View Full Version : What do you think about buying a Cobra from Ebay

07-07-2004, 11:53 AM
Could you give me any coments if you have any about buying Cobra from ebay.
Is it a good way to buy a cobra?:doubt:

07-07-2004, 04:07 PM
Don't know about a Cobra from eBay, but I bought a Land Rover Discovery for my daughter from eBay last year for $10K. Good deal, solid car, glad I did it.

I'd be more skeptical with a Cobra, however, not knowing how it was treated and cared for vs. abused and worn out.


07-08-2004, 07:21 AM
I found my present car on ebay. As with a lot of the cars on ebay I saw it was not getting many bids so I let the auction end and then communicated with the owner privately. Flew from Michigan to Orlando to check it over and drove it home. :thumbsup:

07-09-2004, 06:09 PM
Could you give me any coments if you have any about buying Cobra from ebay.
Is it a good way to buy a cobra?:doubt:


I have purchased the following vehicles on Ebay:

1965 Mustang
2000 F350 duallie / diesel
1999 Cobra coupe
1995 Mustang GT

we have also purchased several of our business trailers on Ebay --

and a sailboat !! :bounce:

the only one I ever sort of regretted was the '95 GT -- but we didn't really lose any money on it, and we were able to take it on the track once -- so that wasn't too bad....

just make sure that you check into the seller as thoroughly as you possibly can....
I did not do so with the '95 and I learned my lesson...

don't ignore the feedback -
go into their feedback and really check out the comments - don't ignore them -- also look at the feedback of several of the people that have purchased from the seller -

and, don't forget your thorough investigation into the car itself -- where it came from? how many owners? etc. etc. etc.

it can be risky --
but it can also be well worth it --

here's a picture of the truck we bought ---
this truck really hauls the mail and has paid for itself over and over again ---

07-18-2004, 11:32 PM
I too am looking at cobras on ebay and the internet and all i can say is make sure you communicate with the seller and if possible check the car out before you buy. This can be difficult when the seller is out of state. I didn't buy my Lightning on ebay but i did buy from www.nloc.com (http://www.nloc.com) and i called this guy all of the time and felt comfortable enough to fly to MO. from TX to buy the truck and drive it back.

Good Luck

07-22-2004, 11:31 PM
I would buy a Cobra on eBay , But before I handed over any money I would for sure check it out in person first.

07-24-2004, 01:38 AM
I wholeheartedly agree with the comments and suggestions from winddysvt. I would also add two things, get the VIN number and do your homework. Whether it be through CarFax.com, Ford, another background provider or all of them to cover your bases. Checking with Ford, you may be able to get a printout of the history of any maintenance they have done to it.

I made the mistake once of assuming the seller was telling the truth and fell into a major lemon. I bought an 1988 Mustang LX 5.0 (automatic), or so I thought, and could not figure out why I had problems with the power, tranny, and rear end among other things. Come to find out, after going to a Ford dealer with the VIN #, the car was an LX, but it was supposed to have a 4 cyl. with a 5-speed.

Now I would go one step further and fork over the money for one of those independant traveling mechanics. Especially if everything else checks out and you are seriously considering the purchase. It is a small price to pay for the piece of mind that you are making a well informed financial decision.

One last thing...be cautious of purchases from the state of Texas and other states that still allow a title to be "washed". I bought a minivan and found out that the CarFax report wasn't accurate on the title because it was "washed", and yes, I bought it from a dealer in Texas. :edmond: (http://www.svtcobraclub.com/forums/misc.php?do=getsmilies&wysiwyg=1&forumid=13#)That was a $6000 mistake I will never make again. :banghead: (http://www.svtcobraclub.com/forums/misc.php?do=getsmilies&wysiwyg=1&forumid=13#)

Remember, do your homework and check each and every feedback comment of the seller's profile and you should come out smelling like a rose instead of a lemon.:thumbsup:

Good luck.