View Full Version : Show Classes--Modified, Personalized and Stock

09-08-2002, 02:55 AM
I know that I've told some of you that:
Stock: 1-3 mods
Personalized: 3-7 mods
Modified: 7 or more(or a blower/Nawz

Looking at the SCMC "rules" and realizing this, it should be:
Stock: 1-2 mods
Personalized: 3-7 mods
Modified: same as above.

Let me know if anyone has any "beef" with this or need me to change your class you're under. Thanks. Sorry for the confusion.

09-08-2002, 04:39 PM
Or we'll just keep it at:
Stock: 0-3 mods
Personalized: 4-7
Modified: 7 or more, or a blower/Nawz

09-09-2002, 02:35 PM
Glad you mentioned this(again)

Lightning will be in Personalized

Cobra will be in Modified

And last but not least It does not look like the 92 GT is going to make it. Just too much hassle( work )

09-09-2002, 02:41 PM
SCMC sticker not required??

Cert of Authenticity required??

09-09-2002, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by cobltng
SCMC sticker not required??

Cert of Authenticity required??

Neither are required since it's an OPEN show. Don't want to scare off potential new members.:thumbsup:

09-10-2002, 11:26 AM
John, Lightnings are their own category now. See ya on Sunday. Bring out the GT!