View Full Version : Hey - Lightning Bob!

07-21-2003, 04:57 PM
Bob ---

it was great seeing you again !!:bounce: :thumbsup:

and meeting your wife --- hopefully we can get together in August and arrange some "cruise" nights around here..

that is -- if it would ever stop raining on a Wed or a Fri night....

ya think thats possible?:rolleyes:

anyway --

your truck is absolutely beautiful --

you did an awesome job --
and, tell your wife she has great taste!!! -- I wanted to get a picture of it -- but I don't think we did..... =(

07-21-2003, 05:00 PM
we did get a picture of this one ---

07-21-2003, 05:06 PM
Hey --

wait a minute --

thats not a Lightning.....

she's a Cobra that like's Lightning Bob's Cobra

-- Bob's Cobra is dark blue with silver stripes and some really awesome modifications.

Bob -- when you took off from Victor Ford --

you received a thumbs up!!

:thumbsup: :bounce: your truck sounds awesome!!