10-11-2007, 01:23 PM
I'm leaning more towards Puleos Grille between those two choices since it has more variety to offer and would appeal to more people. I'll have to check and see if they can accomodate a group like ours on a Sat night. Other nice thing is it is only about a mile from the Courtyard Marriott.
I have a couple of suggestions for dinner Sat night after the car show! Puleos Grille (rated best restaraunt in Knoxville since 2003) or Cozymel's mexican. Here are the links, so check out the menu....
10-11-2007, 08:15 PM
:rotf: Anybody with a Redfire Cobra automatically gets the VIP treatment. ;)
COOL!!!!:thumbsup: :cool: :bounce: :woot:
10-11-2007, 08:20 PM
So if you're not there by 4:01 that means you're paying for dinner. ;)
:headbang: Sounds good to me as long as it only applies to Tony.
10-11-2007, 08:25 PM
I'm leaning more towards Puleos Grille between those two choices since it has more variety to offer and would appeal to more people. I'll have to check and see if they can accomodate a group like ours on a Sat night. Other nice thing is it is only about a mile from the Courtyard Marriott.
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
10-11-2007, 08:47 PM
Mexican sounds good for Saturday night...we'll talk about who's paying for dinner later though. ;)
I'm going to try and get there as early as possible as I thought if I could get there by 2:00 or 3:00 p.m., I was going to hit the dragon on Friday since I can't run it Sunday. Nothing definite as I have a few errands to run before I leave tomorrow and I don't know what time it will be before I actually get to take off.
RF Cobra
10-11-2007, 08:57 PM
I say Italian with a variety and you say Mexican. :rotf:
You gonna call me or not tonight???? :scratch:
Mexican sounds good for Saturday night...we'll talk about who's paying for dinner later though. ;)
10-11-2007, 10:33 PM
I say Italian with a variety and you say Mexican. :rotf:
You gonna call me or not tonight???? :scratch:I think Italian with a variety sounds good! Come on, Tony, PLEEEEEEZE :D :yup:
10-12-2007, 01:07 AM
Mexican...Italian, either one is fine with me.... :thumbsup:
RF Cobra
10-12-2007, 11:16 PM
Almost everyone had an uneventful trip over today and dinner at Outback with the group that went from the host hotel was great. The weather forecast for tomorrow looks perfect for a car show!
10-12-2007, 11:28 PM
Sorry for butting in on the dinner thing, but...
Is a fairly new Mexican Place that has some other things on the menu aswell. Its 10 minutes from the show depending on traffic. Its basically on the same road but west.
Take it from a local.
RF Cobra
10-13-2007, 07:37 AM
Nothing better than a suggestion from someone who knows the area. We'll take a look at it.
Thanks! :thumbsup:
Sorry for butting in on the dinner thing, but...
Is a fairly new Mexican Place that has some other things on the menu aswell. Its 10 minutes from the show depending on traffic. Its basically on the same road but west.
Take it from a local.
10-13-2007, 10:20 PM
Had a great time with a great turnout! We didn't break the triple digits but we had 89 show participants. The second best turnout of any of our shows! Awesome 50/50 with over $400.00 collected and $200.00 plus to the winner. The weather was great, the turnout was excellent, and the traditional burnouts were awesome! Pictures to come out soon... :thumbsup:
RF Cobra
10-13-2007, 11:53 PM
Link to pictures is in this thread:
Another incredible show! It was great to see old friends as well as making new ones this weekend.
Had a great time with a great turnout! We didn't break the triple digits but we had 89 show participants. The second best turnout of any of our shows! Awesome 50/50 with over $400.00 collected and $200.00 plus to the winner. The weather was great, the turnout was excellent, and the traditional burnouts were awesome! Pictures to come out soon... :thumbsup:
10-14-2007, 12:15 PM
Looked like a great turnout. I stopped by, but the 99 is in Charlotte. Really sad that I missed this one, that was one heck of a turnout. And there were some beautiful cars there. Hope to make all the rest, now that things are finally slowing down at work.
10-15-2007, 10:59 AM
I just moved to Knoxville from Cali last October and planned to put my car in the show all year but something came up at the last min.:mad: but i made it back in time to snap a couple of pics. It looked like an awesome show and some sweet cars and cool people:thumbsup: Next year for sure! My car was the '03 DSG vert.
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10-15-2007, 12:14 PM
Thanks everyone for a great show. Sorry I missed the Dragon Run.
Here are my pic's from the show: Mine first, of course! ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
10-15-2007, 12:54 PM
As this was my first competition, I have a few questions, if that's alright.
How were the classes (or at least my class - "K") broken out for the awards?
Can I find out which car got 1st place in my division? And what I got marked off for? (Mine was the 2003 Sonic Blue GT - 2nd place in the "KK" or "KKK" division, I think.)
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to have the best chance to place 1st next time? I tried to find the rules here on the website, but came up empty-handed. I know I need to spend more time (more than zero) on my engine compartment.
5.0L GT
10-15-2007, 06:18 PM
I placed third in my class "J", so don't feel bad. There's no specific advice to placing 1st, it all depends on the show, and who is judging the cars. The only thing I can say is make sure your car is super-detailed. I got dinged a bit for this, but now that I know what the judges look for (I got a blank copy of the judge sheet) I can work on those items for the next show. If you would have asked at the end of the judging, you would have been able to look at your sheet and see what you were marked down for.
RF Cobra
10-15-2007, 07:55 PM
Nothing wrong with asking questions. The K class was split into 3 groups based on model years. The 2003 white Roush got first place in your group. You lost the most points in the engine category. I only have the totals, not the actual judging sheet so I can't give you specifics.
There is a link to the judging info on the main page which takes you here:
Cars are judged based on that judging sheet. Mod category if used is only used on the mod classes. Cleanliness is the primary item judged. Wear and tear and damage also play factors in your score in each category. Best advice is to get it as clean as you can. When I judge I place a bigger emphasis on cleanliness, but I will also deduct for dings, scratches and other damage.
FYI - A Saleen, Mustang, SVT Cobra, Roush all in the same class will be judged equally with no preferential treatment given to one over the other because of what it is or that it cost more.
As this was my first competition, I have a few questions, if that's alright.
How were the classes (or at least my class - "K") broken out for the awards?
Can I find out which car got 1st place in my division? And what I got marked off for? (Mine was the 2003 Sonic Blue GT - 2nd place in the "KK" or "KKK" division, I think.)
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to have the best chance to place 1st next time? I tried to find the rules here on the website, but came up empty-handed. I know I need to spend more time (more than zero) on my engine compartment.
10-16-2007, 09:05 AM
Thanks RF - exactly what I was looking for!
Let everyone know that, if they see a shot of their car that they really like in the group of pics I posted, I can get them a fullsize copy if they want.
RF Cobra
10-16-2007, 11:05 AM
Here's a couple of other tips too:
Hood and trunk should both be open and all doors unlocked. Any area to be judged that the judge can not inspect will result in no points given for that area and will ruin any chance of getting a good score.
Convertible owners should keep the top up unless the SCMC officials at the show state that tops can be put down. If your top is down and others are up the judge will deduct points because he can't see how your top looks compared to the others.
Same goes for the side windows, keep them up unless an official announcement is made saying everyone can put them down. If it is hot I will open them just a little (maybe an inch) to get circulation. Judges are typically okay with that (I am when I judge) but I suggest checking to be sure. If yours are down and others in your class are up you will lose points.
10-16-2007, 01:01 PM
Well, dang! My pony looks her best topless!! :D
5.0L GT
10-16-2007, 06:06 PM
Good info...I wasn't aware of that.
10-16-2007, 10:22 PM
Those are really good pics Sonic Blue! :thumbsup:
It was a great turnout this year and I hope next year we can have an even bigger event so please spread the word for us, thanks. :thumbsup:
10-22-2007, 11:27 PM
I'm finally getting a little caught up this week with all of the hoopla that has been going on the past month. It's been really tough trying to get back on track so with that I would like to thank the following people for helping at the event.
1. Ted Russell Ford for providing the food, music, and door prizes for the raffle.
2. The 89 Participants because without you there wouldn't be a show.
3. The judges for going out and judging the cars. These people include:
David Lynn
Connie Hawes
Jason Lorah
Steve Lorah
Burke Dawson
Donny Perry
Robbie Helton
Mike Hipskind
Doug Lehring
Jesse Benge
Special thanks for help with registration:
Steve and Crystal Lorah
Allan and Leah Scott
Vernon Banks - set up in the morning
Raffle prizes provided by:
Ted Russell Ford
State Farm Insurance
Stillen Performance
The 50/50 winner was Mindy Parker for $217.00
Click below for the official winner's list! :thumbsup:
10-23-2007, 12:47 AM
Dang! I was sure I posted this past weekend, but I must've not hit submit (or something.) :dunno: What I said was Tony you should be proud of the great thing you started. There are so many really friendly and fun people who drive Cobras :bounce: :thumbsup:
It's, also, good to know about the windows. I left one of my side windows open:spanked:
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