View Full Version : September in the Park Mustang & All Ford show

09-05-2007, 10:58 PM
The Derby City Mustang Club is hosting a Mustang and all Ford Show at General Butler State Resort Park in Carrollton, KY this weekend. Carollton is right off of I-71 about halfway between Louisville & Cincinnati. On Friday there is a Pony Trail that ends up at the Kentucky Speedway in Sparta. Saturday is the Car show and the awards ceremony is Sunday morning.

Click on the link below for more information.

http://derbycitymustangclub.com/index_files/Page368.htm (http://derbycitymustangclub.com/index_files/Page368.htm)

I apologize for the late notice but I thought someone else was going to make a post about this show. If you live in the Northern KY, Southern IN, or Southern OH you ought to check it out. Heck, I am coming from southern Kentucky for it.