09-27-2004, 03:02 AM
UMC 3rd Annual Track Day & Car Show
Date: Saturday, October 2nd 2004
Location: Ware Shoals Dragway, Hwy. 25, Ware Shoals SC (www.wareshoalsdragway.com)
Time: 10:00 gates open, Test & Tune begins at 12:00. Gates close when we are done racing or the track says we have to leave!
Info: ALL makes & models of cars, trucks, & bikes are invited to join us!
Events Include:
** XSR Cylinder Heads True Street Race **
** Test & Tune throughout the day **
** Two Bracket Classes **
** 2 Heads Up V6 Mustang Shootout Classes **
** 3 more classes of Heads Up Racing **
** Burnout Contest **
** Car Show & Shine **
** Vendor & Swap Meet Areas **
Here are some helpful online links for details on cost to enter events; rules for the race categories; info on the peoples choice car show & more:
** Go to: www.UpstateMustangClub.com There is a button on the left side to get to the track day information. You can use this as an easy link to give people who need info on track day.
** Here is a direct link to that event page (includes flyer in MS WORD format):
** Link to the online flyer: http://www.upstatemustangclub.com/WS%20Flyer%202004%20Revised%20Web.htm
** Link to our True Street sponsor: http://www.XSRCylinderheads.com/
If you have any questions about the event, please let us know. We have plenty of Vendor and Swap Meet spaces open -- No charge for the space, just the $5/person entry fee into the track! Bring your trailers or tent set ups and sell some products; bring your old parts to sell; show your car; race your car, or just enjoy a day with a bunch of car fanatics! If you are interested in being a Vendor; setting up in the Swap Meet; or would like to sponsor an event or donate a door prize -- Please contact Daniel by phone at (864) 505-2201 or by email at stangbeast351@charter.net You can also email the UMC Officers at UMC2003Team@hotmail.com
We hope some of you will come out & enjoy a fun day of racing with us!!
Thanks so much,
Donna Douglas
UMC President
Date: Saturday, October 2nd 2004
Location: Ware Shoals Dragway, Hwy. 25, Ware Shoals SC (www.wareshoalsdragway.com)
Time: 10:00 gates open, Test & Tune begins at 12:00. Gates close when we are done racing or the track says we have to leave!
Info: ALL makes & models of cars, trucks, & bikes are invited to join us!
Events Include:
** XSR Cylinder Heads True Street Race **
** Test & Tune throughout the day **
** Two Bracket Classes **
** 2 Heads Up V6 Mustang Shootout Classes **
** 3 more classes of Heads Up Racing **
** Burnout Contest **
** Car Show & Shine **
** Vendor & Swap Meet Areas **
Here are some helpful online links for details on cost to enter events; rules for the race categories; info on the peoples choice car show & more:
** Go to: www.UpstateMustangClub.com There is a button on the left side to get to the track day information. You can use this as an easy link to give people who need info on track day.
** Here is a direct link to that event page (includes flyer in MS WORD format):
** Link to the online flyer: http://www.upstatemustangclub.com/WS%20Flyer%202004%20Revised%20Web.htm
** Link to our True Street sponsor: http://www.XSRCylinderheads.com/
If you have any questions about the event, please let us know. We have plenty of Vendor and Swap Meet spaces open -- No charge for the space, just the $5/person entry fee into the track! Bring your trailers or tent set ups and sell some products; bring your old parts to sell; show your car; race your car, or just enjoy a day with a bunch of car fanatics! If you are interested in being a Vendor; setting up in the Swap Meet; or would like to sponsor an event or donate a door prize -- Please contact Daniel by phone at (864) 505-2201 or by email at stangbeast351@charter.net You can also email the UMC Officers at UMC2003Team@hotmail.com
We hope some of you will come out & enjoy a fun day of racing with us!!
Thanks so much,
Donna Douglas
UMC President