View Full Version : TFS Street Heat Intake - new in box...

12-15-2003, 05:00 PM
Summit Racing carries part#TFS-51511001
Link here: http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?part=TFS%2D51511001

Remember, the lower is brand spankin new (never installed), the upper was installed for only 1,700 miles. The only thing you'll notice on the upper, is that I painted the front freeze plug (lower right).

Before: http://www.dariusrudis.com/mustang/parts/forsale/TFS_Street_Heat_1.jpg

After: http://www.dariusrudis.com/mustang/parts/forsale/TFS_intake_upper.jpg

Brand spankin new lower: http://www.dariusrudis.com/mustang/parts/forsale/TFS_intake_lower.jpg

Other than that, it is perfect. ALL the hardware (nuts, bolts, gaskets, fittings, plugs...) all come with it. Basically, you'll never notice this is different from new, other than I am asking $50 less than Summit, shipped to your address and will even come in the TFS box!

12-18-2003, 11:40 AM
I have been investigating getting one of these intake sets...I have a 94 cobra with stock intakes.....how much of a difference will this set make? Also, I have a Motorsport strut tower brace, will this intake fit with that brace? And, finally, with the mods I have, what kind of gain can I realistically expect? Sorry for the questions, I just don't have a ton of experience with intakes.
