View Full Version : Pappadeaux Sunday Brunch

10-26-2002, 12:20 AM
My daughter works at the Pappadeaux at Kirby and Richmond. They are trying out a Sunday Brunch Buffet to see what kind of response they get. This Sunday as part of the trial, the total cost is $6.95 per person. They have all the usual breakfast fixings (made to order omelets, pancakes, waffles etc) plus their great fish dishes (mahi mahi, salmon, boiled shrimp) salads, rices, fruits, breads, sweets.

It runs from 11:00 til 3:00.

We went last Sunday and the food was great and you can't beat the price for a meal at Pappadeaux's. We will be there this Sunday also, so if anyone would like to join us, you are more than welcome to. We will probably be there about 1:30. Reply if you might.

10-26-2002, 12:46 AM
I'll go

10-26-2002, 12:17 PM
Can't go, up here in Aggieland about to go see the Ags beat the hell out of the Cornyhuskers :D . You guys have fun, don't get too stuffed.

Topless In Tex
10-26-2002, 02:28 PM
Love Pappadeaux! Havent been there for years! (the 1 [letter between H and J] does not work on my keyboard, hence the mssng letter!) Maybe 'll brng Catln out there wth me f we decde to come out...knda lke to go to the Arshow too. Depends on the weather! Ths weather has sucked ths week.
Hope everyone s havng a good weekend!

10-26-2002, 02:33 PM
Hey, TnT, bring Caitlin along. Ummmm, don't think there will be an airshow tomorrow in this weather. Call me if ya need good directions.

Topless In Tex
10-26-2002, 02:40 PM
Hey Sherr1,
Talked to Dan A l1ttle b1t ago...hes w/ the Conf. A1rForce(the one w/ the Shelby GT350. ) 1t's cancelled today, but he says 1ts st1ll set for tomorrow....unless 1t just gets really crappy outs1de... 1'll keep 1n touch.
