View Full Version : 2010 SVT Superfest - Confirmed Banquet Attendees

05-03-2010, 11:52 PM
Banquet Attendees: (Limit of 250)

1. Joe Johnson
2. John Evans
3. John Evans
4. Jim Boden
5. Jackie Boden
6. Tony Sorrentino
7. Marcie Cipriani
8. Jason Demchak
9. Pat Madigan
10. Phil Saglimbene
11. Peter Calvert
12. Gary Fisher
13. Dave Gagne
14. Larry Brewer
15. Larry Brewer
16. Michael Triggiano
17. Larry Ewers
18. Eloisa Ewers
19. Paul Doerflein
20. Larry Bolton
21. Janice Bolton
22. Mike Pakoskey
23. Eric Webb
24. Eric Webb
25. Bob Johnston
26. Barbara Johnston
27. Charles Bridges
28. Charles Bridges
29. Steven Prokupek
30. Steven Prokupek
31. Steven Prokupek
32. Steven Prokupek
33. Ira Schoen
34. Ira Schoen
35. Joe Limongelli
36. Roger McQueen
37. Chris Meletiou
38. Mark Young
39. John Sorensen
40. Glo Sorensen
41. Steve Childs
42. Jamal Hameedi (Ford SVT)
43. John Clor (Ford SVT)
44. Peter Crosby
45. Bill Reitzel
46. Bill Reitzel
47. Haneef Abdullah
48. Haneef Abdullah
49. Wayne Manor
50. George Ciamillo
51. Jamal Hameedi (Ford SVT)
52. Jim Meletiou
53. Scott Young
54. Robert Schablik
55. Robert Schablik
56. Lowell Marx
57. Greg Helmick
58. Greg Helmick
59. Will Franssen
60. Mark Wilson

05-11-2010, 08:42 PM
I thought I checked on my registration that I wanted to attend the banquet. Anyway I do want to attend. Thanks, Roger

05-24-2010, 11:06 AM

Wayne Manor will be coming with me and I see that he is not confirmed for the Banquet. Please add his name and I will pay for it when I arrive at the event.
