09-19-2010, 11:53 AM
As some of you may know my wife and I are training for a Marathon and a Half Marathon. We are running these races for the leukemia and lymphoma society so that we can do are part to help find a cure. Now to the reason I am a proud Husband and Father, I came around the corner today after my 10 mile long run for the weekend and who do I see waiting for me at the corner of our street in running clothes? My wife, my son Christopher (11) and my son Audrick (9). My youngest son was on his bike but my wife and my oldest son were there ready to run a few more miles, so instead of stopping we went for a nice slow 2.5 mile run for a cool down for me and a little run for my wife to get used to running outside. I can't even begin to describe the joy that I felt when I saw all three of them there just chomping at the bit to go just a little farther. My family is the most important thing in my life and it just excites me to see them interested in the things that I am doing.... Hope you all have a spectacular Sunday like I have. Thanks for reading. http://www.teamshelby.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/yahoo.gif