View Full Version : Dragon Run Meet- 2010 Meet me at the Dragon (rescheduled date)

05-18-2010, 08:07 PM
Dragon Run Meet -- 2010 "Meet me at the Dragon" Event

<HR style="COLOR: #7189a8" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->We are once again gauging interest in a Spring Dragon Run Meet. We want to include everyone but will concentrate on NC, SC, TN, GA.

We now have some updated information on this event to be held on June 26, 2010.

Information is as follows:

When: June 26, 2010
Where: The Dragon - Deal's Gap, NC
What: 318 curves in 11 miles and Cherohala Skyway Cruise

Cost: A strong gut and gas money, lunch money or brown bag...bring motion sickness pills if you have a weak stomach because you will throw up.
Contact Information:

The plans are that we will all meet at the Papa's Pizza to Go, 211 Tapoco Rd. Robbinsville, NC 828-479-2431 in between 12:00 noon and 12:30PM.

If you are coming from the east, we will be meeting in Hickory, NC. Exit 100 at 8:30AM-8:45AM at the breakfast/coffee restaurant to the right of the exit ramp. Contact Robbie Kiser 828-320-4253 if you have any questions or at robk17th@charter.net

We will conclude our cruise at www.prospectorsdiningcompany.com (http://www.prospectorsdiningcompany.com) in Tellico Plains, TN. Frank Smith is our SCMC contact.
Those that plan on attending please post and I will start a list


Robbie Kiser- 2008 Alloy Shelby GT500 Coupe
James Finney - 1999 Electric Green SVT Cobra Coupe
Tim- 2010 Black Shelby GT500 Coupe
Jeff Southard- 2005 Mustang GT
Craig- 2006 Mustang GT
Lisa- 1996 Mustang GT Convertible
Steve Hodges- 2008 White Shelby GT500 Coupe
Steve Smith- 2004 Yellow SVT Cobra Convertible
Chad Galloway- 1997 SVT Cobra Coupe
Frank Smith- 2007 Red Shelby GT500 Convertible
Chris- 2000 Mustang GT
Ike & Tammy- 2006 Mustang

06-08-2010, 09:36 PM
Ok fellow members this event is getting closer. I have some interest with the NC United Stangs club. Post up if interested.

06-08-2010, 09:49 PM
Robbie count me in..

06-09-2010, 02:02 PM
Count me in. We will be there.. :thumbsup:

06-09-2010, 06:55 PM
not us :( probably will be in 'Bama; cleaning up oil I am afraid. So sad for my beautiful white beaches.

06-09-2010, 09:22 PM
I plan on coming. Ill either me in my 79 Coupe or my 05 GT. Trying to get some of the gang from Southeastern foxbodies to make the trip so we will see. If anyone is going through Franklin, NC on there route to Robbinsville let me know that is my hometown we can figure a meeting spot and ride up together.

06-18-2010, 07:10 PM
I plan on coming. Ill either me in my 79 Coupe or my 05 GT. Trying to get some of the gang from Southeastern foxbodies to make the trip so we will see. If anyone is going through Franklin, NC on there route to Robbinsville let me know that is my hometown we can figure a meeting spot and ride up together.please give me your name and I will list it. You can pick us up on 40 but I dont know where Franklin is.

06-18-2010, 07:11 PM
First post has been updated with specific meet times etc. Ok scmc lets do a cruise.

06-19-2010, 10:36 AM
Will try and make it......:D

Around the derned rockslide.....:(

Steve Smith

06-19-2010, 02:27 PM
please give me your name and I will list it. You can pick us up on 40 but I dont know where Franklin is.
Jeff Southard. I won't be going forty Ill be going up a back road into robbinsville.

06-19-2010, 10:22 PM
Count me as good as there
Chad galloway
White 97 cobra coupe

06-20-2010, 09:47 PM
List updated....... new info in first post thanks

06-21-2010, 09:18 AM
I get to cruise the Skyway and Dragon twice......:banana:

Rev's 5.0
06-21-2010, 12:01 PM
I'd love to go but I'll be working. Let me know if ya go in the fall. We went with Jeff last fall and it was awesome!

06-21-2010, 06:06 PM
Hey guys have a buddy who has a mach 1 and was wondering if was ok if he shows up too

06-21-2010, 06:33 PM
Yes, anyone who wants to come out and run with us is fine, the more the merrier! :thumbsup:

06-22-2010, 07:01 PM
Hey guys have a buddy who has a mach 1 and was wondering if was ok if he shows up tooAs Tony stated all are welcome

06-22-2010, 08:32 PM
Don't see much chance of having to work this weekend :bounce: We will meet up with you guys at Deal's Gap...what time do you plan to get there?

06-22-2010, 10:11 PM
Don't see much chance of having to work this weekend :bounce: We will meet up with you guys at Deal's Gap...what time do you plan to get there?see first post, papas pizza 12-1230P. Look forward to meeting up with you guys again.

06-23-2010, 07:38 PM
Saw it...just wasn't sure if you guys were eating lunch there or just meeting and heading straight for Deal's Gap?

06-23-2010, 10:49 PM
Saw it...just wasn't sure if you guys were eating lunch there or just meeting and heading straight for Deal's Gap?I would think some would want to eat. This will be up to the group. No decision has been made

06-24-2010, 08:31 PM

06-25-2010, 06:34 PM
I have tried to get in touch with the Prospector's Dining Company. It appears to me they close for the day at 2PM after lunch. I will try them again in the morning.

06-25-2010, 06:56 PM
I have tried to get in touch with the Prospector's Dining Company. It appears to me they close for the day at 2PM after lunch. I will try them again in the morning.
The owner is cruising with us, I will try to contact him

06-25-2010, 07:07 PM
Someone who knows the area please advise an alternate place in tellico plains. I have sent Frank an email but I need a backup plan

06-25-2010, 07:49 PM
Steve & Crystal Lorah
Steve & Pat Smith
Doug & Kent Lehring

We will arrive at Deal's Gap Noonish or slightly earlier. May hit the Dragon before you guys get there just to warm up.

Robbie, can I get your cell #? Mine is (865)539-1465.

06-25-2010, 08:55 PM
Steve & Crystal Lorah
Steve & Pat Smith
Doug & Kent Lehring

We will arrive at Deal's Gap Noonish or slightly earlier. May hit the Dragon before you guys get there just to warm up.

Robbie, can I get your cell #? Mine is (865)539-1465.It is in the first post

06-26-2010, 12:12 AM
see you guys at exit 100 around 8:30

06-26-2010, 11:55 PM

06-27-2010, 04:15 PM
I apologize with the lack of communication yesterday. The cell phones where useless. We missed meeting up with the folks from tenn. So essentially those folks where separated from us. My apologies to Steve, Lora, frank and all the others. The nc group did meet up with the folks from Atlanta and we ran the dragon 4 times. Some pics where taken but have not been posted yet.

06-27-2010, 08:02 PM
Sorry we missed you guys...but the 5 of us ran the Dragon 2x then hit the
Cherohala over to Tellico Plains where we met up with Frank and had an awsome lunch!! Then it was back to Pigeon Forge for everyone except Steve Smith who headed for home. We started our day at The Diner for breakfast and ended up there for banana splits. :bounce:

Long, but great day!!

06-27-2010, 10:22 PM
see you guys at exit 100 around 8:30sorry you had issues with the car. They told me that the car was leaking fuel pretty bad. I hope all turned out well

06-28-2010, 08:39 AM
i did make it back home. I will have to start taking it a part some time this week week and see what went on with it. hope you guys had fun and maybe next time i will be able to go.

06-28-2010, 05:11 PM
It was the first time I had a chance to drive the car the way it was intended..:eek: ......kinda glad the wife wasn't along..:D

Too bad we all couldn't get together, would have liked to meet the rest of you........that day is not far away.

Rev's 5.0
06-29-2010, 01:44 PM
Holla at me next time ya'll are going to do this, looks like Im going to be off on Saturdays now! woohoo!:D

06-29-2010, 03:42 PM

These are photos 837-844, there are also ones at 911-931 and 1008-1021 for our three cars.


06-29-2010, 09:27 PM
here are a couple


And if you dont mind a couple pics of my car, sorry cant resist


06-29-2010, 11:50 PM
Pics look very good, very scenic. Thanks for putting this together for us Robbie!! :thumbsup:

06-30-2010, 06:26 AM
For those of us that don't live close enough to attend, please explain picture 0556.

07-03-2010, 04:02 PM
Looks like a bunch of bike parts stuck up in a tree. :dunno: :dunno:

07-06-2010, 07:38 AM
Its called the Tree of shame. Its parts of peoples bikes that have wrecked doing the dragon run.