View Full Version : Teen Driving Program. Tire Rack Street Survival.

07-11-2009, 08:16 PM
Hello all.

I joined this forum because I will be heading down to the Mustang Madness over at NJMP next weekend and registration for the forum is part of signing up for the event.

That being said, I wanted to inform you about the Tire Rack Street Survival Teen Driving Program.

The Tire Rack Street Survival Program is a national program with over 60 schools nationwide. It's open to everyone ages 17-21.

Here's the link for info and registration nationwide www.streetsurvival.org (http://www.streetsurvival.org)

The NY school at Nassau Coliseum is in 2 weeks and registration is still open.

I know some of you have kids, nieces, nephews etc. that would benefit from this type of program.

As the Admin for the NY school I am a shameless promoter of the program.

A short video about the school.

