View Full Version : It wasn't my fault ........

11-11-2003, 01:02 PM

it took me three months -
3 months of trying to show that my "crash" was not my fault..

then - it took me a month to resolve in my mind that maybe it was...

I remember "sensing" all along that "something" wasn't quite right. Guess what? I was right..

We recently found out that the car had a ever so slight bent spindle on the right front .... seems to be an extremely rare with the '99s. I I've heard of only one other person with the same problem...

something that was there all along and probably gave way while I was driving the car causing my inability to control the car and leading to the crash...
trying to steer that car was close to impossible...
Our service manager is positive that it was already there...
It was not in any way shape or form damaged from the crash itself...

anyway -- my crash could've been allot worse -
and I don't know if its good news or bad news --

I just feel like maybe now I can get out on the track again with a little bit more confidence in myself.

I do remember someone with a '99 that reported an accident that just happened -- he just suddenly lost control of the car -- just like me.

He was out on the highway and hit a guard rail after about 500 feet of sheer terror .... totalled his car.... many were saying that he was probably driving too fast -- or was it raining and did you have your traction control off... etc. etc. etc.

just like I was told that it was either oversteer or understeer..... nope.... that's not what it was and my instructor knew it also...

and I do remember feeling sorry for him because he was positive it was some type of malfunction... just like I was...

does anyone remember that?

next time I feel anything strange -- I'm not driving it....


11-11-2003, 01:13 PM
another thing that was really strange?

I climbed into my son's Contour and had that same feeling that something wasn't right.

Turns out -- I was right with that one as well.

It had something bent in the front end and we had it fixed a few weeks later.....

I know, I know..... I'm a little different...

I like cars....... and I drive my husband nuts anytime there is anything "suspicious"....


11-16-2003, 04:44 AM
Like I always say, Better safe than sorry. Good thing you had that "feeling" when driving your son's car because something might have gone wrong while he was driving it. I wish I knew what I was doing when I had my wreck. I guess sheer lack of experience is to blame with me.

11-17-2003, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by chiller5ohhh
Like I always say, Better safe than sorry. Good thing you had that "feeling" when driving your son's car because something might have gone wrong while he was driving it. I wish I knew what I was doing when I had my wreck. I guess sheer lack of experience is to blame with me.


i hear you.....

Cobra's do not like Grade 6 poles either.....

I feel really bad about your wreck --- I know how awful it feels and I understand what you must be going thru --

Yup ----- from now on --- I am llistening to my gut feeling...

and ya know what? Tim didn't even believe me about Tom's car --- it took some convincing... I don't understand why ---
but it did...

I guess he isn't real thrilled with the fact that a "girl" might be able to just know a little something about cars either.....

c'est la vie... I'm used to it.....