View Full Version : 03 blower on a 97

07-26-2003, 12:43 PM
does anybody know if a 03 blower will fit on a 97 engine? if not what will it take?

07-26-2003, 09:54 PM
Check here: http://www.modularmadness.com/forum/modules.php?name=Forums

He's already done it.

03 cobra toy
07-27-2003, 09:50 AM
03 Blowers sold on ebay.....



07-27-2003, 10:29 AM
Just thought I'd post this here:


Please send messages to all Cobra owners that we had two new 03 Cobras. Stolen from our lot Tuesday night July 11th .

There were two young men came in to see the Cobra?s Tuesday and apparently pulled a key switch, then returned Tuesday night and took both cars.

If anyone hears of engines, transmissions, other misc parts showing up atswap meets or anywhere else ask them to please notify Detective Jeffrieswith the Eden NC police department at 336-623-9240 or the management atTri-City Ford at 1-800-948-1269

A reward of 1000.00 will be given for information leading to the arrest andconviction of the persons committing this crime.

Sam Coates