09-15-2004, 08:01 PM
Heya guys and gals. ;) I've been following the site for some months now. Based on what I've seen this appears to be the place to hang out if you're into the Cobra scene, which at this point, with 1100 miles on my Triple Black 2004 coupe, I've not only jumped in the pond feet first, I've had to buy a wet suit and scuba gear as well. I guess you could say I'm pretty much soaking wet...heh. I've pretty much done everything to it with exception suspension, which I'm starting on now. 2.8 Pulley, Magnaflow Xpipe & Cats, K&N cold air, Plasma Booster, Accufab Polished TB, SCT MAF, Predator Tuner(it's for sale, 5 days old, CHEAP) Low drag Pulleys, Super Chipped(predator was just too lean for me), other stuff I'm trying to remember without going into this ream of paper that has invoices printed on it ;). One fast mother, all through the upgrades. Actually, 498 rwhp on a Mustang dyno, 527 torque. Yeah, I know...damn, all on a 2004 with only 1100 miles on it...my thoughts exactly. I still want more, so what did I do? Figured, sometimes you have to say wtf, so I went down yesterday and ordered a Procharger F2 centrifugal, 60lb injectors and another 3 core intercooler...w00p! And thanks to Firme, who I just called on the fone, I'll be able to mount the 315 Goodyear F1 DS-G3's and Bullitts on it I've had for the last week and a half ( I really figured he'd think I was a looney toone, calling him out of the clear blue like that, but hey, I was lost and needed direction...again, THANKS old man!) So in conclusion, i don' need no steenkin' warrenty, I just want to have fun...
I'll add this as well. I've been a die hard chevy phreek my entire life. Went to buy a Z06, tried a GTO, last resort on a suggestion from a lady friends son, I tried the Cobra. Never looked back, wrote a check for it, took it home. All the mods i've done, learned about them right here. This forum is a plethora of information, people are extremely friendly, and I look forward to being involved. I'll ask some dunba$$ questions, as I know squat about fords, much less modular stuff, but I'n a quick learn, so I'll try to contribute in any way I can. :thumbsup:
I'll add this as well. I've been a die hard chevy phreek my entire life. Went to buy a Z06, tried a GTO, last resort on a suggestion from a lady friends son, I tried the Cobra. Never looked back, wrote a check for it, took it home. All the mods i've done, learned about them right here. This forum is a plethora of information, people are extremely friendly, and I look forward to being involved. I'll ask some dunba$$ questions, as I know squat about fords, much less modular stuff, but I'n a quick learn, so I'll try to contribute in any way I can. :thumbsup: