View Full Version : Mustang 45th Anniversary Celebration

07-10-2008, 11:04 PM
Mustang 45th Anniversary

The Mustang 45th anniversary will be held at Barber Motorsports park on April 17—19, 2009. The SCMC has blocked 40 rooms at the Wingate Inn, Birmingham, AL, for this event so our members can gather together for evening socializing. Here is the information you will need to have for this event.

Hotel Name: Wingate in Birmingham AL.*
Number of rooms blocked: 40
Price: $99.00 for both suites and rooms
Miles to Track: 8 miles to Barber Motorsports Park
Savings per room rental: $ 20.00*on the rooms and $ 30.00
on the suites.*
Discount Code: SCMC Cobra Club
Cutoff date: March 1, 2009 .
Wingate by Wyndham-Birmingham
800 Corporate Ridge Drive
Hwy 280 E. & Valleydale Road
Birmingham, AL 35242** US
phone** 205-995-8586

If you plan to attend this event, post here!

1. Larry and Janice Bolton
2. Bruce Cameron
3. Steve and Crystal Lorah
4. Mark Wilson
5. Mike Millage
6. Jerry Bryant
7. Jimmy Bost
8. Vernon Banks
9. Dough Lehring
10. Larry Ewers

07-12-2008, 09:46 PM
Sent in registration form 6/24/08 :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Wanted to make sure we got on the list for track time, it is a beautiful track!
Have reservations at Wingate.

Mrs. bolt-on

07-13-2008, 12:05 AM
Larry where do you go to register?

Thanks Gary.

07-13-2008, 02:13 PM
If you plan to stay with the SCMC then please post here so we can make up the list of 40 members at the hotel.



07-14-2008, 09:00 AM
Larry where do you go to register?

Thanks Gary.

We picked up a registration form at the MCA show in Dublin, Ohio, last month. They should be available online after July 15 at www.mustang.org. These are the show registration. There is a check box if you are interested in track time. Track registration will be mailed out later.

07-23-2008, 05:52 PM
I'll be there.

07-23-2008, 08:55 PM
You might be there but you won't be running track with that Z06! :doubt: :p

07-24-2008, 08:57 PM
Where is the site to sign up for the track!!

07-24-2008, 09:21 PM
It's not up yet but is supposed to be up next month.

Maybe Larry can tell us how he got signed up? Someone said the MCA was not opening it up to everyone yet, just a few select for now?? :doubt: :doubt:

07-25-2008, 10:31 AM
This is what the MCA webbersite says'"Please continue to check back here sometime between July 15 and August 1 for the web site link to the 45th Anniversary Show, including registration and other details."

07-25-2008, 07:47 PM
Thanks for the info.I will keep check on it.

07-29-2008, 02:33 PM
Any idea on the cost of the track time? I watched the S197's kick butt at the Koni at Barber the other day and I really want to run this track.


08-04-2008, 06:49 PM
It's not up yet but is supposed to be up next month.

Maybe Larry can tell us how he got signed up? Someone said the MCA was not opening it up to everyone yet, just a few select for now?? :doubt: :doubt:

We just returned from the MCA No Borders show in Oakville, ON. An announcement was made that they had difficulty setting up online registration for the 45th Anniversary but it should be available this week. It is. Go to www.mustangevents.org. You must register for the show first, then register for track time. Show registration is $35 which includes two weekend passes. Open track will be on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at $150 per day.

08-04-2008, 07:28 PM
Are you saying you have to show in order to run track? If so, why? :scratch:

08-05-2008, 08:34 AM
Are you saying you have to show in order to run track? If so, why? :scratch:
That is my question too. No one wants to look at a dirty, black track car, :D

09-03-2008, 08:26 PM
Okay, I made my hotel reservations today for this event and the rate was $75.00 a night. They do not have us down for Wednesday night so you will have to make two reservations but they honored the $75.00 rate for that day, too. :thumbsup:

09-04-2008, 03:33 PM
Talked to the main man for the 45th anniversity track event yesterday. You need to read the rules and regs they are putting on the track event:eek: . Speed limits and such. I don't like I had to pay for the show and also for the open track. Don't know if I want to pay $150/day for three days to be limited to 100mph:doubt: plus fuel there from NC.

10-31-2008, 07:00 PM
Have to choose btwn this and the SCMC event at VIR...

I choose VIR! Looking forward to meeting you all then!

10-31-2008, 07:33 PM
If I have to give up a track date, it will be this event. I'm just hoping I can do all 5 events next year. :D

11-16-2008, 11:38 PM
Talked to the main man for the 45th anniversity track event yesterday. You need to read the rules and regs they are putting on the track event:eek: . Speed limits and such. I don't like I had to pay for the show and also for the open track. Don't know if I want to pay $150/day for three days to be limited to 100mph:doubt: plus fuel there from NC.

Do not let the speed limit discourage you, Vernon; when running in the 100 mph group last time MCA was at Barber I exceeded 100 mph briefly each lap and was never black flagged. Barber is a technical track with few straights that my car can exceed 100 mph (but it does not make 600 h.p. :eek: ). If you choose to take a passenger you must drop down to the 80 mph group for that session and expect speeds to be enforced.

11-20-2008, 09:34 AM
From what I am seeing, you will be limited to Run Group C unless you have a roll bar. Run Group C is limited to 90mph. No big deal, but throw that on top of the fact that I have to enter the car show to run the track :doubt:

11-20-2008, 12:44 PM
From what I am seeing, you will be limited to Run Group C unless you have a roll bar. Run Group C is limited to 90mph. No big deal, but throw that on top of the fact that I have to enter the car show to run the track :doubt:

Correct on Group C if not equipped with a roll bar. As far as entering the car show, consider that registration as your weekend pass for two. At the 30th Anniversary of MCA at Barber the show spot for our Cobra was vacant on the weekend. The Cobra was on the trailer with a broken cam chain, but we probably would not have cleaned it for the show anyway. There are too many things to see and do.

11-23-2008, 12:03 PM
I am already registered for the Show/Event and Track days for Friday and Saturday.

Is there a special registration code for the discount rate at the Wingate? I just checked online and saw $80 for the 16th and $75 for the 17th and 18th. Not bad. AAA rate was actually higher.

01-05-2009, 10:18 AM
I am going to change my track dates to Friday and Saturday, too. I can save a vacation day at work by switching from Thursday/Friday. I'll be giving up the vendor spot for the weekend and all of this depends on work.

01-09-2009, 07:14 PM
Registered for the event and made reservations at Wingate for Thursday thru Sunday (we will leave Monday AM). :bounce: Registered online for $66.75 Thursday and $63.00 Friday-Sunday :eek:

Can't wait...

P.S. Doug Lehring and his brother are registered, too. They will also be at the Wingate...

03-17-2009, 08:55 PM
I cannot get off from work...I had to cancel today. This really bums me out! :edmond:

03-18-2009, 10:24 PM
Sorry to hear that, Tony. We will barely make it ourselves, as I am only working 4 days/week now. Funny how fast things can change...last year I was working 60+ hrs/week and had $$$, but no time to do anything. This year, we are working 4-8's...so, plenty of time, but no $$$. :mad:

04-02-2009, 09:51 PM
Two weeks from today we will be in Birmingham for the Mustang 45th!! :bounce: Let's get a heads up on who's going and where we are all staying so we can get together to park and go out to eat as a group Friday or Saturday night. We will be arriving at the Wingate Thursday afternoon. My cell is (865)539-1465.

Should be an awesome 4 days!!!

Steve & Crystal Lorah

04-02-2009, 10:17 PM
I just got my track info packet tonight. The wife and I are also staying at the Wingate. We plan to arrive Thursday mid-day and probably go straight to the track. I'm towing my Cobra and doing the on-track portion Friday and Saturday. I may even throw the passenger seat in the car so I can give a ride or two.
I just hope I get the car back together in time! :eek:

04-03-2009, 07:13 AM
There are 4 of us coming up from Houston arriving Wednesday and staying at the Hilton-Birmingham-Perimeter-Park. Two of us have our wives with us. We're doing all three track days and two are even in the '00R exhibition event on Sunday. Look us up and give us a call if a dinner event materializes. My cell (713)202-7870 or Eloisa’s (713)202-7092.

04-03-2009, 10:24 PM
Looking at the schedule, I think Friday night would be the best time for a group dinner/get together. Steve, what are you working on?

04-04-2009, 09:17 PM
There is a Joe's Crab Shack that appears to be within walking distance of the motel. Also an Outback Steakhouse just down the road. Either sounds good to me...what do you think??


04-05-2009, 09:17 AM
Does anyone have a list of who from the club is attending?

04-05-2009, 09:25 AM
There is a Joe's Crab Shack that appears to be within walking distance of the motel. Also an Outback Steakhouse just down the road. Either sounds good to me...what do you think??


Yeah, looks like there's a Chili's and plenty of other choices nearby as well. Any of the above would be fine with me/us.

04-06-2009, 07:31 PM
I am new to the SCMC and my wife and I are looking forward to meeting some of you in Birmingham. We will be on the track on Friday. I will keep checking back here to find out where the group decides to have dinner on Friday night, hopefully we can make it there. My car is a 2003 Cobra Convertible, recently painted "Tungsten" (med. gray metallic), personalized plate "FASTASP", let us know you are a SCMC member if you see us.

Looking forward to participating in the forum.

Jerry & Donna Bryant

04-06-2009, 09:55 PM
Jerry and everyone-
I will be doing the track day stuff on both Friday and Saturday. Maybe we can hookup ahead of time and paddock together on Friday. I don't know the track very well (never been there), but I emailed them and they told me they'd be parking me inside the track for the whole weekend. We are going straight to the track Thursday afternoon when we arrive. My car is not street legal, so I'll be towing it and then driving around in my F350.
Also, I updated my avatar so you all will know what my car looks like.
I'll PM you my cell #.

BTW- We see there's a Cheesecake Factory near the hotel also. One of my favs! ;)

04-07-2009, 10:03 AM
My wife and I are planning on arriving Thursday to be in the mustang caravan. We will be there until Saturday night then have to leave Sunday morning. Our room is at the Wingate with the club. I am not doing the track but have registered as a display car. So we will try to keep in touch with the group. My cell is 217-766-6524.

Mike & Vicki Millage
2003 Cobra Coupe
Champaign Illinois

04-10-2009, 11:05 AM
We are arriving Wednesday afternoon and are staying at the Wingate. Will be running open-track Thursday and Friday, then spectators after that. Other SCMC members attending that we are aware of include Bruce Cameron (2000 Cobra R) and Mark Wilson (1993 Cobra R).

RF Cobra
04-10-2009, 12:23 PM
I tried to consolidate a list of the names that I could tell are going in the first post so y'all could get an easier idea of who's going. Let me know if I need to add more names to the list.

Wish I could go too. :(

04-13-2009, 09:55 PM
I live in the Birmingham area and would like to meet some of the members. Me and my wife are interested in the dinner also. Post information asap please. This should be a great weekend. I went to Barber's the last time the Mustang Club of America was there. It was a great event.

04-13-2009, 10:01 PM
Be sure to e-mail Steve so he can make a running list.

Have fun!!!! :D

04-13-2009, 11:06 PM
Tony's right. Everyone who is interested send your email address and cell phone number to Steve (lorahcobra) so he can notify us when the final details are revealed. Some people may be leaving shortly or have left already.

Steve, let me know if you need any help once we get there. I'm leaving Wednesday afternoon, driving to TN, and staying overnight. Finishing the trip Thursday AM and going straight to the track around noon. Will go back to the hotel for check-in Thursday evening.

04-14-2009, 10:49 PM
The Wingate can actually get Joe's Crab Shack (which is within walking distance of the Hotel) to save some tables for us for Friday night. Thought that was pretty cool of them! We'll head over around 7:00 or 7:30...That should give everyone plenty of time to get back to their room and clean up from a day at the show/track. They specialize in seafood, obviously, but also have some steak & chicken options. Menu here:


Here is who I know is attending the 45th from the SCMC:
Steve & Crystal Lorah
Larry & Janice Bolton
Doug & Richard Lehring
Bruce Cameron
Mark Wilson
Mike & Vicki Millage
Jerry & Donna Bryant
Jimmy & Jen Bost
Vernon Banks
Larry & Eloisa Ewers

Our e-mail is brightsnake@comcast.net and our cell is 865.539.1465. Please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to attend dinner Friday night, as we will need to contact the restaurant. We will be arriving Thursday around Noon, check-in, and head for registration. We will be doing the cruise/street party Thursday night and be back to the motel later. It would be good if we could all park together if that is logistically possible.

Look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of days!

04-14-2009, 10:51 PM
Jimmy, what motel are you staying at Wednesday night in Knoxville. We may try to meet up with you.

04-14-2009, 11:35 PM
1. You can change Jimmy to Jimmy and Jen for dinner. Thanks for putting that together.

2. We are staying at the Comfort Suites Wed night.

I don't think we'll get there before 9 or 10 PM, but feel free to call. We are both working half day Wed.

3. As for the cruise, we are participating, but we'll be driving the tow vehicle since my Cobra is no longer streetable, so we won't be "in" the parade. We plan to leave ahead of or at the same time as the cruise so we can get a parking space near the group.

04-15-2009, 03:16 PM
You'll be on the other end of town from us by quite a ways. Personally, I'll be checking my eyelids for light leaks at 10PM :eek: Added Jen...is she to keep you under control? We'll get away early tomorrow AM...may see you on the road!!! We'll be that Bright Yellow Flash you see for a moment. :flash:

BTW, ours isn't really street legal, either...not to the extreme extent yours is, though.

Brightsnake is vacuumed, sprayed, cleaned, wiped, polished, waxed, oiled, flushed, gassed, prepped, torqued, and READY!! :burnout:

04-22-2009, 12:02 PM
Sorry we missed everyone for dinner Friday night. Since we were not running open-track Saturday everything had to be packed up and moved from the paddock. By the time we arrived at the Wingate it was already 7:30 and we still had to get cleaned up! We enjoyed hanging out in the paddock with the Texas SCMC gang and some spirited on-track give and take sessions with Jim Boden.