View Full Version : brakes...

09-17-2008, 08:18 PM
Anyone using the carbotech bobcats? Am looking for a street pad to replace the ebc reds I have...they still have material left but no grip. Will be going on the 01 Cobra. Any suggestions?


09-18-2008, 08:33 PM
why are you switching? I'm always trying to find better pads so I've used alot of different stuff.I think the only brand I havnt used is carbotech.If you use them give us some feedback please

10-21-2008, 09:57 AM
Turned the rotors yesterday and the pads are on. The bobcats seem to be fine so far., Only about fifty miles so far. They were bedded yesterday and cooled. They seem to grab just fine. Later in the week I will give an update. For now they are looking like a good buy. Got them direct from carbotech and my receipt reflects the SCMC membership. Seem to be a great company to work with. The correspondence was nice. The pads arrived a day earlier than I expected too.

I got this car in 04 and the oem pads were still on. Soon after I got hawk high performance street pads. The hawk pads were great. Shortly after twenty five thousand miles while plenty of pad was left on them their effectiveness seemed to fall off a great deal. Many suggested a different pad. I them got a set of EBC red pads. Same thing, around twenty five thousand miles or so they began losing effectiveness. However I was using a fair amount more of the pad. Still they had worked great up to that point. Part of the whole thing is I do not think the rotors were turned prior to the ebc reds install, let a friend of mines' shop do it and the tech. who is no longer there seemed to think the rotors work better with lines and ridges rather than a fresh surface. The shop boss yesterday thought that was somewhat amusing. The shop boss did the work and he has many years of experience in the field as well as being a race car owner/driver so for some reason I find his expertise to be more than compitent.

After some miles I will post some opinions. But for now I like them so far.


10-21-2008, 09:19 PM

This sounds like a good article for the newsletter, would you want to do a write up for it?
