View Full Version : UMC Track Day & Car Show 2004 -- Upstate SC

09-27-2004, 03:02 AM
UMC 3rd Annual Track Day & Car Show
Date: Saturday, October 2nd 2004
Location: Ware Shoals Dragway, Hwy. 25, Ware Shoals SC (www.wareshoalsdragway.com)
Time: 10:00 gates open, Test & Tune begins at 12:00. Gates close when we are done racing or the track says we have to leave!
Info: ALL makes & models of cars, trucks, & bikes are invited to join us!

Events Include:
** XSR Cylinder Heads True Street Race **
** Test & Tune throughout the day **
** Two Bracket Classes **
** 2 Heads Up V6 Mustang Shootout Classes **
** 3 more classes of Heads Up Racing **
** Burnout Contest **
** Car Show & Shine **
** Vendor & Swap Meet Areas **

Here are some helpful online links for details on cost to enter events; rules for the race categories; info on the peoples choice car show & more:

** Go to: www.UpstateMustangClub.com There is a button on the left side to get to the track day information. You can use this as an easy link to give people who need info on track day.

** Here is a direct link to that event page (includes flyer in MS WORD format):

** Link to the online flyer: http://www.upstatemustangclub.com/WS%20Flyer%202004%20Revised%20Web.htm

** Link to our True Street sponsor: http://www.XSRCylinderheads.com/


If you have any questions about the event, please let us know. We have plenty of Vendor and Swap Meet spaces open -- No charge for the space, just the $5/person entry fee into the track! Bring your trailers or tent set ups and sell some products; bring your old parts to sell; show your car; race your car, or just enjoy a day with a bunch of car fanatics! If you are interested in being a Vendor; setting up in the Swap Meet; or would like to sponsor an event or donate a door prize -- Please contact Daniel by phone at (864) 505-2201 or by email at stangbeast351@charter.net You can also email the UMC Officers at UMC2003Team@hotmail.com

We hope some of you will come out & enjoy a fun day of racing with us!!

Thanks so much,
Donna Douglas
UMC President

10-19-2004, 11:30 PM
The weather reports for the day weren't the best & the UMC event shared the same day as NMRA finals & another event held at Jackson. Not nearly the turnout as expected but we still had a blast.
It was my first "True Street" competition and I made out pretty good winning the overall and also the fastest pass. Unfortunately, the UMC boards went down the Wednesday after & a lot of threads were unrecoverable. We lost some cool video & pics. I have some pics to share, but...

Q: If I don't have hosted webspace, how can I post images? Anyone?

10-19-2004, 11:36 PM

Edmond will need to put your e-mail address on the BB in order for you to post pictures on the SCMC BB. Just send an inquiry to firme@houston.rr.com and he will "enable" you to post pics.

Cobrabitn :thumbsup:

10-20-2004, 12:49 AM

Edmond will need to put your e-mail address on the BB in order for you to post pictures on the SCMC BB. Just send an inquiry to firme@houston.rr.com and he will "enable" you to post pics.

Cobrabitn :thumbsup:
Thanks for direction, Cobrabitn. Firme now has PM & e-mail :D

10-20-2004, 09:36 AM
you are all set kilroy

10-20-2004, 10:55 PM
Thanks Firme! Just a few shots of the True Street contestants - I'll post more in a bit.
The attached timeslip was the result of a callout from a good friend of mine, Scotty W. He was runner up in True Street with an averaged .183 slower ET than mine. Weeks before the race I'd agreed to spot him .5 - so as you can imagine, I was certainly gonna be handed my tail. This was my best run of the day and not one of the best for the NOS snortin' GT.

10-21-2004, 12:06 AM
A few more pics...

10-21-2004, 12:19 AM
Chris' beastly NOS-fed 331cid '95 suffered hood latch failure while running through the traps but he was able to stop the car preventing further damage. The car is nearly 100% repaired today. Hood pins!:thumbsup: The weather was humid but we stayed dry & ran all day. Always fun to run your buds & make new friends at the track.

10-22-2004, 02:24 PM
geez I always miss the good stuff. have they got the UMC forums back up? they need to include a link in the main page.

10-22-2004, 02:33 PM
geez I always miss the good stuff. have they got the UMC forums back up? they need to include a link in the main page.Well, a shell of it is on-line. At this point I don't think anything else is recoverable. :(

Josh, PM sent. Ever get the '99 Cobra on its feet again?

10-24-2004, 06:00 PM
oh yes it is up and running great, looking to sell to pay off some other bills before I get out and move down there.