View Full Version : Anyone with a 03-04 with a wheel hop problem?

02-14-2012, 04:42 PM
Hello Cobra owners,

A bit of an odd request. Is there anyone here with a relatively stock 03-04 Cobra that experiences wheel hop with their IRS? I'm trying to find another test subject to help me evaluate a possible solution to wheel hop. Forum rules prevent me from elaborating too much here.

Please just shoot me a PM or email if you're interested and we'll go from there.


02-14-2012, 04:47 PM
To be clear, I am not trying to sell or advertise anything here. I've just been working on this project for awhile and would like some help testing it out. :)

02-15-2012, 08:03 AM
Wheel hop is a common issue with many IRS cobras. I had an 01 that was plagued with that problem. My current 04 does not have this issue and is essentially stock. I believe it is related to the alighnment of the rear wheels having a slight toe in. Also tires are a contributor to this issue.

02-15-2012, 10:45 PM
Wheel hop is a common issue with many IRS cobras. I had an 01 that was plagued with that problem. My current 04 does not have this issue and is essentially stock. I believe it is related to the alighnment of the rear wheels having a slight toe in. Also tires are a contributor to this issue.

Yeah, wheel hop is a very complex issue. Energy is stored up by all the compliance in the system. This include suspension compliance, bushing compliance, axle and drive-shaft twist, frame twist and the tires. When a tire breaks loose some of this energy is released very quickly. The damping and natural frequency of the system plays a big roll in preventing those cycles from building up and becoming wheel hop.

Does anyone here have an 03-04 that does get wheel hop? If so, under what conditions does it usually occur?

02-15-2012, 11:11 PM
I believe if you change out the bushings and lower the car, it will quit about 99% of the time or at least it did on my 99 Cobra. I also believe you can put an air bag in one of the rear springs to make it stop.

02-15-2012, 11:50 PM
I have a 03. I haven't had alot of wheel hop, but I try not to spin the tires very much. When I have I've had drag radials on and no hop. My car is lowered 1" also. I'm getting ready to install a Full Tilt Boogie IRS system. Also FR Diff cover as I think mine is cracked.