View Full Version : Raised Bumper Letters
09-17-2003, 07:32 AM
Have you done anything with the letters yet?:cool:
Did you get your book off Ebay?:thumbsup:
Will we see ya Friday, or are you heading to Cherokee?
I think we are going to Elizabethton Sat. with the group.
Robert hasn't ask Sherri yet, on what they are going to do, so I don't about them.:retard:
09-17-2003, 07:39 AM
Hey Dennis,
Ordered me Some SVT Tags from a Guy that makes them over on SVTPerformance,
clicky here (
He also makes them for 03 Cobras (they say terminator on them)
One goes under the hood and the other inside interior.
He might make them for Mach1's:bounce: :bounce:
09-17-2003, 09:13 AM
Yep, Gary Loat.
Thats the guy who made mine:thumbsup:
I was about to say, what......a SVT guy make something for a Mach 1? No way.
He started making them since he owns or owned a Bullitt.
09-17-2003, 09:17 AM
Yep, the Ford Century book should be here today or tomorrow.
I was the only one to bid on it:D
I guess everyone just wanted the cheaper hard bound books?
Ill have to show Jim Friday.
Im heading to Cherokee Saturday.:thumbsup:
09-19-2003, 10:11 AM
Anything on the bumper letters yet?
How long did it take to get your plates from Gary Loat. He put mine in the mail on Wed., hope I get them today.
See ya tonight.:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
09-19-2003, 10:13 AM
didn't you say you could get the Ford Century book at Books A Million. And at what price?:D
09-19-2003, 12:22 PM
Oh no. Books a million wants $40!!!!!!!!!!:mad:
You can get them on Epay starting at $9.99 to $17.00
We will talk tonight.:cool:
Here is the one I got.
Clicky here. (
10-02-2003, 01:26 PM
I just cut some black vinyl bumper letters that I need you to try and see if they are correct.
On your car or maybe a friends. Take and soak down the bumper with soap so you can slide them around and let me know what needs changing, if any.
These fonts are from the ones you gave me.
I got two pieces of mirrored stainless give to me.
They are 38" x 48". Im going to use one for the back of my die-cast car case.:thumbsup:
Ill bring the Cobra letters with me saturday.
10-02-2003, 01:36 PM
Here is the website I told you about on detailing
clicky (
10-02-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by 34Ford
I just cut some black vinyl bumper letters that I need you to try and see if they are correct.
On your car or maybe a friends. Take and soak down the bumper with soap so you can slide them around and let me know what needs changing, if any.
These fonts are from the ones you gave me.
I got two pieces of mirrored stainless give to me.
They are 38" x 48". Im going to use one for the back of my die-cast car case.:thumbsup:
Ill bring the Cobra letters with me saturday.
We can try them Saturday at show. ( i will bring the soapy water)
Sounds like you finally got to do some real work;) :thumbsup:
10-02-2003, 01:42 PM
I am getting some flack on EBay:mad: :mad: But with my luck I new it would happen:cussing:
10-02-2003, 02:06 PM
It could be the guys friend looking to see how high you will go.
Aint it the craps.:mad:
10-06-2003, 07:19 AM
Thanks for working on those letters and helping line them up. Might see ya Sat. @ Biltmore square Mall
10-06-2003, 07:24 AM
Also did you see on EBAY, I got outbid. But a strange thing happened, I got an email Sat. nite from this guy saying he had one just like the one I had bid on and would sell it to me (including shipping) for $35
What do you think. I email him back and said if it is the black leather one with the black sleeve I would be interested.:cool:
Just waiting for him to email me back.
I checked his feed-back and it is clean.:thumbsup:
10-06-2003, 09:13 AM
I have already worked on the fonts this morning. Im going to ask the guys if they can burn out the stainless today.:thumbsup:
Yea, I saw that on Ebay. I told you about that extra dollar. But the guy may have been prepared to go even higher.
If you get that one for $35 and it leather, then heck yea.
Let me know.
Hey, did you smoke that Camaro saturday? Did you talk to Robert after that and hear what the guy said about your car.
When me and you took off did you hear what I did?
I hope the hell not. I have never bragged about my drag racing abilities at least. But I still feel about a quarter inch tall.
10-06-2003, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by 34Ford
I have already worked on the fonts this morning. Im going to ask the guys if they can burn out the stainless today.:thumbsup:
Yea, I saw that on Ebay. I told you about that extra dollar. But the guy may have been prepared to go even higher.
If you get that one for $35 and it leather, then heck yea.
Let me know.
Hey, did you smoke that Camaro saturday? Did you talk to Robert after that and hear what the guy said about your car.
When me and you took off did you hear what I did?
I hope the hell not. I have never bragged about my drag racing abilities at least. But I still feel about a quarter inch tall.
Thats sounds great on the letters, just let me know:thumbsup:
Yes I did smoke him ,and I did talk to Robert that nite, I thought he wasn't "stock", you don't try that hard to catch somebody unless you think you have something "extra".;) ;) All Robert told me was that he ask what the hell I had did to the Cobra.:D Did he say any think else? I guess he thought he would smoke me with the "juice", did not notice I was S/Ced.:rotf: :rotf:
Yes I did hear something, did you miss 2nd. Come on you can tell;)
10-06-2003, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by STANGBUM
Thats sounds great on the letters, just let me know:thumbsup:
Yes I did hear something, did you miss 2nd. Come on you can tell;)
Hell yea:rotf: I would blame it on the shifter but I know how bad me and the shifer is.:eek:
10-06-2003, 01:40 PM
Hey Dennis,
Man, alot has gone on this morning with EBay. First I got an email that look like it was from EBAY saying that they were cleaning up their server and that my account was old and that I need to go to this link and enter my info for them to update so they could transfer it over.:doubt: (It had EBAYs logo in the letter but the spelling was terrible) So I sent the email to Ebay people and the emailed me back saying it was not from them and they were investigating it.:eek:
Then I got email from the person that was selling the Book I had bid on, saying that the winning bidder balked on the book and he was sending me this "second chance" offer at $50 for the book. I checked with Ebay and they said it was ligit.:rolleyes: I have to Oct. 11th to decide.
This made me :mad: because if that peson had not bid on it to start with I would have got it for $35.
What ya think, should I go ahead an buy it?:confused:
10-06-2003, 02:14 PM
Good grief Rick,
I got the same mail from Ebay and I was not sure about it, so I deleted it. Its a scam.
Tell the guy your my friend and that I bought his first book and you will give him $35.
That way he knows I only gave $25. There will be more of them if not. In fact he will have to run it again anyway.:)
10-07-2003, 07:17 AM
Good morn. Dennis,
Well I offered to buy the book for $43 (includes shipping) and he said ok:rolleyes: So I guess I will buy it:thumbsup:
10-07-2003, 07:20 AM
Oh and by the way Dennis did ya get to work on the letters?:thumbsup:
I think me and Robert might detail a car this weekend if the weather is good:cool:
You know there is as show Sat at the Biltmore Squiare mall, but we are not the sponsor, so I might go just to relax:thumbsup: :thumbsup: and not have to work it:bounce:
10-07-2003, 09:04 AM
I will definately have the letters Saturday.
BTW, who is the show for?
10-07-2003, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by 34Ford
BTW, who is the show for?
Kiwanis Club
10-07-2003, 11:23 AM
Did you see whats in the new issue of Hot Rod?
The 5.4 all aluminum 500 horse for the GT-40's
Ill bring it saturday. I hope its nice weather.
Maybe you can find some more Camaros:bounce:
Did the wife tell you I asked what kinda fuel you was burning. Sniff sniff.
10-07-2003, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by 34Ford
Did you see whats in the new issue of Hot Rod?
The 5.4 all aluminum 500 horse for the GT-40's
Ill bring it saturday. I hope its nice weather.
Maybe you can find some more Camaros:bounce:
Did the wife tell you I asked what kinda fuel you was burning. Sniff sniff.
Well I am not going looking for any Camaros....;)
The gas is a "special" formula I use....:D
I am going to go ahead and by the book for $35 + $8 shipping
He agreed to that price, but said he did not want to go thru EBAY because of the charges the apply. so I said ok???????
You see a problem with that?
10-07-2003, 12:54 PM
We are going to have to find out what time that show starts Sat. Sounds like you are going to go! If not we can meet at the house or something. I am going to talk to Robert and see if he can go (he's got to ask Sheeri);) ;) J/K
10-07-2003, 06:44 PM
Thats sounds ok on the book. I used paypal to buy mine.
I was just talking to the wife about saturday and I told her I didnt know what time.
If its not raining, Ill be there.:thumbsup:
Oh I had a pair of the stainless Cobra letters cut today.
But we may have to wait for some thinner material to go on your bumper.:D This stuff is 20 ga. and its a bit to thick.
Ill let you have them though. Maybe you can find somewhere to put them even if its in the garage or house. Maybe your toolbox.:bounce:
10-08-2003, 09:10 AM
Originally posted by 34Ford
Oh I had a pair of the stainless Cobra letters cut today.
But we may have to wait for some thinner material to go on your bumper.:D This stuff is 20 ga. and its a bit to thick.
Ill let you have them though. Maybe you can find somewhere to put them even if its in the garage or house. Maybe your toolbox.:bounce:
I don't think 20 gauge is to thick, most of the ones made from other companies are 16 gauge. That would be thicker wouldn't it?:yup: :yup:
10-08-2003, 12:27 PM
16 gauge!!? Goodness, thats a 1/16" thick!:eek:
These I have are 1/32" or .032" thick. And in my opinion, its to much.
I have you a pair anyway.:thumbsup:
Did you see if Robert could come play with us saturday?:bounce:
10-08-2003, 01:07 PM
He said he might have to work 1/2 day Sat. If not he would go if Sheerri will let him:rotf: :rotf: but if he does work he will come out after he gets of work:cool:
I am still trying to find out a time:(
10-08-2003, 02:48 PM
I just got an email from Deano, and he said we should meet at the mall at 10:30 Sat.
Deb said she might come out later:rolleyes:
10-10-2003, 07:12 AM
Dennis .....Guess what? I got both books, "Powered by SVT" and the black leather "Ford Century" book on Ebay.:bounce: :bounce:
Isn't that kewl!!!!!!! :cool: :cool:
10-10-2003, 08:08 AM
You mean you actually have them now?
That was quick!
Right on.:rotf:
Redfire GT
10-11-2003, 09:35 PM
Hey you GUYZ!!!!!! I finally got on here, only with SHERRI'S permission! Whats up with that??????? Sorry we did not make ot to the show. We had testing for our next belts at tae kwon do!!!!!!! Where do I order the fonts, for you Dennis, to cut the letters for the Mustang?
10-12-2003, 09:05 AM
Well it finally dried up here around 2 and I drove over to the show. And I was surprized to see some was there.
But I didnt see you or Rick so I took him his lettering.
It looks good!:bounce:
Robert, You get the bumper letters from Mustang World.
Click here ( There 11.95 + 1.95 to ship for plain vinyl ones.
Black would be fine.
10-12-2003, 09:24 AM
Hey RIck,
I see that guy has another Ford Century leather book up for sale.
10-13-2003, 07:28 AM
Hey Dennis,
did yall cruise the parkway Sunday?
I ain't had nothing but great comments on the letters:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
thanks again, for doing them:cool:
10-13-2003, 12:19 PM
Hi Rick,
No, we went down to Lake Lure. Robert and I took some pics of our cars, and then went down 64 and eat in Hendersonville.
We got a late start. Somebody didn't get up till 11.:rotf:
I ordered the Invinca-Shield for my bumper last night. I didn't see the need for it on the hood.
I figured I would at least get it on the most abused part of the car for now.
Now if I could only find some clear shields for the headlights.
10-13-2003, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by 34Ford
Now if I could only find some clear shields for the headlights.
Just have to buy the clear covers for them.:thumbsup:
10-13-2003, 05:25 PM
This looks pretty good.
Whattya think.
10-14-2003, 07:18 AM
Well it said it can withstand a barrage of 1" diameter stones fired at a speed of 120mph with no damage:thumbsup:
Good thing you will never get to that speed:rotf: :rotf:
But what if a 2" diameter stone comes at you at 60 mph, or 3" at 30mph, or Robert backs into you, or the world ends, or worse you sell it and get a KIA.!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rotf: :rotf: :eek: :eek: :bounce: :bounce: :doubt: :doubt:
10-14-2003, 07:22 AM
Holy crap!:eek:
I guess I better leave the car in the garage.
Or if the world ends, hopefully the headlight shields will survive.:thumbsup:
10-14-2003, 07:37 AM
If you make any extras of the MUSTANG letter my sister would love some. Or if you need a set let me know and I will order some. Because I know Robert will have to ask Sherri first and that might take a while for him to get up his nerve.:rotf: :rotf:
I think she would like the kind like mine .
10-14-2003, 07:39 AM
Dennis and Robert,
don't forget we have a board meeting at 6pm at Alans work place.
10-14-2003, 07:45 AM
You think Robert will be at the meeting tonight?
If you want to go ahead and get the letters, kewl with me.
I noticed on MW's website that the COBRA letters must be different depending on your year model.
Dont know.
I think on the next ones I cut, I will go ahead and put the 3M tape on them and try and flush it up with the letters:thumbsup:
See ya tonight, 6:30.
10-14-2003, 07:52 AM
I am setting here talking to Robert as we speak, he said for me to go ahead and order the letters from MW.
He said he is going out on a limb by oking this because he has not ask Sherri yet:eek:
Is the meeting 6 or 6:30?
I will email Dean to make sure of the time and let you know.:thumbsup:
10-15-2003, 01:34 PM
Dennis (fellow board member):rolleyes:
Ordered letters from MW today. Also I am going to have to give you the info for getting into our website and we can decide if we want to use the HTML and FTP software that I am using now or change to something else.:thumbsup:
Big Daddy
10-15-2003, 03:44 PM
Hey guys are any of you coming to the tail of the dragon run this weekend??
10-15-2003, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by STANGBUM
Dennis (fellow board member):rolleyes:
Ordered letters from MW today. Also I am going to have to give you the info for getting into our website and we can decide if we want to use the HTML and FTP software that I am using now or change to something else.:thumbsup:
Alright, I think these letter will be much better.
I already use CuteFTP and Macromedia's Homesite.
Email me, so we dont bore these guys to death.:rotf:
10-16-2003, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by Big Daddy
Hey guys are any of you coming to the tail of the dragon run this weekend??
Can't, got major spring? cleaning at the house going on and having big yard sale Saturday
Yall have fun but watch those wet roads Greg.
10-16-2003, 07:13 AM
Hey Greg,
Saw RJ's cobra for sale in the IWANNA:jawdrop: Whats up, is he getting out of the business or getting another?:(
10-16-2003, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by 34Ford
Alright, I think these letter will be much better.
I already use CuteFTP and Macromedia's Homesite.
Email me, so we dont bore these guys to death.:rotf:
Have you got the full blown version or is it from your provider thats letting you use it (Home site)
I think I use HTML KIT but not sure of thr FTP Software. Will find out today. I am off work tommorrow so I will be home most of the day if you need to call. (254-3691)
10-16-2003, 07:27 AM
Shes full BLOWN!!:bounce:
I went and got all of our site last night so I could look at what needs updating.
The home page could use a lot of deleting since April I think?
10-16-2003, 07:35 AM
Yea, need to get in there and delete a lot of pics that we don't use. I went over the alloted space last year and was "warned that it must be cleaned up or else.
Dennis we are looking at going with a different provider for our site next year if we can get it a for little less. If you konw of some lets talk about it.
10-16-2003, 07:43 AM
Dennis, do you have to write any code with Homesite, because you do with mine:(
10-16-2003, 09:16 AM
To be honest, I still write the html manually. I know Homesite has the power to do it for you, but I never explored it.
You should go and d/l the demo and you can probably find a serial later. At least you can see if you like it.
You can get version 5.0 here. This way you dont have to register. (
10-16-2003, 09:48 AM
Dennis, this is the one I use, download this and take a look its freeware and I have been using it for 2yrs (
10-16-2003, 09:58 AM
And this is the FTP software I use (
Big Daddy
10-16-2003, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by STANGBUM
Hey Greg,
Saw RJ's cobra for sale in the IWANNA:jawdrop: Whats up, is he getting out of the business or getting another?:(
I don't know??? I guess he can't afford to keep it on the road! Car payment, insurance and repair bills must be to much for him?? ;) ;)
10-16-2003, 01:18 PM
For a young gun like him I guess it can get expensive;)
10-16-2003, 10:19 PM
Hey Rick,
Look at this guy. Thats his head stuck out the window with his camera in front of his face.LMAO:rotf:
10-19-2003, 10:43 AM
Taking a pic of the leaves huh?;) :thumbsup:
10-21-2003, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by 34Ford
Hey Rick,
Look at this guy. Thats his head stuck out the window with his camera in front of his face.LMAO:rotf:
DUH! I did not know that was Robert, he told me yesterday:rotf: :rotf: :bounce: :bounce:
10-21-2003, 07:18 AM
Got the Mustang letters in from MW, we going to have to get together some time to pass them off to ya.
If you want me to I can PM you with the info to get in to our website or wait until we get together. Alan & Liz wants to go out somewhere to eat this weekend, maybe we can get together then.
Let me know:thumbsup:
10-21-2003, 07:27 AM
Hey Dennis,
Wanted to tell ya that I got my 2 books in the mail this weekend, Both are in excellent shape:thumbsup:
10-21-2003, 09:19 AM
Glad you finally got your books.:thumbsup:
The Goodguys show is this weekend so I will be at it. Mustang will be in garage safe and sound.:)
You want believe this, I actually cranked up the '34 yesterday and backed it out into the sun!:rotf:
I will call you if I can get out your way, and get the letters.
You can PM me or email me with the info for our site unless you fell safer telling me in person. That would be fine.
10-21-2003, 10:07 AM
You will have to show me how you got that pic in your sig.:thumbsup:
I will prolly give you the info on the site in person, just feel better this way.:thumbsup:
10-21-2003, 12:26 PM
In your sig, find a site to host your picture, and then put the address of the pic in the brackets [img) [/img]
I had to substitute the one bracket for a parentheses or you couldn't see it in this post.
10-22-2003, 07:22 AM
Well I will have to find a site. Prolly my AOL personal website. That would work wouldn't it?
What did you use to design your pic? Photoshop?
10-22-2003, 07:24 AM
Hey Dennis,
Went to the site that you got your lake effect from, They got some pretty cool stuff, might use some in the website.:thumbsup:
10-22-2003, 09:15 AM
AOL should work fine.
I use several graphic programs:D Photoshop,Photostudio,Printshop and others I cant remember here at work.
I took the original pic and blurred the background and then made flames on the 03 Mach 1 letters and then added smoke.
Those are created by a plugin for Photoshop. Ill have to go home to tell you the name of the plugin.
I haven't been back to that site that has the lake effects in years.
Might have to go see whats new. That water effect can be customized a lot too.:thumbsup:
I like your idea on the clubs site.:bounce:
10-24-2003, 07:26 AM
Dennis here is a link to the 1/18 scale 2005 Mustang Diecast Cars that are selling on EBay, I bought the silver coupe and the red convertible.:thumbsup: LINKY (
10-24-2003, 09:18 AM
Here is some good pics.
clicky (
Wonder if any stores locally carry Beanstalk? Hummmmm...
Oh BTW, I had the guys burn out a running horse with Mustang letters on a piece of polished stainless a while ago.:thumbsup:
Ill post a pic later today.
11-20-2003, 03:56 PM
I told Robert about the letters, He said that we need to get together at some ones place and work on them.
By the way you going to the Santa pal get together at the mall?
11-21-2003, 08:10 AM
I hope to be able to make it to the show.
Can you send me a attachment of the santa pal page?
I want to put some up here at work.
11-21-2003, 08:22 AM
I don't have it on file I just got a hard copy. Did you not get your newsletter? Just make copies of it.:)
11-21-2003, 08:23 AM
Dennis, if your not doing anything Sat. We could put Roberts letters on then.:thumbsup: If you can I will ask Robert when he comes in.
11-21-2003, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by STANGBUM
I don't have it on file I just got a hard copy. Did you not get your newsletter? Just make copies of it.:)
Who decided they would use colored paper for the newsletter.:eek:
I wanted to make changes to the santa pal page cause these guys here want pay any attention to it if I put it up on the board here at work. Theres not enough car pics and mention of it being a car show:eek:
Im up for a visit tomorrow. Name the place and time.
I wanna show you my gameboy, especially Brent:thumbsup:
11-21-2003, 11:29 AM
Dean decided on the colored paper.
I will talk to Robert about tommorrow. He had sugested that we get together and go eat somewhere. We could get together at my house in the afternoon, put the letters on then go eat somewhere.
Brent would like to see it, and then say why don't you buy that so we can download games!!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$
11-21-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by STANGBUM
Brent would like to see it, and then say why don't you buy that so we can download games!!!!!!!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$ [/B]
Sounds good.
Whats up with all of the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$?
I have saved hundreds of dollars so far on these 60 games I have.:eek: :rotf: :bounce: :bounce:
And by tomorrow I should have 70!!!!!!!!
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