View Full Version : The Mustang Cobra World Loses A Great Man Tonight

02-08-2009, 09:31 PM
For those of you that knew Bill Jones of Greensboro, NC, he passed away today. Bill was a former SCMC member who always came to our events and helped out whenever possible whether it was organizing or judging or whatever he was needed for. He will be greatly missed by the Cobra community and his Mustang family.

He was also one of the event organizers for Mustang Week. Rodney, Mike, and company will always have Bill on their minds each year as they hold the MW event.

God Bless his family and friends and we'll keep those that knew him both personally and through Internet in our prayers.

Pictures of Bill can be found here: (He is the gentleman on the right.)



02-08-2009, 09:54 PM
He was also a longtime member of the Mustangs of Burlington and a very big part of the backbone of our club. Bill was a Great friend and a Great man .... he will be deeply missed.