View Full Version : Win a 2018 Mustang!!

06-30-2017, 12:08 AM
So how does it feel to be a Mustang fan? One way we can explain it is to click on the link below to see an exclusive video . . .


--- Now THAT’s what Ford Performance is all about!

If you’re a Ford enthusiast, club member, vehicle owner or even just a fan, now’s the time to answer our Ford Performance Rally Call!

Click on the link below, indicate your Ford vehicle affiliation of choice, SVT Cobra Mustang Club, and register as a certified Ford Enthusiast – you could win a 2018 Mustang!

https://www.fordperformancerallycall.com/?utm_source=FP Rally Call&utm_medium=Club Email&utm_term=&utm_content=SCMC&utm_campaign=SCMC

That’s right -- Enter the Ford Performance Rally Call NOW and get in the running to win a 2018 Mustang EcoBoost!

. . . because We’re Driving Ford Passion!

01-24-2018, 09:09 PM
Wow, very interesting. Thanks for sharing Cobrabitn