View Full Version : LMS AI/X race

07-20-2002, 12:04 AM
Well, he did it again!!! Bryan Shugg won the AI race at Lowes Motor Speedway.

07-20-2002, 12:39 AM
Here's a picture of Bryan and his trophy taken tonight at Lowe's. Bryan, as always, was extremely smooth and seemed to get faster with every lap. Hard to believe his car was in the trees in West Virginia just 26 days ago. It was great to see the #67 back on track. Great job Bryan!!!!!

07-20-2002, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by johnbasf
Well, he did it again!!! Bryan Shugg won the AI race at Lowes Motor Speedway.

Congrats, Bryan!!!!!!!!!!! You are beginning to make this look like a habit.:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

07-20-2002, 10:25 AM
Congrats again Bryan!!!! That was awesome!!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

07-20-2002, 01:18 PM
Here is my race report:

Lowes Race under the lights 7/19/02 report

For the first practice session all of the AI/X and big bore cars were called to grid at 5:15 for a scheduled run time of 5:20. After sitting in the 95+ temps of Charlotte for nearly 15 minutes we were sent out for one half of a lap before we were pulled off of the track due to time constraints to keep within the very tight time schedule.

For the next practice schedule we went out at 6:20 for a 15 minute practice. On my 2nd complete lap the red flag was suddenly thrown as I was coming in off of the high banking into the infield. Apparently AI racer Richard Koehler has lost control of his car as the track exits the infield and makes the transition to the high banking. He went wide to the outside hitting a tire/water barrier with the passenger side of the vehicle. He then rebounded off of the tire and then barrel rolled 1.5 times the vehicle across the track coming to rest in the middle of the track on the drivers side of the car. He was unhurt thank goodness. Apparently Richard was standing with his feet through the drivers window and his head looking out of the passengers window when the safety crew arrived. The car sustained major damage to both sides of the vehicle as well as the roof. Looking at the cage there was some movement of the bars that run from the halo to the floor. Luckily his cage had been constructed and fabricated with a high degree of skill and strength which allowed him to walk away from the incident without being injured. After this red flag incident the practice was finished and we immediately exited the track.

For the qualifying session we were supposed to have been given 15 minutes. Because of the prior incidents qualifying was cut down to about 8 minutes. That gave us the opportunity to get in 4 laps. I know that I did not get a single clean lap to set a good estimate of how fast the field was. Below is the qualifying order:
Qualifying Class Time

Lester Lesneski AIX 1:27.952
Brian Tone AIX 1:28.533
David Smith AIX 1:28.709
Dan Schlickenmeyer AIX 1:28.929
Jim Pantas AIX 1:29.285
Gary Henckel AIX 1:30.211
Mike Schlickenmeyer AI 1:31.308
Brion Gluck AIX 1:32.728

No Times for Quailfying
Tim Swain AIX
Richard Koehler AIX
James Hoover AI
Bryan Shugg AI

There was a miscommunication between race control and the AI/X racers. We were given about 5 minutes to get in our cars and make it to grid. Because of this Lester Lensneski did not make the grid. That left the grid as follows.

1. Dennis Olthoff in a Cobra
2. Marty Williams a thunder roadster
3. Mark Moskowitz in a thunder roadster
4. Brian Tone AIX
5. Dan Schlickenmeyer AIX
6. David Smith AIX NOTE: Dan & David ended upswapping
7. Jim Pantas AIX
8. Gary Henckel AIX
9. Mike Schlickenmeyer AI
10. Bryan Shugg AI
11. James Hoover AI

On the start I was boxed in by the Thunder roadsters which left the door open for Dan Schilck. To come up the inside and take the position. Also David Smith was able to take a position on the outside. Two laps into the race one of the thunder roadsters blew a motor and I was able to pass David Smith for a position. Two laps later I was able to catch and pass the other Thunder Roadster. The order was now Olthoff, Schlick, Tone, Smith…..

I was able to gain on Dan S. every lap up to the end. I pushed as hard as I could and made up about 7 seconds to pull within two car lengths of Dan S. at the checkered flag.

Overall finishing
Dennis Olthoff SU1
Dan Schlickenmeyer AIX
Brian Tone AIX
Mark Moskowitz Thunder Roadster
David Smith AIX
Bryan Shugg AI
Brion Gluck AIX
Jim Pantas AIX
Gary Kirchbaum FFR Cobra
Chris Phelps SU1
Mike Schlickenmeyer AI
Gary Henkel AIX
John McIver FFR Cobra
Dan Elam FFR Cobra
James Hoover AI

Here are the fast lap times of the race:
Name Lap Time Seconds MPH

Tone 1:23.851 83.851 96.600
Williams 1:25.419 85.419 94.827
Olthoff 1:25.386 85.386 94.863
D. Schlickenmeyer 1.25.784 85.784 94.423
Pantas 1:26.101 86.101 94.076
Moskowicz 1:26.720 86.720 93.404
Gluck 1:27.057 87.057 93.042
Shugg 1:27.095 87.095 93.002
Smith 1:27.467 87.467 92.606
Elam 1:28.028 88.028 92.016
Hoover 1:28.437 88.437 91.591
Krichbaum 1:28.458 88.458 91.569
McIver 1:28.701 88.701 91.318
Phelps 1:29.409 89.409 90.595
M. Schlickenmeyr 1:30.102 90.102 89.898
Henkel 1:30.185 90.185 89.815

Brion Gluck who I am sure would have been faster if he had not lost his clutch on the warm up lap. Watch out for him, that car is set up and has HUGE power and that man can drive. He is an excellent driver and has a ton of experience

Over all I am happy with the results, though the race was shortened from a 30 minute race to a 15 minute race. Given 15 additional minutes I wonder how the outcome would have been affected. It’s a moot point because it was only 15 minutes. As always everyone was great to race with and gentlemen like. The people that run this racing series are some of the best I have ever run with and I would like to thank them all.

I had a great time and I look forward to seeing you all at CMP.

Brian Tone
AIX #33

07-20-2002, 01:48 PM
Hey Brian, I watch Shuggs in-car video this morning. Man you didn't have anywhere to go. You gave us all a thrill when you didn't brake going into turn #3.:eek: :eek: The AI serires is a blast to watch. Look forward to seeing all of you guys at CMP.

07-20-2002, 02:30 PM
John, are you talking abou the start? If so yeah I was pinned in. Dan S. snookered me pretty good. oh well we'll try to get him at CMP.


07-21-2002, 06:46 PM
Maybe this will work.

07-21-2002, 06:46 PM
Oh well??

07-21-2002, 06:53 PM
http://www.planetmustang.com/Movies/ailoweslap1.WMV Here is the first lap at Lowes. Thanks Tom!!!

07-21-2002, 08:48 PM
Contratulations Bryan!

Great video!!

07-22-2002, 05:52 PM
Oh geez. What an ugly mug!!

It was a good race, taking away Richard Koehlers unfortunate rollover. That was a little shaky to see on only my second lap after MY crash!! But, he was fine and that's the important thing. He told me he's gonna be at CMP in 2 weeks. I hope to see him there.

I want to publicly thank Jason Smith for his INCREDIBLE efforts in helping me get my car ready. Without him, I don't know that I would have made it to CMP in August, let alone LMS. Also, everyone that showed up at the race... you have no idea how thankful I am to see club members supporting our series like you have been. I enjoy having everyone there.

I also want to let people know how awesome all of our competitors are. It seems that I get the spotlight on this board sometimes. I realize that's probably because I'm a club member. But the people that race in the AI series are some pretty darn impressive drivers. The speeds those AIX drivers reach is unreal. Tone, you are a wild man pulling FTD!!! 1:23.xx!!! UNREAL!!! Anyhow, what really makes this series special is the camraderie between competitors. For that, I'm thankful.

Anyhow... thanks to everyone for your support of our series. This club rocks.

07-23-2002, 11:20 AM
bryan. let me add my congrats as well. job well done on the race and getting the car back on the track so quickly. and you getting back in the saddle on a very good note:thumbsup:

07-23-2002, 04:47 PM
I could have REALLY done without a close-up of that mug. Scary.

AI #32 ( IF I ever finish the car)

07-24-2002, 09:53 AM
Thanks Kevin!! We need to get you out to one of these races!!

Will - sorry about the scare.

07-24-2002, 10:11 AM
nothing a little bit of therapy shouldn't fix for me. :D

07-24-2002, 10:31 AM
When I come up to check out your car this weekend, we'll have to try the "five clenched fingers" therapy. :D

07-24-2002, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by svt_coupe
Thanks Kevin!! We need to get you out to one of these races!!

Will - sorry about the scare.

actually. i'm getting ready to plan for next year. i'm going to see if vir on one weekend and another track on a following or preceeding weekend works. one of them has to be a race to work tho. however, i'd probably bring the race car rather than the r. do you guys have a class for my race car when you do the ai races???

07-24-2002, 11:14 AM
yeah man. This last race, we had FFC's and Superformance Cobras running with us. I don't see why we couldn't run CSX's. To find out for sure, contact Jim Politi, NASA VA's race director, here: race@nasaracing.net

Did you know that AI was hitting Beaver Run, that new track in Western Ohio (???) I think?

We are also trying to expand next year to include Road Atlanta, Watkins Glen, Lime Rock, and others possibly...

...that's the word on the street anyway. :D

07-24-2002, 12:56 PM
Uh, Beaver Run is in PA. Gee, I hope nobody calls you for directions with the assumption that, since you are the 'instructor liason', you might actually know where the track is.

07-24-2002, 12:59 PM
Sorry for the late reply but - Congrats to both Bryan and Brian! :thumbsup:

It was great meeting you guys. You too Will. Now I finally have a few faces to go with the names. It looked like a great time and hopefully next year I can be out there too. Time will tell.

After seeing all that, I sure do miss not having a Stang.

07-24-2002, 01:04 PM
Dean, great to meet you too and hope to see you again. Like we talked about, move on down. Just tell your wife it is all about cars and she should understand, right?:D

07-24-2002, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by svt_coupe
yeah man. This last race, we had FFC's and Superformance Cobras running with us. I don't see why we couldn't run CSX's. To find out for sure, contact Jim Politi, NASA VA's race director, here: race@nasaracing.net

Did you know that AI was hitting Beaver Run, that new track in Western Ohio (???) I think?

We are also trying to expand next year to include Road Atlanta, Watkins Glen, Lime Rock, and others possibly...

...that's the word on the street anyway. :D

watkins is on my dream list

and thanks bryan:thumbsup:

07-24-2002, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by svt_coupe
yeah man. This last race, we had FFC's and Superformance Cobras running with us. I don't see why we couldn't run CSX's. To find out for sure, contact Jim Politi, NASA VA's race director, here: race@nasaracing.net

Did you know that AI was hitting Beaver Run, that new track in Western Ohio (???) I think?

We are also trying to expand next year to include Road Atlanta, Watkins Glen, Lime Rock, and others possibly...

...that's the word on the street anyway. :D

bryan, i sent an email to jim for the class question and dan already replied that he'll let me know what next years race schedule is.


07-25-2002, 08:45 AM
Excellent. Dan does a fine job with this series (as does James Hoover). Let me know what Jim says about your car...

07-25-2002, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by justagt
Uh, Beaver Run is in PA. Gee, I hope nobody calls you for directions with the assumption that, since you are the 'instructor liason', you might actually know where the track is.

How did I miss this one? A message from the peanut gallery.

Listen justagt, from what I've heard about you, your "94 GT, looking for a road course" can't find one with a map, a compass, or even satellite navigation!!!!!!

07-25-2002, 09:34 AM
Yeah, that will be the LAST time I follow someone that has a car on a trailer with a TREE sticking out the back of it.

07-25-2002, 09:37 AM
OK I give up. That was a good one Will. Bassard!

07-25-2002, 09:54 AM
HA, everyone one will think we hate each other or something. BUT, I do need to change my sig.:D

Will, now just looking.

07-25-2002, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by justagt
Dean, great to meet you too and hope to see you again. Like we talked about, move on down. Just tell your wife it is all about cars and she should understand, right?:D

Yeah, she'll understand. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rotf:

07-25-2002, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by justagt
HA, everyone one will think we hate each other or something. BUT, I do need to change my sig.:D

Will, now just looking.

Naw, that's our standard board etiquette.:D

07-25-2002, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by Dean95CobraR

Yeah, she'll understand. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rotf:

we can find you more car things to do if that's all it will take....i was told to tell you next time you need to watch some dirt trackin too!!!:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

07-25-2002, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by kevin

watkins is on my dream list

and thanks bryan:thumbsup:

I'm looking into the glen, most likely doing a sept or oct date :thumbsup: