View Full Version : Go Texans!!!!

09-08-2002, 11:55 PM
That was one hell of a game!! Go Texans!!:bounce: :thumbsup: :bounce: :rotf: :thumbsup:

09-09-2002, 01:09 AM
Um, you mean go Carolina Panthers don't you? LOL... :bounce:

Topless In Tex
09-09-2002, 01:33 AM
OMG.....U AINT KIDDING....THIS IS WAAAYY TOO COOL...Here is the thread I posted on Mustang Works....for all ya'll fellow Houstonians...I'm sure you can appreciate it a little more than those who dont live here and have expierienced 'football life' here in TEXAS~! :hail: AWESOME GAME! :thumbsup:
Feel free to pop over to MW and post if ya like!!!!!!!!heheheheheheheh.......

heheheheh....man, is this a great state or WHAT?????????

09-11-2002, 10:29 AM
Being from Dallas, I'll have to disagree. :mad: You guys weren't supposed to beat us. :( Oh well, at least I didn't get to SEE the game. :D Maybe next year :rotf:

Topless In Tex
09-16-2002, 11:17 PM
We wont discuss yesterdays game! :eek: Dont know who was on that field, but it sure wasnt the same team out there last weekend!!!!!!
They were outplayed all the way around. Carr has GOT to be sore after getting nailed 8 times...:starwars:
How depressing it was! Better luck next week! :)

09-16-2002, 11:45 PM
No joke, I just dont know what to say about that game except "ouch!"

Topless In Tex
09-17-2002, 12:13 AM
When I saw they were gonna get slaughtered, i used that time to teach my almost 10 year old daughter about the game of football! Diagrams and everything...it was cool! :cool:
Made me feel a little better about the whole thing...at least now she understands what she is looking at!!!!!!!!:D and I have a 'partner' now to watch games with!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

She was too funny!

09-17-2002, 01:53 AM
There you go, turn it into a "learning experience." :thumbsup: Good deal :cool: