View Full Version : My Thoughts about the show....

09-16-2002, 10:42 AM
First of all, I want to say a HUGE Thank You!! to everyone who made this event possible. You all really helped ths show, especially at the front registration desk keeping everything in order. I can not wait till the next one, and yes there will be a next one. Second, thanks for helping me sort through all the mishaps we had, at times I thought my head was going to explode, but we worked it out. I do think that had it not been for the rain, we would have had 60+ cars. I had 3 calls when I got home from people wondering what the rain date was. :( I'm making a list, and I encourage everyone else to do so, on what we can improve on next year. Basically I just want to avoid the small glitches we had this year and you can help me remember what those were. Anyway, thanks again, you all deserve a round of applause/pat on the back :thumbsup: See you all again soon. Take care.

09-16-2002, 11:54 AM
as far as I'm concerned, the show was great! :thumbsup: Next year will be even better! It was awesome meeting a lot of you all, Sherri, Jeremy, Richard, Mike, etc. I had a great time and am really looking forward to next years! :thumbsup: :bounce: :thumbsup:

09-16-2002, 12:04 PM
Ah, Mike, ya did good, I still love ya. We all did good for the very first time and alot has been learned for the 2nd annual show. While it is all still fresh in everybody's mind, we should all make notes about the good and the ugly and compare and repeat and resolve for next year. #1 on the list is a nice talk with Mother Nature :-) Outside of her little tantrum, everything else was pretty smooth and we could have had many more cars. I know ssssnk was crying about getting all wet, only his second time to ever feel rain.

09-16-2002, 08:18 PM
seeing as how I was right in the thick of things sorting out the mishaps... I have a nice little list going... with a major highlight and underline for the #1 and #2 items...

09-16-2002, 09:55 PM
And another BIG thanks for the Greeters, Jose and Amanda, the Parking guys, the Tech guys and the floaters. Thank everyone who helped and came out to make this happen. I say everyone e-mail me their lists(???) and I can compile everything up that was good and bad. Thanks. :thumbsup: