View Full Version : Put the 98 Cobra wheels on my 94....

05-27-2003, 12:41 PM
And they look really good. I finally got to wash the car after all the rain that was dumped on us. I got the 98 wheels on and I think Rio Red and those wheeels are a natural. ;) Some of you can see it this weekend at the show committee meeting.

See you all soon. I'll try to take some pics and post them...:bounce:

05-27-2003, 03:08 PM
So between the two of us, we're responsible for the rain last night. :mad:

Jay and I washed the truck, his G/F's car and washed and waxed the 94'. He got up this AM and left for school saying,"Well, all of the water will be off the car by the time I get to school"... :( :(

Lets see the pic's.