View Full Version : Bug removal and paint care

04-28-2004, 09:31 PM
Hey all. Ever since I got my cobra, i've been having an aweful aweful time with bugs getting all over the front bumper and hood. Because of this, I was gettin pretty used to cleaning the bugs off every nite after I had her parked for the nite. However, i'm not really all that knowledgeable of car paint, so I think i may have made a flaw...ok, it was a very stupid mistake.

What I found to remove all the bugs the best (and quickest) was using hot water. In hindsight, I figured that it really isn't the best choice, but seemed to get the job done with a liquid as (generally) safe as water. However, after having done this for a little over a week, I'm starting to see some of the effects that may be following all the hot water to the paint. It seems that on the front bumper, the paint is just starting to lose some of it's luster or shine...showing streaking of "dull" areas which were commen sites for repeatedly wiping bugs. My GUESS is that all the hot water may have been slowly removing clear coat all along (don't even bother calling me stupid...I know it was a dumb mistake). Fortunatly I spoted this right away, and will disconinue that meathod of cleaning. SO....here's the question for ya'll paint wizzes...

What SHOULD I be using to successfully clean bugs off of the paint on regular occasion without causing damage to the paint (IF the hot water is damaging, which i'm starting to think it is....:banghead: ). Also, because of this "dimmed" part of the bumper that appears to be losing it's luster/shine, is there anything I can do to bring some of this back, or would clearcoating it be the only option? BTW, I never got any paint on the towel I was cleaning the bumper with, so I can thankfully say that if it was tearin up the clearcoat, I never got TO the paint.

Hopin to hear back soon from yall on this one!

And yea...:stupid:

04-29-2004, 12:33 AM
I would guess that the hot water has stripped the wax off the paint. Just rewax the front end and see if that fixes your "lustre" problem. One added benefit of fresh wax is that it makes it easier to remove the bugs.

Generally I find the best way to remove heavy bug build up is to spray the front with water, let it sit a couple of minutes, spray again, sit, (this lets the water soak into the bugs and make them easier to remove) then wash it off with your normal car wash soap of preference. When washing the whole car with heavy bug build up, I keep the front bumper wet and wash it last. For the stubborn bugs, just hit them with a cleaner wax.

Your best bet is to keep the front end well waxed and clean them off asap. You can also go for a clear plastic bra.

04-29-2004, 06:39 AM
would using a clay bar help with removing bugs from long ago? I bought my Cobra used, as Staves did, and have found an excess in spots where old bugs were. There are little tiny specks all over the front end. Looks like where the bug acid has ruined the paint.

05-02-2004, 09:50 AM
Hmmm, I don't think hot water will damage the paint (unless it is extremely hot) :spoke: I usually use my horn and those pesky beetles get out of my way..... oops:crazy: I am thinking of those little bug like cars with turbonium. If you live in June bug county, those little critters are very acidic as well as very huge. It would be difficult to remove the clear coat unless you feel there is a difference in the paint (as if it was etched). Actually the bug splatter may even cause wax not to stick. I do not believe that the heated water would damage the paint. IT is more or less the bugs removing the wax or stripping the oils out of the paint surface.

05-13-2004, 10:29 PM
Yea, i think that my problem was more then likely that the scalding hot water just wasn't smart......at all. Granted it was nice to have everything off on just the 1st or 2nd wipe, but when I started to see changes in the surface pattern, that was too much.

I've found that simply using good car wash, the bugs come off nicely after soaking a little bit. It just isn't as quick as with hot water. However, in the long run, this seems worth it!

BTW - not too many june bugs round these parts, but TONS of these little rats that look like nats......more or an annoyance then anything! :mad:

05-26-2004, 02:26 PM
would using a clay bar help with removing bugs from long ago? I bought my Cobra used, as Staves did, and have found an excess in spots where old bugs were. There are little tiny specks all over the front end. Looks like where the bug acid has ruined the paint.
Clay bar removes everything that is not supposed to be there.

Oh and your bug problem...your right, they ruined the paint. I got the same problem.

05-26-2004, 04:22 PM
Oh and your bug problem...your right, they ruined the paint. I got the same problem.
I must say that I didn't have any that were bad enough to have soaked in and ruin the paint yet! Seems that water and wash works good, but I eventually also came across a product that works great AND is clearcoat safe.....It's called "Bug and Tar remover" by TurtleWax.....man, this stuff does miracles on NOT ONLY bugs, but ANYTHING that may be on your car that shouldn't be. I plan on usin the clay bar sometime, but until then, this is a very cheap clean-up avaiable at most auto stores....:thumbsup: