View Full Version : Sunday July 20 1/8 mile drag day 411 dragstrip in Knoxville, TN

06-13-2003, 07:47 PM
I just spoke with the track officials and locked in the 20th as the day. This event is being done in conjuction with www.highperformancetoys.com (lots of pesky F bodies there just ask JT COBRA) Cost is not set in stone until we have a better idea of number of participants. It will NOT be more than $15 to race and it will be FREE to spectate. Track will open around 10:30-11:00 and racing will start at noon. Racing will end at 6pm with the track closing when the last person leaves. The start and stop times are dictated by local ordinances, but track arrival and depature times are flexible. You can come out whenever you want, but the track owner has asked that we try to get as many people as we can in before 1pm so he can lock the gates. This will be a closed session that is NOT open to the general public. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments you can contact me through this board or at jmiller74@earthlink.net Hope to see some of you there. Plans for dinner or ??? afterward have not been set yet, but several options are being considered. I will post additional information as I have it.

07-08-2003, 07:46 PM
Ran across this on the HPT forum today. Looks like things for the 20th have changed.

Posted by tnturbo on HPT forum:

"I spoke with Donnie Phillips at 411 this past Friday and there is a conflict with the track date. 411 is going to be open on Sunday July 20, but the format has changed for a couple of reasons primarily the cancellation of another groups date due to weather and some zoning/ordinance problems that don't concern us. There is still the option of rescheduling and having an HPT only day later in the year if we want.

"The event on Sunday the 20th is going to be conducted by 411 as a test and tune. However, HPT will not be the only ones there. The other group that is going to be running is imports. Cost is going to be $10 to race and $5 to watch. HPT will have dedicated staging lanes and be allowed to run in groups as we see fit. Think of it as test and tune where you only race the people you want to. The track will open at 10:30-11:00 and racing will start at noon. Racing will stop at 6:00. 411 will be prepping the track for this event (don't expect too much though 411 isn't a hard hooking track ever)

I realize that many of you have NO desire to be at the track with a bunch of imports. If you decide not to go to this event for that reason, I am sure that everyone will understand. A private HPT track day is still going to happen this year. The event that was going to happen is being cancelled in a sense, but there will be racing on the 20th for all who are still interested."

07-08-2003, 09:36 PM
You know that I would be there but I will be with the club in Helen, GA:( :( :( :( :( Keep me posted!!!!!:thumbsup:

07-08-2003, 11:00 PM
Hazman is correct. Thanks for reminding me. For some reason I thought I had posted here too. Been a busy week for me.

07-21-2003, 06:53 PM
How did this event go?

07-21-2003, 11:42 PM
Well I wasn't there personally, but it turned out pretty well. Dominated by F bodies, but the track was apparently in pretty good shape and everyone got plenty of runs.

FYI 411 is now open every Sunday for test and tune (import day).