View Full Version : SCMC/Ashley Ford Show -- June 22, 2013 -- New Bedford, MA

06-16-2013, 08:09 AM
This event fills up fast and has right at 100 Mustangs and Fords in attendance. You can either mail your form in or just fill it out and bring it with you.

Event includes:

Free Lunch including BBQ and drinks
48 Awards - 3 per class, 16 classes
Test Drives - Drive a new Ford while you are there
Free Spectators - No charge to come and check out the cool rides

Come and join the SCMC and Ashley Ford for a fun filled Saturday. For more information contact Pat Madigan at pmad300hp@aol.ocm or call 617-827-9789.

Get directions at www.AshleyFord.com or by calling Ashley Ford 508-996-5611

Click here for registration form: http://www.svtcobraclub.com/SVTCobraClub/AshleyRegistration2013.pdf

06-27-2013, 06:57 PM
I took a bunch of pictures at this event. Is there a place I can post/share them?

06-27-2013, 09:50 PM
Can you set it up as a slide show and provide a link? That way all of the pictures can be seen in one sitting. Thanks for taking them!!