View Full Version : NorCal Muscle Car Holiday Group Drive!

11-28-2012, 02:52 AM
Because of the success of the last event, and at the request of numerous Muscle Car enthusiasts in here at SVTP and out, I am organizing another Group Drive to celebrate American Muscle, and the holiday Season! For this drive, we will make it more convenient for the people who live in the South Bay since the last ride was tailored for those who lived in the North Bay. Here is the low down:


Who: Anyone and everyone who wants to enjoy a sunday morning drive with other Muscle Car enthusiasts. Bring your any or all of your friendsFamily members are encouraged to come along , they always take the best pictures and it helps them understand why we love our cars so much!

What: This drive is simply a holiday celebration of AMERICAN MUSCLE with family, friends and Muscle Car enthusiasts!

Where: We have two route options for this drive.

If you plan on attending, post up ,"I'm attending" and right next to it, put the route option that you prefer. "1" or "2" If you are impartial, just pick one. ALSO, PM ME YOUR NUMBER SO THAT I CAN SEND YOU TEXT UPDATES AND CALL YOU IN CASE YOU MAY BE RUNNING LATE TRYING TO SHOW UP TO THE EVENT. I will PM you my number upon receiving yours.

Route 1: Mt. Hamilton, this one will be to the Lick Observatory for some nice views and pictures, then back the same way to a great local restaurant. This is a decent drive with little traffic and a lot of turns. Short and Sweet with good food to eat!

Starbucks to Mount Hamilton Grandview Restaurant - Google Maps (http://goo.gl/maps/viqQY)

This route will definitely test our cornering skills, and give us some of the best scenery Northern Cali has to offer.

Route 2: Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. This is always a popular one. The 35 highway gives us some great sweepers and being that it's the winter season, I'm guessing the 35 will have less traffic. Our food stop is THE BBQ spot in Santa Cruz and our final destination is the Boardwalk. I did this because Boardwalk food is not cheap!

Starbucks to santa cruz boardwalk - Google Maps (http://goo.gl/maps/RDECa)

When:Sunday, December 9, 2012. We will be meeting at Starbucks 3055 Olin Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 at 9:00am and again, we will be leaving at 10am sharp!

For the Guys in the San Francisco Bay Area, a bunch of us will be meeting at 7:45 am at:

1212 El Camino Real
San Bruno, CA 94066

and we will be leaving at 8:15am and heading down to the main meet up spot (Santana Row Starbucks) as a group. If you are interested in driving down with us, please be at in San Bruno promptly. If you are late, no worries. We'll meet you in San Jose.

Why?: :bash: Because it will be a good freaking time! :rockon:

For this Event, there are 5 of us that will be working together to make sure you guys and gals will have a good time and that you get plenty of photos of you and your Baby. Here's the list of us.

1. Sal aka Fabman302
Action Camera Man/Free Rider - Sal will be in contact with me via walkie talkie and he will have his GoPro mounted on his car and he will literally be driving circles around our group whenever possible just to get video coverage of the whole thing!

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8341/8201484923_3f2afa7a37_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18521077@N02/8201484923/)

2. Reygen aka Arbs
Road Captain/Group Monitor - Reygen will work with me to keep the group together so that no one gets lost. He will be driving dead center in the group so that if anyone has any immediate problems that come up, they can let him know immediately. He will keep an eye out for anyone who may run into any sort of emergency during travel. He will report to me if anyone decides to act stupid to the point where they endanger any of our participants.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8341/8202580548_8d9b065153_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18521077@N02/8202580548/)
DSC_0583 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18521077@N02/8202580548/) by eric-ufc (http://www.flickr.com/people/18521077@N02/), on Flickr

3. Alex aka NorCal_03Cobra
Road Captain/Scouter - Alex will be working with me in keeping the group together along with Reygen and Alex will also be driving fairly ahead of the pack from time to time to see if there are any Police men that are in the area. He will only do this during open highways so that we can do some flybys for Sal's camera. :rockon:

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8203/8201478993_080120df34_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18521077@N02/8201478993/)

4. Rob aka

Road Guard - Rob will be in communication with the rest of the team, including myself to lead the group throughout the trip from the rear. I will be in direct communication with Rob if any lane changes need to be made, and Rob will be the first one in the new lane in order to clear up the lane for the rest of us. He will be bringing up the rear so that in the event the group gets split in half, he will lead the group that has fallen behind back to the rest of the group.

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8484/8202584096_cf000b0298_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18521077@N02/8202584096/)

5. Eric (Me) aka Redfire_USMC

Event Coordinator/Group Food Addict - I'm simply going to be one of the guys you should look for if you need info or confirmation with anything regarding the event. I'm the guy who wishes he was driving your awesome car!!!

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8202/8202573084_2f466c1ed9_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/18521077@N02/8202573084/)