View Full Version : Happy Birthday Shannon!

09-02-2003, 09:02 AM
28 years young!:bounce:

09-04-2003, 03:26 AM
Originally posted by cobrabitn
28 years young!:bounce:

Why is it I feel so old then ;) ;)

Thanks for the birthday wishes... kinda wish some others would have chimed in with a warm birthday gretting, but oh well. Can't win em' all I guess :) :)

Look forward to an e-mail message to you sometime soon, El Presidente' :D :D


Big Daddy
09-04-2003, 07:47 AM
How did I miss your BD?? Oh well better late than never, Happy BD Shannon may you have many more! :D :thumbsup:

Ken 01-Cobra
09-04-2003, 08:06 AM
Did I miss your birthday? Happy Birthday! Better late than never! ;) Hope it was a good one!

09-04-2003, 11:35 AM

I would really like to see you at Autofair next weekend. You really need to come down from the hill and meet other folks. There will be 40 Cobras there and I know everyone would like to see your 01 True Blue convertible. I know I would like to ride in it! 40 Cobras going down Hwy 29 is a major blast, trust me!

Come out and meet more members, who knows, you may just like it??;)


09-04-2003, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by cobrabitn

I would really like to see you at Autofair next weekend. You really need to come down from the hill and meet other folks. There will be 40 Cobras there and I know everyone would like to see your 01 True Blue convertible. I know I would like to ride in it! 40 Cobras going down Hwy 29 is a major blast, trust me!

Come out and meet more members, who knows, you may just like it??;)


I'd like to come to the Autofair next weekend but we've gotten a bunch of orders in at work and I've been having to work six days a week for the past three weeks or so. I did ask my supervisor last night to schedule me off the 27th of this month so I could make the pizza party at your house ... but asking for this next weekend wouldn't be enough notice for management right now... at least at this time of the year (our busy season).

All this coupled with well... I don't currently have anything to drive right now to speak of. That's another story in itself as well :( :(
