View Full Version : Track Day at Putnam Park Road Course Near Indy

01-12-2004, 05:39 PM
The second annual St. Louis Area Lotus Lovers (STALLS) and Lotus Ltd. (www.LotusCarClub.org) track day at Putnam Park road course (www.PutnamPark.com) in Mt. Meridian, IN. Hopefully the weather will be as beautiful as the 2003 event and the driving even more fun. Our track day is open to all cars which pass tech inspection.

We've changed the date from September to Monday, June 21st. For those of you wondering why? Let's just say there's this F1 race at Indy Sunday, June 20th some of us would like to see. After watching the F1 boys we can go emulate our favorite F1 driver(s) on the road course at Putnam Park.

HMMM a weekend of speed!

The price is the same as last year $225 for Lotus Ltd. members and $235 for non-members. How about that for no inflation. The same rules apply including limiting the event to 45 cars so we all get plenty of track time again. Like the 2003 event, we will have tech inspections the evening before at a local hotel.

For those of you worried about hotel accommodations with the F1 race nearby, I've blocked 15 double rooms at the Holiday Inn Express (765)795-5050 and 10 rooms at the Days Inn (765) 795-6400 both in Cloverdale, IN. The rooms are being held under "Lotus Ltd." You are responsible for hotel reservation and payment. Both hotels are about 10 minutes from Putnam Park.

Upon receipt of your application and check, I'll forward a track day packet to you with all the pertinent information.

If you have questions or would like a registration form, contact me at (314) 889-0572 or e-mail me at Feffman@Yahoo.com.

Happy Motoring!!!

Mark Pfeffer - Grand Poobah STALLS
(314) 889-0572

STALLS Web Site (http://www.kamainc.com/STALLS/home.html)

01-16-2004, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by Feffman
The second annual St. Louis Area Lotus Lovers (STALLS) and Lotus Ltd. (www.LotusCarClub.org) track day at Putnam Park road course (www.PutnamPark.com) in Mt. Meridian, IN. Hopefully the weather will be as beautiful as the 2003 event and the driving even more fun. Our track day is open to all cars which pass tech inspection.

We've changed the date from September to Monday, June 21st. For those of you wondering why? Let's just say there's this F1 race at Indy Sunday, June 20th some of us would like to see. After watching the F1 boys we can go emulate our favorite F1 driver(s) on the road course at Putnam Park.

HMMM a weekend of speed!

The price is the same as last year $225 for Lotus Ltd. members and $235 for non-members. How about that for no inflation. The same rules apply including limiting the event to 45 cars so we all get plenty of track time again. Like the 2003 event, we will have tech inspections the evening before at a local hotel.

For those of you worried about hotel accommodations with the F1 race nearby, I've blocked 15 double rooms at the Holiday Inn Express (765)795-5050 and 10 rooms at the Days Inn (765) 795-6400 both in Cloverdale, IN. The rooms are being held under "Lotus Ltd." You are responsible for hotel reservation and payment. Both hotels are about 10 minutes from Putnam Park.

Upon receipt of your application and check, I'll forward a track day packet to you with all the pertinent information.

If you have questions or would like a registration form, contact me at (314) 889-0572 or e-mail me at Feffman@Yahoo.com.

Happy Motoring!!!

Mark Pfeffer - Grand Poobah STALLS
(314) 889-0572

STALLS Web Site (http://www.kamainc.com/STALLS/home.html)


cool Mark -

you beat me to it!

I plugged the link into the North Central forum.

It is a little close to our 5th anniversary celebration -
but I believe those that are close by will still want to take advantage of this....

I'm looking forward to driving with the Lotus Lovers!

come on June !

01-16-2004, 08:58 PM
Heres the link for the North Central...


01-16-2004, 08:59 PM
I hope you don't mind..

but I'm posting it on all the ladies forums as well...

so many ladies saying they have no events around them...

well -

there are plenty !! :bounce: :thumbsup: