View Full Version : 1999 mustang cobra transmission HELP!!!

06-24-2009, 12:48 AM
My car is going to need a major overhaul. I have to call my mechanic tomorrow and tell him what i want to do. Right now he gave me two options rebuild the transmissin which the cost will be 1200 or getting a rebuilt trans for 1300 with a 12,000 mi. /12 mo. warranty. I am leaning twards getting the new transmission.
But I am wondering if the 2001 cobra transmissions will work on the 99... I may be wrong but I thought they changed a few things to make them better??

RF Cobra
06-24-2009, 11:15 AM
Not sure on your question, but if it is better and everything bolts up the same it sounds like the way to go.

So, you can get a warranty on another one that is rebuilt, but he wont give you the same warranty if he rebuilds yours? I'd have some concerns about him if that is the case.

06-24-2009, 07:03 PM
your 99 has a T-45

the 2001 has a T3560 (FYI the shifters from this tranny is different then T-45 that will be an added expense)

The swap is straight forward.

is the $1200 for the rebuild include the R&R or is that additional? If the R&R is extra, this is expensive.

When you say new tranny for $1300 do you mean a virgin new or a rebuilt new?

I just got a price quote on a T 5 rebuild from Hanlon in St. Peters PA. $225 labor $275 parts, I will do the R&R