07-13-2003, 07:29 PM
last fri. night my buddy convinced me to go to the local cruising spot around us,( Piqua oh.) anyhow i no sooner parked my 95 cobra and some inbread hillbilly starts runing his mouth about how he knows this guy with a cutlass who could smoke me? would'nt you know it a few minutes later this dude pulls in the lot where i was and wanted to know if i wanted to go run them? I fired back and said how much money do you got on you, he said i got $20 that says i can beat you. at that same time my buddy starts dealing with this guy who has a brand new Z28SS who wants to run me for the hell of it. So finally all of us head out to race the first race was me against the cutlass witha 355 sb. right off the bat i had him off the line and pulled to about 5 1/2 car lengths by the time i hit 110, there was a easy 20 bucks! the race with the SS was even worse the idiot smoked the tires so bad off the line he did'nt even want to race a second time! Maybe ill start doing this as a second job! haha