View Full Version : Mike, did yall hit up HRP????

08-05-2002, 01:29 PM
I was asleep most of the day recuperating from Lake Charles :eek:

how did it go????

I was wanting to go so bad too..

08-05-2002, 05:48 PM
We went, it rained. Mike did have enough time to put his tires on though. Some of us have talked about using our rain checks this Sunday, if the weather permits:)

08-05-2002, 10:33 PM
I can't do it Sunday, have to go move Amanda back to A&M. Maybe towards the end of the month. It rained like Heck out there, so be glad you didn't go. See ya next weekend.

08-06-2002, 11:39 AM
well sorry to hear that, but really im actually :bounce: cause I was so pissed I didn't get to go.....

let me know when guys...

Evilcartman.. you coming to the meet on the 17th???

08-06-2002, 11:49 AM
Count my wife and myself in. I'll go as long as she hasn't made any plans yet;)

08-07-2002, 12:12 AM
I was there last Sunday too - damn that rain! Rained out at Sealy Saturday and at HRP Sunday.

I will most likely be at HRP this Sunday to test out my new Nittos...
