View Full Version : Full Throttle Ford Event Discounts

07-07-2011, 10:29 PM
If you attended the May SVT Superfest and paid a gate fee, you are entitled to a gate fee discount. If you did not pay a gate fee, your discount is zero. Here's how the discount works for those that paid the gate fee:

If you registered for three days and paid the $45.00 gate fee, you get a $45.00 discount off the fall VIR FTFF event registration.

If you registered for two days and paid the $30.00 gate fee, you get a $30.00 discount off the fall VIR FTFF event registration.

If you registered for one day and paid the $15.00 gate fee, you get a $15.00 discount off the fall VIR FTFF event registration.

The gate fee discount is only good for the person who paid to run their car on track and not any additional spectators that may have joined you at the event.

Next, you will need to download the hard copy registration form and mail it in with your check to the address provided on the form. Please make check payable to "SCMC".

If you pay for your event registration prior to October 1, 2011 then you get an additional early registration discount. Here is the examples to go by:

Full Two Day Registration = $425.00
Early Bird Discount = $30.00
SVT Superfest Gate fee discount for three day purchase = $45.00
Total amount of check to be mailed = $350.00

Full Two Day Registration = $425.00
Early Bird Discount = $30.00
SVT Superfest Gate fee discount for two day purchase = $30.00
Total amount of check to be mailed = $365.00

Full Two Day Registration = $425.00
Early Bird Discount = $30.00
SVT Superfest Gate fee discount for one day purchase = $15.00
Total amount of check to be mailed = $380.00

Full Two Day Registration = $425.00
Early Bird Discount = $30.00
SVT Superfest Gate fee discount for zero gate fee paid = $0.00
Total amount of check to be mailed = $395.00

Please copy and print your May VIR event registration form and mail it in with your fall event registration form for full discount. If you do not have a copy of your on line purchase, just notate it on the fall registration form and make the check payable for the appropriate amount.

If you have any questions, please post them here.

