View Full Version : Parkway pictures
08-29-2004, 10:21 PM
Just a few pictures from the event....
08-29-2004, 10:36 PM
08-29-2004, 10:42 PM
A few more...
08-29-2004, 11:39 PM
Was there a car there all I can see is a cute blonde :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
08-30-2004, 01:46 PM
Was there a car there all I can see is a cute blonde :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
no doubt! :eek:
08-30-2004, 03:06 PM
Nice show...especially the blonde...oh and some nice cars too! :thumbsup:
08-30-2004, 03:07 PM
Could she be at all the shows?? Maybe a picture with my car?
08-30-2004, 07:37 PM
I say she needs to gain at least 20 lbs. She is very skinny, which I don't care for.
08-30-2004, 08:23 PM
I don't know how she got to pose with my pace car in the background. :rolleyes: :D :p :doubt:
08-31-2004, 10:28 AM
Looks like she really needed a bathroom visit just after that picture!
08-31-2004, 10:38 PM
Parkway Ford Show Winners List:
Class A - 1993-1998 Modified Cobra
Brandon Angell - 1st
Scott Barr - 2nd
David Phillips - 3rd
Class B - 1993 - 1998 Personalized Cobra
Robbie Helton - 1st
Rick Montgomery - 2nd
Robbie Ashley - 3rd
Class C - 1999-2001 Modified Cobra
Rachael Marion - 1st
Danny Trevillian - 2nd
Ed Burwell - 3rd
Class D - 1999-2001 Personalized Cobra
Jeff Finkelstein - 1st
Class E -- 1993-2001 Stock Cobra
Rich Riley - 1st
Ann Sebastian - 2nd
Bill Jones - 3rd
Max Snow - 3rd
Class F -- 2003-2004 Cobra - All
John Shankle - 1st
Binky Dangerfield - 2nd
Timothy Stinson - 2nd
Ty Sutton - 3rd
Vickie McLendon - 3rd
Class G -- Daily Driver Cobra
Dave Stanfield - 1st
Class H -- 1 1994 - 2004 Mustang
Annette Oliver - 1st
Kelly Oliver - 2nd
Evan Cameron - 3rd
Class H - 2 -- 2003 - 2004 Mach 1
April Hendley - 1st
Darrell Hinshaw - 2nd
Class I -- 1979 - 1993 Mustang
Ken Payne - 1st
Jeff Wright - 2nd
Lorenzo Brumfield - 3rd
Class J - 1 -- 1964 - 1966 Mustang
Judi Grubb - 1st
Phillip Miller - 2nd
Alex Miller - 3rd
Class J -2 -- 1968 - 1978 Mustang
Kenneth Payne - 1st
Thom Beck - 2nd
Eric Helms - 3rd
Class K - Mustang - Daily Driver
Bob Weichbrodt - 1st
Ronnie Byrd - 2nd
Chris Kreiner - 3rd
James Voris - 3rd
Class L -- Lightning/F-150/Pickup
David Holman - 1st
Tim Bowman - 2nd
Don Nelson - 3rd
Class O - Full Sized Fords
Sam Redman - 1st
Roger Davis - 2nd
James Alley - 2nd
David Lackey - 3rd
Class P -- Misc Fords
Randy Carter - 1st
Chris Greene - 2nd
Manuel Brown - 3rd
Here is some information for those of you that may want to know. If you entered in the daily driver Cobra class, you would have placed and won an award even if your car wasn't washed in 11 years and you just ran through a gazillion mud puddles.
We added a Mach 1 class because the SN 95 category was too large.
I hope next year we can add a few more classes and break out the classics a little better.
I would like to give an extra big thanks to the following people:
Bill and Binky Dangerfield
Rob and Patti Helton
Dave Stanfield
Without your help, the show would not have gone as smoothly as it did. A really big thanks! :thumbsup:
Thanks to all of the members that judged and helped with judging. The event was a lot of fun and even if you didn't win an award (my low mileage pace car lost), you were there to help support the club, meet new people, and make new friends.
Thanks to all that came and supported the club. :thumbsup:
RF Cobra
09-01-2004, 12:23 PM
Class G -- Daily Driver Cobra
Dave Stanfield - 1st
Here is some information for those of you that may want to know. If you entered in the daily driver Cobra class, you would have placed and won an award even if your car wasn't washed in 11 years and you just ran through a gazillion mud puddles.
Thanks to all that came and supported the club. :thumbsup:
Now that you mention it, I asked that very question since I'm new and was not sure if I should have been in the 04 or the daily category. I was unanimously told to be in the 04 class, and I think it was Dave Stanfield that was the most outspoken about not being in the daily driver class. :doubt: ;)
Seriously though, we had a great time and I have no clue as to how I did in the judging. Meeting fellow club members was the highlight of the day and our main reason for going. :)
09-01-2004, 05:57 PM
I should have entered mine in the daily driver class, as well. Oh well, it doesn't matter, because we had a good time.
09-01-2004, 06:13 PM
I should have entered mine in the daily driver class, as well. Oh well, it doesn't matter, because we had a good time.
i was thinking i should have too-- butt YOU REALLy should have! it was fun, i think. I was on meds- so who knows :eek:
and if i offended anyone inadvertently, i apologize. but i don't think i did... :D
09-01-2004, 07:20 PM
In my defense, I can't compete with brand new Cobras or trailer queens. I'll do well against other Cobras with over 100,000 mile of road rash and associated wear and tear.
09-01-2004, 08:01 PM
In my defense, I can't compete with brand new Cobras or trailer queens. I'll do well against other Cobras with over 100,000 mile of road rash and associated wear and tear.
:rotf: :rotf: i was kidding about me., but not about mikes he's got over 100k on the clock :thumbsup:
09-01-2004, 10:15 PM
I think we used a 10,000 mile per year as the criteria on the daily driver, but am not sure. That means if you averaged over 10K a year then you could be in the daily driver class. Again, I cannot remember for sure but I guess we need to write it down on paper.
I also think we need to breakout the 03/04 classes. One separate one for 2003 Cobras and one for 2004 Cobras as that class always has a lot of cars in it.
Please feel free to offer any constructive criticisms about the show. The key word here is constructive so we can make next years better or use it for future shows. Thanks! :thumbsup:
09-02-2004, 09:51 AM
How about if you split up the daily driver class? If there was a 03-04 Cobra daily driver then more of the newer Cobras would move to it. As it stands now if you have a 03-04 daily you can't compete with someone with a clean 94 Cobra with 130,000 miles. Another suggestion would be split up the Class H -- 1 1994 - 2004 Mustang class. That is a wide range of years to compete with each other. A it would be hard for a '94 mustang to compete with a 2004 that is only about a month old. These are not complaints, I really enjoyed the show. :thumbsup: They are just ideas that where floating around in my head.
RF Cobra
09-02-2004, 02:32 PM
Is that your secret waxing technique that gives your car such a deep shine? :rotf:
I thought your car looked great! :)
09-02-2004, 02:50 PM
That's funny. But it does make you wander about the clay bar he uses :eek:
09-02-2004, 10:41 PM
The best thing you can give us is your honest input so we can have a better show each year. Remember though, we can combine or break classes out and I see what you are talking about the 03/04 daily driver class.
09-08-2004, 06:08 PM
Hey next time yall can use my g/f for pic taking, but I gotta get a set of saleen wheels or something out of it ;)
Robbie '96
09-08-2004, 08:24 PM
a little disagreement with Tony on the daily driver. All cars in the show no matter if it is daily driver or any category is has to be clean. Part of the judging or alot of it is based on how clean the vehicle is inside and out. I hope you were making (trying) to make a joke.
Robbie'96 :eek:
09-08-2004, 09:24 PM
Not a joke. Yes any show car MUST be clean but there is a big difference in the wear on a car driven 70 miles 6 days out of the week and one that spends 6 days out of the week in a garage. I'm not complaining. I drive my 03, 70 miles a day and I did well at the show but I had to spend 20 hrs to get my Cobra ready for the show. In 5 or 6 years, still driving 70 miles a day, it won't be so easy. Most people can't buy a $35,000 car just to put in a garage and rub on. Besides Cobras are not meant to stay in a garage. ;)
RF Cobra
09-08-2004, 10:21 PM
a little disagreement with Tony on the daily driver. All cars in the show no matter if it is daily driver or any category is has to be clean. Part of the judging or alot of it is based on how clean the vehicle is inside and out. I hope you were making (trying) to make a joke.
Robbie'96 :eek:
I think you missed the point of his commentary. I don't know if you were at the show or not, but there was only 1 car entered in the daily driver class which was Dave's and that is why I was picking on him (his car looked great though, and it was not dirty). Tony was hinting that others who qualified for that category should have entered it instead of entering the class by year of their car. So in this case yes, 2 more people could have entered and it would not have mattered what condition of cleanliness or lack thereof the car was in because they would have won due to the lack of competition in that category. :)
09-08-2004, 11:33 PM
RF Cobra,
You'll have to excuse Robbie, he takes things too literal sometimes. You said my point exactly. Had Mike Boyle or even me, entered in the daily driving class, ( I would have had to bring the 94 Coupe though) he would have placed in his category and walked away a winner. Sometimes, it's the class you enter that will allow you to compete fairly.
Silver 10th,
Um, my 04 Mystichrome stays in a garage... :rotf: I drive the 94 Cobra coupe 62 miles a day 5 days a week, and the pace car stays covered up.
You should have entered the daily driver class to compete fairly but remember, we have mileage allowances too which will be explained this week for autofair. :thumbsup:
09-09-2004, 05:59 AM
:) I was happy being in the class I was in. Just trying to make a few suggestions. The truth is, I enjoy cleaning on my car and will do it again next time. If I had it to do all over again I would still enter the same class. The show was great. I was just thinking about other people that put miles and wear on there car but still want to go to a show and feel like they have a chance.
09-09-2004, 09:41 PM
Silver 10th,
Win or lose, I go home with a clean car. :) As a matter of fact, so do you. :thumbsup:
Robbie '96
09-09-2004, 10:20 PM
Tony should of explained his point better. I understand if you are the only car in the class you will win no matter what. Yes I was at the show I got 1st in my class. I have also ben to shows that if you are the only car in your class they move you to another class. My point is if you enter your car needs to be clean :thumbsup:
09-09-2004, 10:22 PM
My point is if you enter your car needs to be clean :thumbsup:
if you want to win that is:D
09-10-2004, 06:58 AM
We'll, that's enough "talking" about having a clean car. It's now time to start "cleaning" the car for Auto Fair. :bounce:
It will be the first time I have a car in the Auto Fair. I really am looking forward to being there and meeting everyone. I am very impressed will SCMC. It seems to be the best Cobra/Mustang club. I am very happy I joined. :thumbsup:
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