View Full Version : 2009 vs 2010 Shelby...your thoughts?

05-02-2009, 10:19 PM
I got to see the new Shelby GT 500 and here's what I thought about it.

1. I am officially glad I got a 2009 because I think it looks more classic.

2. Don't like the taillight treatment

3. Don't like the hood vent

4. WHAT??? No "Shelby GT 500" on the steering wheel center. What were they thinking? They already had the 2009 center section so why wouldn't you put it on the 2010?

Here's what I liked:

1. I like the interior better except the a/c registers

2. I like the stripes on the upholstery

3. Front end treatment looks cool but not quite as classic at the 2009.

What do you all like/dislike?

05-08-2009, 03:58 PM
The 2009 does look more classic but I just love the 2010 GT 500. It didn't take long at all for it to grow on me.

05-08-2009, 07:35 PM
540 hp
light blue exterior paint :thumbsup:

rear end

05-10-2009, 09:11 PM
Oh, I definitely like that Grabber Blue color. :thumbsup:

05-17-2009, 10:05 AM
Rims....my more sporty than the previous years
Hood vent...more aggressive
Stripes in interior
Grabber Blue.... :thumbsup:

Not too sure on the rear end tail lights....will have to see in person.

93 Cobra R
05-23-2009, 10:54 PM
I like the 2010 more in every way... except for the rear facia and tail lights. But they're starting to grow on me.

06-06-2009, 01:38 AM
I like the 2009. I had the option to either buy a 2009 or 2010. I choose the 2009.

Since I had a 07 GT nothing changed. I was able to get the 09 with every option available at a great price and awesome trade in value for my 07. I had to travel outside my local area to get the vehicle as the local dealer was not willing to work with me on obtaining the color and options I desired. They were more interested in selling me a Shelby sitting on their lot I didn't want compared to the one I wanted.


Everything except mufflers..........


The lessons learned and applied from the GT500KR, seats

2010 Dislikes:

A/C registers, rear fascia

Gene Hammed

06-14-2009, 09:38 PM
Hey, had a 09' sold it ordered a 2010 GRABBER Blue with White Stripes. 2010 in all respects ROCKS!:D :bounce: