View Full Version : Dragon Run Meet -- 2010 "Meet me at the Dragon" Event
12-09-2009, 11:54 PM
We're gauging interest in a Spring Dragon Run Meet. We want to include everyone but will concentrate on NC, SC, TN, GA.
We now have some updated information on this event to be held on April 24, 2010. The host hotel is the Inn at Christmas Place.
Information is as follows:
When: April 24, 2010
Where: The Dragon - Deal's Gap, NC
What: 318 curves in 11 miles and Cherohala Skyway cruise
Cost: A strong gut and gas money, lunch money or brown bag...bring motion sickness pills if you have a weak stomach because you will throw up. :jeff:
Host Hotel: The Inn at Christmas Place
Cost: $129.00 to $299.00 depending on room. 10% off if you are a AAA member
Contact Information:
The plans are that we will all meet at the pizza place in Robbinsville, NC in between 11:30 a.m. and 12:00 noon. That means if you are coming from the south (Atlanta, GA) you will have to make your plans to eat prior to the meet. Contact John Tornow to get your meet place and time. John Tornow,
If you are coming from the east, you will be meeting in Hickory, NC and eating lunch in the Waynesville, NC area. Contact Robbie Kiser if you have any questions at
If you are coming from the west and north, you will have to go around the rock slide. Contact SonicBlue on the forums through pm for meet time and directions.
Attendee List:
Robbie Kiser - 2008 Alloy Shelby GT 500 Coupe
Tony & Jacque Sorrentino - 2009 Vista Blue Shelby GT 500 Coupe
John Tornow - 2003 Sonic Blue SVT Terminator Cobra Coupe
Dennis Kirchdoerfer - 1999 White SVT Cobra Convertible
Michael Woodward - 2001 White SVT Cobra Convertible
James Finney - 1999 Electric Green SVT Cobra Convertible
Davis Timbert - 2010 Kona Blue Shelby GT 500 Coupe
Steve Smith - 2004 Screaming Yellow SVT Cobra Convertible
Steve Aldrich - 2003 Sonic Blue Mustang GT Convertible
12-10-2009, 07:36 PM
As far as I know right now, either one; but I think the April date is a better chance of nicer weather, especially for verts :thumbsup:
12-13-2009, 11:55 AM
I am looking foward to this. I have never been on the dragon.
12-16-2009, 10:00 AM
I am looking foward to this. I have never been on the dragon.+1 I have not been either
12-16-2009, 10:31 PM
April showers??? Hmm.... :scratch: Right now, we have April 24th as the winner. I'll wait till the end of the week for a final confirmation.
12-18-2009, 12:22 AM
I didn't vote in the poll, because I will not be back in time for either date. However; I agree with Lisa (did I just say that).... April would be better date for me, especially if we want to make this a annual event.
12-20-2009, 08:56 PM
thanks bud.... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: See if I .....
01-08-2010, 11:41 AM
Sounds like "Big Fun", ...... any idea on what the route would be, down the Dragon, up the Dragon, .......... where do you usually start?
01-26-2010, 10:42 PM
Don't know yet Jim, we're trying to figure out where would be the best place to eat and then go from there.
01-27-2010, 09:56 AM
April 24th works best for me. I'll be getting back from Dallas that week in March. With that said though, I'll be able to make either date and will go with the groups vote. The Georgia Chapter will make an attempt to meet in Atlanta somewhere convenient to all and make the cruise together.
02-06-2010, 12:10 AM
Learn more about this event by going here: it looks like the YMR will be there that weekend as we did not know that but it may be more fun. I think the only problem I might see is that they are running the dragon on Friday and we planned to run it on Saturday.
I'm assuming everyone wants to run it on Saturday, yes?
This could be an overnighter or just a day trip. What do others of you think? Day trip or overnighter?
02-06-2010, 11:33 PM
count me in also. Its a pretty good trip so a over night stay may be necessary. With that said it is manditory to find lodging before going to Robbinsville. There is only a few places to stay.
02-07-2010, 11:07 AM
Here is the schedule the Yellow Mustang Registry will follow for Fri-Sat. Friday 8AM meet at The Inn at Christmas Place (Pigeon Forge), cruise Wears Valley to Townsend then up to the Foothills Parkway, cruise over to US129, hit the Dragon with a stop at Deal's Gap for bathroom-t shirts or whatever-cool down,then cruise over to Cherokee, NC for lunch (at this point Pizza Inn). Then head back over the Smokies via 441 to Gatlinburg and on into Pigeon Forge.
Saturday, The Diner will have their first cruise-in of the year (on Hwy 66, Sevierville) and the YMR will be there from Noon-6PMish. There will be trophies, games, music and discounts of food (10%) with free drink refills all show.
I have talked to event planners for YMR and any & all from SCMC are cordially invited to join in either event or both.
I would not have minded leading the Dragon run for the SCMC on Saturday, but was already committed to the YMR's schedule before the SCMC came up with the idea to run on April 24th. Hope to see ya'll there!
02-07-2010, 11:34 AM
I don't see us following the YMR schedule as most of us have to work and just planned for a Saturday Dragon Run trip. By following their schedule, we'd have to be there on Thursday for a Friday morning cruise and that's not going to work for me and probably others too.
I'll see if SVT Madman can lead us through on Saturday?? We might be able to catch the tail end of the "Diner" cruise-in and meet up then.
I agree on the overnighter for at least Saturday/Sunday but that would be up to those that are attending. Prices of the Inn at Christmas place run from $129.00 a night to $299.00 a night depending on which room you choose. My boss would like to stay there but it is pricey. What do others think??
02-08-2010, 12:04 AM
You might want to consider something like Holiday Inn Pigeon Forge (865-428-2700 - I haven't stayed there, but it has a 3-star rating and is pretty well recommended. Without even checking out group rates, Apr 24 - 25 is going for $77. for 2 Doubles and $86. for a King. There are two pancake restaurants right there and it's only three lights from the turn to Wears Valley.
02-08-2010, 12:11 AM
Okay, I think we should go with our original plan of meeting on Saturday morning in Hickory and traveling to Asheville and then to a lunch stop and go in the back way to the dragon. Then maybe come back and go over the cherohala skyway and then go to the hotel and get dinner in Pigeon Forge. I think I am locked in to the Inn at Christmas Place due to compromise. Have to take the wife somewhere nice if she is going to go. :)
02-08-2010, 12:18 AM
Edit: Didn't catch the previous post when I entered this.
Is Apr 24 - 25 decided on yet?
If you're planning on Pigeon Forge to Deals Gap and back, it would be about 110 miles, while continuing around the bottom of the Park and up through Gatlinburg would be about 150 miles. I'd be more than glad to help with directions if you need it. I've found most of the back roads and shortest routes in that area over the years.
02-08-2010, 01:06 AM
Yes, it is April 24-25, 2010
Okay, here's what I think we should do and remember the YMR is going on Friday not Saturday but anyway what do you think of this...
Meet in Hickory NC continue down I40 through Asheville, NC and eat somewhere off the Smoky Mountain Parkway, US Hwy 74, in Waynesville, NC. We can then take Hwy 74 to Hwy 28 toward the Deal's Gap store. Meet the Atlanta group at Deal's Gap store and we can then run the dragon in reverse.
Once finished, we can stop at the lake for a regroup and photo op and then run the dragon forwards to the Cherohala Skyway. Run the skyway, Hwy 143, to Hwy 360 and then proceed to Hwy 411 into Maryville, TN.
We can stay on Hwy 411 through town till we hit Hwy 338 and run that into Hwy 66, Sevierville, TN, where the YMR cruise-in is located and afterward proceed to our hotel in Pigeon Forge, TN.
02-08-2010, 08:36 PM
Sounds like you're thinking of bypassing the I-40 rockslide. So far they're looking at reopening in March ( If anyone is wanting to go to Gatlinburg from Pigeon Forge, the rockslide there is expected to be open by mid-March (
02-08-2010, 09:52 PM
That was the plan all along, to go from the NC side rather than go to TN and then go back to NC. It will cut down on travel time by going down Hwy 28. :D
02-08-2010, 09:54 PM
A couple of alternatives to consider, if I may? 411 is a good 4-lane cruising road into Maryville, but not so much past town. I'd recommend taking 321 out of Maryville down to Townsend.
Or, bypass Maryville altogether and turn off 411 onto 72 just after Fort Loudon. That ends at 129 which you could take almost to the regroup spot, only turn onto Foothills Pkwy and take that to Townsend.
In Townsend, you could turn to stay on 321 through Wears Valley and into Pigeon Forge. Or you could really finish it off by going straight and drop into the Park to take Little River Rd to Gatlinburg and then up to Pigeon Forge.
02-08-2010, 10:01 PM
Are you volunteering to lead? :D
I looked at the map and thought about the 321 route from 411 or the other route you suggested but I wanted to keep it simple. Didn't you run with us before??
02-08-2010, 10:14 PM
That makes me think of a route that would save some time while not missing anything, if you decided to take the Fort Loudon to Foothills Pkwy route.
Instead of taking 28 all the way to Deals Gap, turn onto 143 to Robbinsville, where you could pick up the Atlanta group. Run the Cherohala Skyway to Tellico Plains and head up to Fort Loudon. Drop down to run the Dragon to Deals Gap. If anyone needs to head back from there, they can. Run back up the Dragon to Foothills Pkwy and go from there.
02-08-2010, 10:19 PM
I keep responding just after you respond to my last post.
Yes, I ran with y'all two years ago. Sonic Blue GT Vert (I guess that's obvious though). If I was to even think about leading, I'd have to find a Termi to drive. But then it would have to be a Sonic Blue Vert too. Got an extra one laying around? :D
Actually, I think the idea in my last post simplifies it quite a bit. Let’s see, starting from I-40 in Asheville, your suggested route looks to be about 275 miles and 6.75 hours drive-time (not counting traffic & stops).
So, what do you think of this? From I-40 in Asheville W to 74 through Waynesville, to 28 to 143 to meet the Atlanta crew in Robbinsville, W on the Cherohala Skyway (143/165) to Tellico Plains, either 360 to 411 or 68 to 411 N to Fort Loudon, to 72, S to 129 down the Dragon to Deals Gap and back up the Dragon to Foothills Pkwy, to 321 E through Townsend and Wears Valley into Pigeon Forge, then N up 441 to 66 to the YMR cruise-in and back S to Pigeon Forge. Simple, huh? The only back-tracking would be on the Dragon and between Pigeon Forge and Sevierville, and folks could stop at their hotel before heading to the cruise-in if they wanted to. That comes out to about 260 miles and 6.5 hours. Nice route all the way, too.
The Dragon calendar ( says the Georgia Chapter of the SCMC will be there April 9-11. ???
02-15-2010, 10:55 PM
The GA chapter will be there on the 24th as stated in this thread. We need to get that changed on their website to the right weekend. I like the route except I think we should do the double dip on the dragon first since I think we will be meeting in Robbinsville/Deal's Gap store at 2:00 p.m. which I figure would take an hour to run and then leave us the skyway. How long do you think that would take to go around? I didn't want to run the dragon at night. The GT vert would be a good leader, too many cops on the road to get going wide open and maybe you can keep these guys in line. :D
02-16-2010, 12:40 AM
Just made room reservations at the Inn at Christmas Place. We've been wanting to stay there for years so we'll give it a whirl! :thumbsup:
02-16-2010, 09:38 PM
So what is the word? Do I need to make hotel reservations?
02-16-2010, 10:03 PM
I'll be sending out a club message to go over more of the details, but if you plan to spend the night, you can reserve a room at the Inn at Christmas Place. Rates run from $129.00 to $299.00 a night but they give you a 10% discount if you are a AAA member. Robbie and I discussed more details today via telephone so we'll put more out in a mailbox message.
02-17-2010, 12:34 AM
Okay, starting from Deals Gap at 2:00, running the Dragon and back to Deals Gap in an hour makes it 3:00. Dropping down 129 to the Cherohala Skyway (143/165) should get to Tellico Plains around 5:00 with a short stop. From there, taking 68 to Madisonville, 411 to Maryville, 321 through Townsend to Pigeon Forge and then up 441 would get you to Sevierville around 7:15-ish - plus stops. The YMR will have left the Cruise-in by then, from what I've read. The sun goes down at 8:15 that night.
Going through Townsend is only about 15 minutes or so longer than the 411/338/66 route and it's more scenic. The Foothills Parkway version would add another 15 minutes on top of that - plus stops.
I'm glad to help with the route, but I'd feel awful odd leading a Cobra club around by the nose in a GT.
02-17-2010, 01:35 AM
We don't care about what kind of Mustang you drive, we just want to have some fun. I think maybe try to start an hour earlier. The problem is lunch, maybe we can have it in Robbinsville? Is there a good place to eat there?
02-17-2010, 01:54 AM
Post here if you plan to attend! :tony:
02-17-2010, 12:43 PM
Looks like over 20 people posted in the poll they could come so I would hope that many people will respond here. I plan on coming
02-23-2010, 08:30 PM
Count me in! First time and looking forward to it.
03-03-2010, 11:25 PM
I plan on attending..
03-06-2010, 09:29 AM
I'm making plans to go. Is anybody staying overnight or are we driving back in the dark?
03-06-2010, 10:07 AM
AS far as I Know Robbie made reservations and so did I. :D
03-06-2010, 11:00 AM
For the GA Chapter, as a basic structure, what do you all think of meeting in Atlanta (near I-75), driving up GA 400 and having lunch in Dahlonega or Blairsville GA, then continuing to Robbinsville NC to meet the NC and TN chapters of SCMC at 2 PM on the 24th of April. We can run the "Tale of the Dragon" to the end and back (3.0 hours).
The Inn at Christmas Place seems a little far in the other direction but I'll defer to groups consensus. How do you all feel about Pigeon Forge lodging?
I called Christmas Place this morning and they still have rooms available the night of the April 24th starting at $179
John Tornow
(404) 372-5710
We'll be there. The next nice Sunday, we'll do the Knoxville - Dragon - Skyway - Knoxville loop and report on time and distance.
03-11-2010, 01:33 AM
Very much appreciated!! :thewave:
03-14-2010, 08:42 PM
Just a note of caution about the sorts you may encounter on the Dragon.
(Note, there was a camera crew, LEO's and probably some kind of road crew there following this morning's rockslide across the entrance to the Dragon.)
03-14-2010, 11:27 PM
If we cannot make the Dragon, we'll hit the skyway, my favorite part. It looks like we'd be coming in from the other side anyway, right?
03-15-2010, 08:57 PM
If we change the route, will this effect the need for the Hotel?
03-15-2010, 09:04 PM
just wandering if this is on your route?
I heard him mention the Dragon?
03-15-2010, 09:10 PM
That looks like the section where we take photos so we'll have to see. As far as the hotel, no, it will not affect the hotel reservations as we will be in Pigeon Forge and there are multiple ways to get around the slide.
If we are blocked on the NC/TN line then we can just take the skyway first and then head over to the dragon but from the looks of it, it looks like it is on the lake side which should not affect us that much.
it will not affect the GA crew either, it will affect the TN side of things if this slide is at the lake.
03-15-2010, 10:48 PM
there is always the Hellbender through Fontana Village :thumbsup:
03-17-2010, 12:45 PM
I think cobrabitn is precognitive, for pushing to do the Dragon from Deals Gap and back.
TDOT: Highway 129 clean-up likely won't be quick (
After looking at the photos, the slide is definitely at the first turnout - about a half mile from Foothills Parkway, not the bigger turnout a mile closer to the Dragon. If we run as planned, we don't have to change any plans - as long as they let us go as far as the bigger turnout for photos before going back.
Maybe I or rs16 can get down there to find out for sure.
Fortunately, the Pigeon Forge-Gatlinburg spur rock slide will have open lanes during the final repair Mar. 15 to Apr. 30. - in case anyone wanted to go down to Gatlinburg while they're in the area.
All lanes of the Spur reopened after rock slide (
Meanwhile, I-40 is scheduled to reopen by late April.
I-40 rock slide update: crews step up drilling (
03-20-2010, 12:28 PM
Got a possible meeting place in Robbinsville: Papas Pizza to-Go (website ( It's less than a mile north of where 129 & 143 come together on the way to the Dragon. Their UrbanSpoon review ( is what caught my eye. ("This is the second year now that a car group I'm a part of has gone to ...") They even have coupons that are good through the 25th.
03-20-2010, 08:03 PM
That sounds good to me, just have to make sure those with weak stomachs don't dispose of it improperly. :D
Thanks for the research, it is very helpful. :thumbsup:
03-24-2010, 12:13 PM
TDOT's construction Smartmap ( says:
State Route 115 northbound in Blount County - Incident at NORTH CAROLINA-TENNESSEE STATE LINE / BEGIN HWY-129 / {US-129} reported at 3/15/2010 4:00:00 PM and estimated to be cleared by 9/1/2010 5:00:00 PM (Eastern Time Zone). Northbound traffic is affected with all lanes closed. Southbound traffic is affected with all lanes closed.Northbound traffic is being diverted to alternate routes. Due to a rockslide two miles south of Chilhowee Dam.
If the Dragon is going to be closed through August, perhaps an alternate route should be considered for this run. The Tail of the Dragon website suggests Moonshiner 28 as a good choice. That website ( has this to say:
With the temporary closing of the Dragon, Moonshiner28 is a great alternative. There are sections of 28 in North Carolina every bit as twisty as the Tail. Bonus .... speed limit is 55 most of the route.
It looks like the tightest curves might be on the sections from below Bryson City to Franklin and Franklin to Highlands, but that's 55 miles in the wrong direction. After that, the curviest section appears to be the 12 miles from the 143/28 split to Fontana Dam. The trick is finding a place to meet. If the GA group could stay on 74/19 to where it meets 28 below Bryson City, everyone could meet up at the Pizza Hut, Wings place or Mexican place there. The shortest route for the TN group would be to go over the park. From there, everyone could take 28 all the way to Deals Gap, then turn down 129 toward Robbinsville and the Cherohala Skyway. From there, the original route could be taken.
Another option suggested by the Dragon website is the Devil's Triangle ( - a 45 mile loop about 30 miles NW of Knoxville, that has two sections that look like they easily rival the Dragon. I've never been on it, but I could check it out the next nice weekend. If you still wanted to run Cherohala Skyway; everyone could meet in Robbinsville, run the Skyway, head up and run the Triangle and then pick a route to Pigeon Forge.
What do y'all think?
03-26-2010, 09:47 PM
TDOT announced today the "Dragon" will be back open by July 31. Does not help for an April run, of course. The "Devil's Triangle" is part of White Rock Off Road Park...and is used by mountain bikes, 4-wheelers, and some dirt bikes. While there are sections of the road that are paved, 75% of it is pot holes, gravel, and dirt with DEEP ruts. Unless you have a 4 wheel drive Cobra with about a 10" lift kit...I would not recommend it. On any given weekend in the spring there would be several thousand off-roaders there...again not good for high speed driving...
03-26-2010, 11:25 PM
Personally, I think run the dragon from the NC side and then go over the skyway. I think the lunch meet in Robbinsville would solve a lot of the logistic problems and will make everyone have one place to meet, greet, and eat. :thumbsup:
03-29-2010, 10:21 AM
Well, that's what I get for assuming. TDOT is all about how the Dragon is closed. It didn't occur to me NC would keep their side open. I'll try to get down there this weekend to see just how far you can get from that direction and where you can stop/turn around.
03-29-2010, 06:28 PM
Let us know what's what. What a PITA, but will still be blast no matter what!! :bounce: :bounce:
03-29-2010, 06:51 PM
The "Devil's Triangle" is part of White Rock Off Road Park.
Are you thinking of the Coal Creek OHV Area at Windrock Park? I'm told routes 62, 116 and 330 - which make up the Triangle - are all paved roads.
03-29-2010, 06:59 PM
Are you thinking of the Coal Creek OHV Area at Windrock Park? I'm told routes 62, 116 and 330 - which make up the Triangle - are all paved roads.
I was under the impression that the 'triangle' was all paved. I know we have been on a good part of it... many years ago
03-29-2010, 09:12 PM
White Rock...Windrock...see what happens when you get old???? :rolleyes: Yeah, I meant Windrock...haven't been there in at least 3 or 4 years...slept since then, ya know?
62 is no problem but most of 330-116 is not suitable for vehicles that require good pavement. And in Spring, that place is EXTREMELY crowded. There is a campground at the entance and this time of year it will be full of off-roaders doing the overnight/bonfire/kegs-of-beer thing?!?! :eek: Which, of course, means most of them will be riding all over the place hung over the next morning. Trust me, this is no Dragon. Check it out here:
03-29-2010, 09:27 PM
I think the skyway is the way to go...eating in town sounds good, too. Maybe if we can see how far on the dragon we can proceed, it might be worth it to stick with the original plan with the exception of eating at the pizza place. :)
03-29-2010, 09:42 PM
Ok, so I'm old AND confused! :eek: Devil's Triangle goes around Coalcreek OHV. Most of that route probably is paved but there appear to be stretches on the map that are not. Maybe just turn around and retrace at that point? But, again, this route has driveways, churches, businesses, etc. It is also traveled by coal trucks...guess what they do to pavement? :eek:
Sorry, I was confusing the road INSIDE the off road area (which we have partially driven) with the road around the outside of the area.
Remember, the guy who wrote this was on a motorcycle...therefore not nearly as concerned with good, flat asphalt...
03-30-2010, 11:56 AM
No worries. You drive an '03 Vert, so that makes up for a lot. :thumbsup:
cobrabitn, you wouldn't want to meet up with the GA crew in Robbinsville then?
03-30-2010, 10:29 PM
Yeah, I do think Robbinsville is the best place to meet and eat at the pizza place for lunch. I'm going with your suggestion as it sounds good to me. :thumbsup:
I could see where my statement was confusing the original idea was to eat before we got to Robbinsville but I think it best to meet once, all in the same place. if we can make Robbinsville by lunchtime, we may be able to get on the skyway earlier.
Are you going to see if we can go the back way to the dragon?? NC side??
03-31-2010, 09:40 PM
I hope to.
I know rs16 was talking about a dry run as well, before the rockslide.
I think the skyway is the way to go...eating in town sounds good, too. Maybe if we can see how far on the dragon we can proceed, it might be worth it to stick with the original plan with the exception of eating at the pizza place. :)
We should be able to get through the best part of the Dragon, and turn around at the lake.
04-03-2010, 10:51 PM
Check out these photos by Killboy, it looks like they are making great progress!! Copy and Paste..!/photo.php?pid=3983730&id=189631058066&ref=nf&fbid=373206348066
Just keep clicking the photos to see the slide show..
04-06-2010, 08:46 PM
Darn Facebook! Can't see the pics without signing up.
So, I went to check out Cherohala Skyway and the Dragon on Sunday. It took a while to get there, but the Dragon is definitely closed right at the TN line, 1/2 mile above Deals Gap. The TDOT official and TN LEO that were there had no information, except to say the road is barricaded at the other end just below Happy Valley Rd - next to Foothills Pkwy. But, the guy at the Deals Gap store said he understood they were going to move the southern barricade up to just above the larger parking area below the rockslide - which would be perfect for our idea of running the Dragon both ways with a photo stop in between along the lake. (Click on pic to view larger.) (
I also swung by Papas Pizza to-Go in Robbinsville. They were closed, but it looks like an ideal meeting place. There's a big parking lot there. (
Meanwhile, running the Cherohala Skyway almost made up for no Dragon. That's always a fun ride - until you get stuck behind someone. Killboy and US129 and maybe zeefoto were set up in several places, as well. Maybe the snow will all be gone by the time we get there. (
It took me about an hour and a half to reach the 411 from Papas, but I was pushing it and I didn't stay behind slower traffic very long. There are a few good spots to pull off and there's a decent parking lot at the Visitor's Center in Tellico Plains. And there's a real A&W Drive-In about two miles up on 411.
From there, Townsend would be another hour and The Diner in Sevierville would be another half hour - plus stops and traffic, of course. So, maybe it'd be four hours from Papas to The Diner.
All that's assuming we take the route I ran.
For the NC crew, it looks like a three hour drive from Hickory to Robbinsville - plus stops and traffic - including about 12 miles along Moonshiner 28. Unfortunately, that doesn't include Hellbender 28 near Fontana.
Are we still eating at Calhouns in G-Burg Saturday night ??.......:love:
04-07-2010, 12:49 AM
Sounds like you got all of your ducks in a row. Will the pizza place be open on Saturday afternoon? I agree with you with a noon meet at the pizza place and even if it took 4-5 hours, that would put us in Sevierville around 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Good time to eat and then go to the hotel and relax the rest of the evening. Thanks for doing a prelim run for us, that was extremely helpful.
04-07-2010, 10:17 AM
They will be open. And their buffet will run from 11:00 - 2:00. :thumbsup:
Or, here's their menu ( and the coupons ( that expire the day after we're there.
04-07-2010, 10:20 PM
I need to organize a meet close to Hickory so I will need to know when and where to meet in Robbinsville. I have a couple emails that I need to respond to.
Thanks Robbie
04-10-2010, 01:05 AM
Re-opened part of the Dragon today...I'll try to get more details tomorrow... :bounce:
It's open to the lake where we can double back.:)
04-10-2010, 07:42 PM ( concurs:
The Tennessee Department of Transportation will reopen an 11-mile stretch of U.S. 129/SR115 in Blount County known as “The Dragon” on Monday, April 12 at 8:00 a.m. The stretch of U.S. 129 from the Tabcat Bridge to the North Carolina state line will be open to traffic each day between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. The section of U.S. 129 from just past the Foothills Parkway to the Tabcat Bridge will remain closed as crews work to remove a rockslide that closed the roadway in March.
The Tennessee Highway Patrol will provide traffic enforcement and Graham County, North Carolina will provide emergency response along the open section of U.S. 129 during daylight hours. Motorists are advised that emergency response will be limited in the area. Law enforcement will have zero tolerance for traffic law violations and will diligently enforce the area. U.S. 129 will be closed to traffic at the North Carolina state line at 8:00 p.m. each night until 8:00 a.m. the next day. The roadway will remain closed to commercial traffic and large RVs.
04-10-2010, 09:02 PM
anybody that knows a good meeting place with easy on/off access to I40 west of exit 123 please post. The meet time will be 8AM on april 24th. The meeting place is still the question
04-13-2010, 10:34 PM
We're meeting at "Sonic Drive In" on the morning of the 24th of April. We'll meet at 7:45 a.m. and I'd like to leave there no later than 8:15 a.m. Sonics' is a few miles off I-75 but they have breakfast sandwiches and parking available. Their phone number is 404-622-7735. The address is 1463 Moreland Ave SE, Atlanta Ga 30316. If we can leave by 8:15 a.m., we'll have a short amount of time to make a 15 minute stop along the way if we need to.
We'll travel just over 3 hours and our destination is Papas Pizza To-Go Of Robbinsville, NC. The address to the meeting location is 211 Tapoco Rd, Robbinsville NC 28871
We need to meet the other chapters at 11:30 a.m. at the Pizza shop in Robbinsville.
Please bring two way radios with you if you can borrow some of if you have some. Cell phone reception is spotty there and this is the way that all the clubs can communicate reliably.
Please reply to this e-mail so I know who is going and who isn't. This will be important to know who to look for or call on the 24th. Also, please let me know if you plan to stay overnight at Christmas Village or if you're driving back that night.
Please print this e-mail and bring it with you so you'll have times, addresses and my phone number in the event you need directions or run late.
John Tornow
(404) 372-5710
04-13-2010, 11:09 PM
Please check the first post and let us know if your name is correct and on the list. I do not know everyone's name by their screen name.
04-18-2010, 10:23 PM
Well, the Dragon is open all the way to the end, but not quite as far as we hoped. There's a little pullout on the right side about a quarter mile past the last curve - lined with No Parking signs. The new barricade is at the far end of the pullout. You can just see Chilhowee Lake past the barricade. So much for a group photo overlooking the lake. (see photos) ( (
The good news is, there was hardly any traffic on the Dragon - and no LEO's! A couple of killboy (and/or ???) shooters were working.
Traffic on Cherohala Skyway was light too. And killboy still had one shooter set up there. But there's not much green up there yet. Here's the Santeetlah pullout (5,390 ft) as seen from the Big Junction pullout. (
04-19-2010, 07:05 PM
I REALLLY REALLY wish I could go... work though has to come first right now- and Prom is it. If C can make it he will, but I don't think he will. I am bummed out. :(
Weather will not be good, therefore we will not be driving the "good car". :( :( We will be in Sevierville with the YMR on Saturday in the trusty Subaru. We hope to meet a few of you somewhere along the line.
04-20-2010, 08:43 PM
Looks like I'll be able to participate, has a meeting place for those coming from Charlotte been posted?
04-20-2010, 09:23 PM
I think it is still too soon to tell and I don't plan to cancel the cruise. Let's just see how it pans out as we get closer to the weekend. It may be sunny on the skyway since it'll be above the clouds.
04-20-2010, 09:41 PM
Upon Tony's approval I have decided on a meeting place for those meeting in the Hickory area. I assume that are a few coming from Charlotte. Also I think the meeting time in Robbinsville is 11:30AM? So with that being said. The proposed meetiing spot is I40 exit 100 Jamestown Rd. AT the top of the ramp take a right and then an immediately left into "the coffee house". The meeting time is 8AM with a leave time of 900am If this is approved by Tony you can address any questions to me here or you can call me at 828-320-4253
Robbie K
04-20-2010, 09:57 PM
Sounds good to me Robbie... could we squeeze another 30 minutes there? Maybe a leave time at 9:00 a.m. just in case we get hung up coming from Charlotte? :)
04-21-2010, 08:57 AM
Sounds good to me Robbie... could we squeeze another 30 minutes there? Maybe a leave time at 9:00 a.m. just in case we get hung up coming from Charlotte? :)
Fixed 900am is the time we will leave
04-22-2010, 09:56 AM
With the safety of everybody in mind we have decided to cancel because of the chance of severe thunderstorms. This will hopefully give everybody time to cancel motel reservations. I apologize to those that signed up and hope to reschedule sometime in the near future.
Robbie K
04-22-2010, 09:58 AM
Direct any questions to Tony or myself
With the safety of everybody in mind we have decided to cancel because of the chance of severe thunderstorms. This will hopefully give everybody time to cancel motel reservations. I apologize to those that signed up and hope to reschedule sometime in the near future.
Robbie K
Bummer.......the weather has been so nice up to now. We'll be at the YMR show on Saturday.
04-22-2010, 04:47 PM
we are not having too much luck on the mountain cruises this year :(
04-22-2010, 11:38 PM
Or last year either.... on a more positive note, I'll be bringing the club trailer to Mustang Week this year. Got the okay from the boss and Dan's supposed to be making me some hotel reservations. :thumbsup:
Going to try and reschedule the cruise for June, last of the month.
04-23-2010, 09:26 AM
Anybody coming to the area anyway should be careful. The National Weather Service has issued advanced warnings for East TN.
845 AM EDT FRI APR 23 2010
04-27-2010, 08:56 PM
Who would be up to rescheduling this to June 26, 2010??
05-01-2010, 09:04 AM
Put me on the list.
05-01-2010, 12:36 PM
I'll be back and ready to run the dragon :bounce:
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