View Full Version : SCMC Drag Day at Carolina Dragway! November 6, 2004
10-04-2004, 09:38 PM
Bring that Terminator and let's go have some fun at the track at Carolina Dragway on November 6, 2004. Each time we have a few more cars but we'll cap the event so you can get plenty of runs. Don't be surprised to get twenty plus runs down the 1/4 mile track. This event usually gives you a cash pot to the bracket winner (as much as $250.00) and a trophy to boot for different categories.
For a registration form, go to and download your form.
See you there! (I'll have Mr Crome with me. :) )
10-05-2004, 08:45 PM
Sorry, Tony, but I can't go to the Drag Day this fall. I have another commitment I can't get out of. Besides, I need a little more time to brag.
Rematch next spring.
10-08-2004, 05:27 AM
I'm wanting to go down to the Carolina Dragway and meet some of the members but I don't really care to run my car this time, do I still have to fill out the form or can I just show up? I may change my mine later on, but for now I just want to go down there and watch and meet the gang!
10-08-2004, 06:39 AM
You can spectate if you like. There's a $5.00 spectator fee to help offset the cost of the track rental increase or go to the bracket winner. Meet us in Rock Hill and we all caravan down there together. Nothing like a bunch of S/C snakes going down the road! :thumbsup:
10-08-2004, 07:14 AM
I'll make plans to meet you in Rock Hill, what time and where? Looking forward to meeting everyone! Thanks.:bounce:
10-08-2004, 09:17 PM
We leave McDonald's at 7:00 a.m. sharp so if you want to eat breakfast, try to come a little early. From I85 to I77 south to SC. Take exit 82A. Turn right at the end of the ramp, McDonald's is on your left.
They changed the exit around a little so once you cross the Catawba river, take the next exit. (The road opens into 5 lanes). Take the left exit that says "Rock Hill" and not "York" and then turn right onto "Cherry Road" and the Mickey D's is on the left. You'll see us in there. :)
10-08-2004, 09:47 PM
Ok, I'll see ya there! Thanks for the directions.
10-08-2004, 09:51 PM
No problem! :)
10-10-2004, 02:35 AM
Tony, does this event require either a rollbar or braided brakes for the convertibles? I know I have asked this question several times, but the answer seems different for every track. Let me know. I would love to come. Thanks. Scott:)
10-12-2004, 11:13 PM
If your Cobra runs better then 13.5 then you will need a rollbar.
I'll also add that MGW will be donating two new MGW shifters to the winner of the bracket race and another not determined category. This is a great way to get a approx. $200.00 shifter for being the bracket "Terminator King".
Again, MGW will be sponsoring the trophies too so please thank George when you see him at the track. He'll have the 04 Cobra that will be trailing my 04 Cobra on the track... :rotf:
Hope to see a lot of you there!
10-14-2004, 08:25 AM
I'm going to be there for a short time Due to the fact I'll have to work that day. I hope to have some DR's by then.
10-14-2004, 08:07 PM
Tony, I'm sending my payment in tomorrow. Hope the weather is good!
1967 Camaro
10-14-2004, 11:07 PM
Please spread the word to the other GM guys. We always like to have y'all come and show us what ya got. :)
I was also told that the NHRA changed the rollbar rules to 11.99 and slower and you do not have to have a rollbar. I am trying to verify that with the dragstrip but I cannot get them on the phone????
Thanks Y'all! :thumbsup:
Shon Herron
10-19-2004, 09:54 AM
Sounds like a few of the Upstate GM guys are rolling down to this event. Most to watch and that includes me.
I no longer have the PPM car and now sport a stock 97. Not alot of racing for me right now...
See you there!!
10-19-2004, 09:43 PM
I'm not going to be able to make it down this time. :( I have a points race at shadyside that sunday and don't want to take a chance with the car. I will be there in the spring ready to run low 8's.
10-19-2004, 09:47 PM
I am planning to come to the event in my 03 Cobra. I notice that something was said about bringing some GM guys. I have a friend with a Vette that is wanting to make the trip with me. If he registers, Will he be allowed to race with us also?
10-19-2004, 10:14 PM
We already have several GM guys preregistered for the event. Please preregister and save yourself a few dollars. Go to and download your registration form. In the Spring, we had the Corvette club come and run with us. There is one in particular I am gunning for but all in good fun!
Bring friends, have fun! :)
10-20-2004, 08:47 PM
If you own a convertible there are new rules concerning rollbars.
If you do not have a rollbar then you can participate as long as your car is not faster then 11.49 according to IHRA rules.
I'm almost 100% sure on this but it is definitely a 11.99 according to NHRA rules.
Hope that will allow more of you to participate! :thumbsup:
10-20-2004, 10:36 PM
Well Tony my payment is on the way.......
Hope I don't have a repeat of the last drag day I participated in :(
10-20-2004, 10:48 PM
I hope you don't either Tom but freaking A! :thumbsup: Can't wait to see what that bad boy runs, any educated guesses? :D
10-20-2004, 10:54 PM
Probably high 13's with the way I plan to baby it :) LOL
Let's see....launching easy, short shifting around 6,500rpm and granny shifting at that......probably a low 12.....if I'm lucky a high 11.
JC (similar numbers) ran a 11.2 @ 128 mph but that was on ET streets. I figure my MPH will be close but my ET is going to be a bit slower.
10-20-2004, 11:54 PM
Okay, you know my rwhp. What will my numbers be in the 1/4? Or should I say, what can I get out of it say with a 2.0 60 foot time?
10-21-2004, 12:00 AM
Okay, you know my rwhp. What will my numbers be in the 1/4? Or should I say, what can I get out of it say with a 2.0 60 foot time?
You should easily be in the 12's. Hard to tell since your torque curve is so different than what I have. I'd say a 12.8 @ 109-110 mph.
10-21-2004, 05:24 PM
Okay, you know my rwhp. What will my numbers be in the 1/4? Or should I say, what can I get out of it say with a 2.0 60 foot time?
look at my bone stock time this past spring. I was running 1.9 60ft on stock GY tires. with a 12.79 et.
10-21-2004, 10:55 PM
I am wanting to preregister but for some reason, I can not get my computer to bring up the page to sign up. What am I doing wrong?
10-22-2004, 08:40 AM
I am wanting to preregister but for some reason, I can not get my computer to bring up the page to sign up. What am I doing wrong?Mail in registration......the link posted above had an extra l in html (htmll) preventing the main page from opening where you can get the form ( a .pdf file) to print and fill out and mail in.
Click, print, fill out and mail in.
10-22-2004, 10:52 AM
Hey Tony. Depending on mods......... I can give ya educated 1/8 mile guesses. I went with a 2.0 60 ft bone stock 8.40 @ 83.99 mph. The mph was low, but this was stone stock. I added nitto's, K&N filter, stinger catback and went 8.17 @ 86.9 mph with a 1.81 60 ft. I added the MAC CAI and Prochamber midpipe and went 8.19 @89.89 mph with a 1.94 60 ft. (nitto's are done for). :) Hope this helps........ any of those passes would be into the 12's. I think, by seeing you at the 5th anniv.... (track didn't hook, and the density altitude was garbage), you'll go 12's very consistantly. Also, seeing that I don't need a cage as long as I behave on the track..... I'll be preregistering and attending the event in the 97. :bounce:
10-22-2004, 01:05 PM
BTW, the "Speedway" gas station that people stopped at ( exit 5 off of I-20) is now a "Sunoco". I just wish they had 94 octane. Ofcourse the 76 across I-20 has 100 octane unleaded.
Here's to hoping I don't have to work Saturday. I'm sure I can beat my past 11.92. :thumbsup:
10-23-2004, 06:20 PM
Thanks for the update Paul on the gas station.
Josh, I hope you can make it!
Sorry about the link GM Racing but thanks for correcting it for me TCrews.
John A, I hope you can stay all day but if you can't then I hope you get to enjoy the time you do have on the track.
I'm hoping for a 12.5 @ 109 mph.... do you think that is unrealistic? I will have drag radials on and I will probably launch around 3000 rpms to start out with till I see what the car can handle. :thumbsup:
Scream Machine
10-25-2004, 05:07 PM
Registration is on the way! What time is the event?
10-25-2004, 08:52 PM
The MGW/SCMC Drag Day event starts at 10:00 am but try to be there by 9:45 a.m. so we can get on track asap. Also, it will be cooler in the morning so you'll probably run your best then. Do "NOT" go in the gate but wait outside till we arrive and get registration set up. The hardest part of doing events is trying to get organized with registration. When we have to run people down who went into the track, we have to delay the start time for everyone. Please, do not go in till we get there with registration forms and such.
I also want to remind everyone that if you do not preregister and wait to see what the weather does, then you will have to pay full price at the gate, $50.00. We have a great relationship with the track, if it rains, they give us a rain date and you do not have to pay for the next track date. You will already be prepaid for it. If you cancel then please let me know ahead of time and do not be a "no show" and expect a credit. If the event is held and you do not notify us prior to the event then you risk the chance of losing your entry fee. The club phone number is (803) 371-0725.
Here is the list of preregistered participants so far:
Tom Crews, Columbia SC, 1997 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Steve Shrader, Charlotte NC, 1999 Mustang GT (S/C)
Greg Baranek, Aiken SC, 1995 Rio Red Cobra
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 1996 Mustang
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 2000 Mustang GT
Ken Jett, Alpharetta GA, 1966 Chevelle
Dennis McCrary, Greer SC, 1998 Mustang Cobra
Gordon Warren, Alpharetta GA, 1967 Camaro
Mary Ann Meyers, North Augusta SC, 1994 Mustang
Tony Sorrentino, Rock Hill SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Mark Ouzts, West Columbia SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Dan Niceley, Strawberry Plains TN, 2000 Corvette Coupe
This list will be updated as the entry forms come in!
The SCMC prides itself on having smaller more personal events. We put -participant limits on our events for a reason. To have maximum track time, make them easily more manageable, and instill a sense of comaradarie among fellow members, guests, and friends.
Let's go have a good time. :thumbsup:
10-25-2004, 11:31 PM
Bracket racing is based on consistency so anyone could win. It's our policy that we do not have any one participant taking all the awards home with them. So with that, here are the list of trophies to be awarded. However, if you can think of something better, please post it here before I have them made up.
"Best 60 Foot Time"
"Best Reaction Time"
"Best Burnout"
"Best E.T. 14.5 and Up"
"Best E.T. 14.0 to 14.49"
"Best E.T. 13.5 to 13.99"
"Best E.T. 13.0 to 13.49"
"Best E.T. 12.5 to 12.99"
'Best E.T. 12.0 to 12.49"
"Best E.T. 12.0 and Under"
"Terminator King"
"Terminator King-Runner Up"
Your thoughts??
10-26-2004, 01:59 AM
I've missed the pre-registration. But I will definately be there. At this point would you rather I just bring the completed form and hand it in at the gate or send it in? $45 for tardy scmc members? :spanked: Funny, I don't feel tardy...
Can't wait to run in cool air :thumbsup:
10-26-2004, 09:28 PM
I am ready to register and I would like to register 2 cars. Is there a way I can call and get registered with a credit card or do I just need to mail it in?
10-26-2004, 11:22 PM
Both of you, please just mail it in as it will make registration go quicker for us. If I get your $$ by the end of the week, I'll honor the $35.00 fee instead of the $50.00 fee.
10-26-2004, 11:47 PM
Tony, Check's in the mail!!!
10-27-2004, 12:57 AM
Both of you, please just mail it in as it will make registration go quicker for us. If I get your $$ by the end of the week, I'll honor the $35.00 fee instead of the $50.00 fee.
Thanks Tony, incoming snail mail!! :thumbsup: Thought I'd sent it in - September 24
10-27-2004, 07:20 AM
"Best 60 Foot Time"
"Best Reaction Time"
"Best Burnout"
"Best E.T. 14.5 and Up"
"Best E.T. 14.0 to 14.49"
"Best E.T. 13.5 to 13.99"
"Best E.T. 13.0 to 13.49"
"Best E.T. 12.5 to 12.99"
'Best E.T. 12.0 to 12.49"
"Best E.T. 12.0 and Under"
"Terminator King"
"Terminator King-Runner Up"
Your thoughts??
Terminator King??? Some of our cobras are Terminator killers :cool: :D . Is the Terminator king trophy an '03 cobra battle??
10-27-2004, 09:17 PM
I just completed the registration. It will go out tomorrow. I look forward to meeting you guys next weekend.:)
10-28-2004, 11:39 AM
Tony, I can't pre-register as i'm not 100% sure I can make it. I'm planning on coming though, and possibly Jack Miller as well (new member, also my room-mate).
10-28-2004, 04:11 PM
Are you guys planning on stopping to pick up more members between Rock Hill and Augusta? If so, I will just meet you guys down there.
Also what was that rule on 11.99 rollbars? Is that referring to both coupes and convertibles? :eek: I may hit an 11 second run, and would hate to get thrown out.
10-28-2004, 08:59 PM
That rule is for convertibles without rollbars.
Updated List:
Tom Crews, Columbia SC, 1997 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Steve Shrader, Charlotte NC, 1999 Mustang GT (S/C)
Greg Baranek, Aiken SC, 1995 Mustang Cobra
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 1996 Mustang
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 2000 Mustang GT
Ken Jett, Alpharetta GA, 1966 Chevelle
Dennis McCrary, Greer SC, 1998 Mustang Cobra
Gordon Warren, Alpharetta GA, 1967 Camaro
Mary Ann Meyers, North Augusta SC, 1994 Mustang
Tony Sorrentino, Rock Hill SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Mark Ouzts, West Columbia SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Dan Niceley, Strawberry Plains TN, 2000 Corvette Coupe
Scott Barr, Charlotte NC, 1997 Mustang Cobra
Ronnie Stokes, West Columbia SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra
Shaun Fisher, Charleston SC, 1993 Mustang Cobra
10-28-2004, 09:01 PM
Steve has a blower now!! :thumbsup:
10-30-2004, 11:42 PM
Updated List:
Tom Crews, Columbia SC, 1997 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Steve Shrader, Charlotte NC, 1999 Mustang GT (S/C)
Greg Baranek, Aiken SC, 1995 Mustang Cobra
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 1996 Mustang
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 2000 Mustang GT
Ken Jett, Alpharetta GA, 1966 Chevelle
Dennis McCrary, Greer SC, 1998 Mustang Cobra
Gordon Warren, Alpharetta GA, 1967 Camaro
Mary Ann Meyers, North Augusta SC, 1994 Mustang
Tony Sorrentino, Rock Hill SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Mark Ouzts, West Columbia SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Dan Niceley, Strawberry Plains TN, 2000 Corvette Coupe
Scott Barr, Charlotte NC, 1997 Mustang Cobra
Ronnie Stokes, West Columbia SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra
Shaun Fisher, Charleston SC, 1993 Mustang Cobra
Tony Roberts, Rutledge TN, 2003 Mustang Cobra (New member) :)
Charlie Brumitte, Corryton TN, 2003 Mustang Cobra (New member) :)
James Cook, Simpsonville SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra
Big Daddy
10-30-2004, 11:56 PM
I'll be coming down Tony but I won't be running the car. I want to see the new shifter in person and since it's been so long since I've seen everyone I thought Drew and I would check out the sene. :thumbsup:
11-01-2004, 12:22 AM
Okay Greg...let's plan on having dinner afterwards like usual at Chili's or whatever the name of that restaurant is? :thumbsup:
Shon Herron
11-01-2004, 11:37 AM
Is Russ Ethridge prepaid from previous event? If so, list him, he will be piloting a stock 97 Z28.
11-01-2004, 09:20 PM
How many cars typically show up at this event?
11-01-2004, 10:12 PM
Shon, Russ is not prepaid.
Tony, we usually have around 50 cars and plenty and I mean plenty of 1/4 mile passes. Several people have gotten as many as 35 passes in a day during our rental. You can also stay for the Saturday grudge matches free of charge and continue running. Most of us just quit around 5:00 p.m. as it makes for a long day. We all usually go out to dinner afterwards! (Chili's??)
Updated List:
Tom Crews, Columbia SC, 1997 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Steve Shrader, Charlotte NC, 1999 Mustang GT (S/C)
Greg Baranek, Aiken SC, 1995 Mustang Cobra
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 1996 Mustang
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 2000 Mustang GT
Ken Jett, Alpharetta GA, 1966 Chevelle
Dennis McCrary, Greer SC, 1998 Mustang Cobra
Gordon Warren, Alpharetta GA, 1967 Camaro
Mary Ann Meyers, North Augusta SC, 1994 Mustang
Tony Sorrentino, Rock Hill SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Mark Ouzts, West Columbia SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Dan Niceley, Strawberry Plains TN, 2000 Corvette Coupe
Scott Barr, Charlotte NC, 1997 Mustang Cobra
Ronnie Stokes, West Columbia SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra
Shaun Fisher, Charleston SC, 1993 Mustang Cobra
Tony Roberts, Rutledge TN, 2003 Mustang Cobra (New member)
Charlie Brumitte, Corryton TN, 2003 Mustang Cobra (New member)
James Cook, Simpsonville SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra
Rob Maurer, Lexington SC, 2002 Corvette
11-01-2004, 10:53 PM
We still meeting at McD's and leaving at 7am sharp?
11-01-2004, 11:14 PM
Yep! We'll make one stop before we get to the track at exit 5 on I20 to regroup. Not going to get another batch of fan mail like I did the last time so 7:00 a.m. sharp it is!
Call me on Saturday morning if you have a cell phone. 803-371-0725.
11-01-2004, 11:18 PM
Yep! We'll make one stop before we get to the track at exit 5 on I20 to regroup. Not going to get another batch of fan mail like I did the last time so 7:00 a.m. sharp it is!
Call me on Saturday morning if you have a cell phone. 803-371-0725.
Alright then, I'll see you there! I'll be there a little before 7:00am, and already made the plans to stay the whole day!:thumbsup:
11-01-2004, 11:37 PM
November 4 Thursday
47° 40%
75 °F
November 5 Friday
Mostly Sunny
40° 20%
66 °F
November 6 Saturday
43° 20%
63 °F
November 7 Sunday
Mostly Sunny
46° 20
Forecast for drag day! :)
11-02-2004, 12:15 AM
It looks like its going to be a great day for racing!:D
11-02-2004, 10:47 PM
Sorry everyone, but a conflict with the USMC is going to put me in Portugal Friday through Monday, therefor shattering all my hopes of making it down. Someone do me proud with the burnouts. I was eyeballing that award. ;) :thumbsup:
11-03-2004, 12:53 AM
I doubt I can out do you Josh but I'll give it my best! :D
Updated List:
Tom Crews, Columbia SC, 1997 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Steve Shrader, Charlotte NC, 1999 Mustang GT (S/C)
Greg Baranek, Aiken SC, 1995 Mustang Cobra
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 1996 Mustang
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 2000 Mustang GT
Ken Jett, Alpharetta GA, 1966 Chevelle
Dennis McCrary, Greer SC, 1998 Mustang Cobra
Gordon Warren, Alpharetta GA, 1967 Camaro
Mary Ann Meyers, North Augusta SC, 1994 Mustang
Tony Sorrentino, Rock Hill SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Mark Ouzts, West Columbia SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Dan Niceley, Strawberry Plains TN, 2000 Corvette Coupe
Scott Barr, Charlotte NC, 1997 Mustang Cobra
Ronnie Stokes, West Columbia SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra
Shaun Fisher, Charleston SC, 1993 Mustang Cobra
Tony Roberts, Rutledge TN, 2003 Mustang Cobra (New member)
Charlie Brumitte, Corryton TN, 2003 Mustang Cobra (New member)
James Cook, Simpsonville SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra
Rob Maurer, Lexington SC, 2002 Corvette
Bobby Admire, Fountain Inn SC, 1999 Mustang Cobra
11-03-2004, 10:09 AM
I doubt I can out do you Josh but I'll give it my best! :D
You can do it Tony... Just hold the burnout a little longer than normal. Some advice..... if you're not using drag radials or slicks, just a quick spin to clean the tires off will work much better for traction. I've found with the nitto's....... the hotter the better. :D
11-03-2004, 09:08 PM
I have Nitto drag radials already mounted on the Snake. I have the plastic Bonny sent me for the rear bottom quarter panels to prevent chips and I'm ready to rock and roll! Looks like the weather is going to be freaking awesome!
Updated List:
Tom Crews, Columbia SC, 1997 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Steve Shrader, Charlotte NC, 1999 Mustang GT (S/C)
Greg Baranek, Aiken SC, 1995 Mustang Cobra
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 1996 Mustang
Jack Kessler, Blythewood SC, 2000 Mustang GT
Ken Jett, Alpharetta GA, 1966 Chevelle
Dennis McCrary, Greer SC, 1998 Mustang Cobra
Gordon Warren, Alpharetta GA, 1967 Camaro
Mary Ann Meyers, North Augusta SC, 1994 Mustang
Tony Sorrentino, Rock Hill SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Mark Ouzts, West Columbia SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra (S/C)
Dan Niceley, Strawberry Plains TN, 2000 Corvette Coupe
Scott Barr, Charlotte NC, 1997 Mustang Cobra
Ronnie Stokes, West Columbia SC, 2004 Mustang Cobra
Shaun Fisher, Charleston SC, 1993 Mustang Cobra
Tony Roberts, Rutledge TN, 2003 Mustang Cobra (New member)
Charlie Brumitte, Corryton TN, 2003 Mustang Cobra (New member)
James Cook, Simpsonville SC, 2003 Mustang Cobra
Rob Maurer, Lexington SC, 2002 Corvette
Bobby Admire, Fountain Inn SC, 1999 Mustang Cobra
John Kuznicki, Duncan SC, 1998 Mustang GT
11-04-2004, 09:01 AM
I'll be there as a delivery guy. Not participating, just dragging a car with me and spectating. Hope to see some old friends there. :thumbsup:
11-04-2004, 01:07 PM
I'll go if Rob lets me run the ZO. :D
11-04-2004, 01:31 PM
I'll go if Rob lets me run the ZO. :D
I'll let you run the RamCharger. :D
11-04-2004, 02:02 PM
I'll let you run the RamCharger. :D
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
11-04-2004, 02:04 PM
I'll let you run the RamCharger. :D
Hey Banana, don't leave without finding me first. I want to ask you some questions about a cage. ;)
11-04-2004, 02:43 PM
Hey Banana, don't leave without finding me first. I want to ask you some questions about a cage. ;)
11-04-2004, 04:19 PM
I'll go if Rob lets me run the ZO. :DYou do know what car Tom's delivering right????? It's white...hasn't run in a LONG time.... :)
11-05-2004, 03:13 AM
I see a few from the Upstate Mustang Club (UMC) out of Greenville SC have pre-registered. I know there is a good size crew coming down just to spectate for the day as well. Sounds like you guys are going to have a great turnout!
Have fun, and take lots of pics & video!
Black Snake
11-05-2004, 09:48 AM
I'll go if Rob lets me run the ZO. :D
I'll let you run but tell your wife I had nothing to do with you going to buy one on Monday. :D I'm just amazed I'm in town for a club event (of course I leave first thing Monday morning and will be gone for a few weeks).
Tony, what time do you need us at the gate to help get cars registered and numbered?
11-05-2004, 05:09 PM
Tony, what time do you have the track thru? What time will the bracket racing start/end?
11-05-2004, 05:56 PM
You do know what car Tom's delivering right????? It's white...hasn't run in a LONG time.... :)
I'll drive that one too!!!!! :D :D
11-05-2004, 07:49 PM
John, are you coming down tomorrow? :thumbsup: :bounce:
There's fewer and fewer faces I know in the SCMC each time I go.
11-05-2004, 10:36 PM
John, are you coming down tomorrow? :thumbsup: :bounce:
There's fewer and fewer faces I know in the SCMC each time I go.
I'll be there. :thumbsup: I wanna see your new engine bay. :D
11-05-2004, 10:41 PM
I'll let you run but tell your wife I had nothing to do with you going to buy one on Monday. :D
It's ok Rob I'm on her list already. I drove the '05 GT today. :cool:
11-05-2004, 10:43 PM
It's ok Rob I'm on her list already. I drove the '05 GT today. :cool:
Opinion? I really don't like the looks but I am curious as to what you thought of the ride (suspension) and engine.
11-05-2004, 11:48 PM
I'll see you tomorrow Tom. :D
11-06-2004, 12:51 AM
I'm sorry for the late reply y'all. I got home tonight and crashed and just now woke up at 11:30 p.m.
I should be at the gate around 9:45 a.m. If you get there before me, please do not let anyone go in or otherwise it will be a mess trying to get things in order.
Steve, the bracket race will start around 2:30 p.m. and you can stay as long as you like as they will have grudge matches till closing around 10:00 p.m. We have the track till 5:00 p.m. Actually, I thought this was more like old times with Rob and Tom coming to drag race........finally! :thumbsup:
Rob, if you like, we'll stop at the gas station at exit 5 aroound 8:45 a.m. to meet up with anyone who wants to meet us there. John's riding with me but I can always use a helping hand.
I'm looking forward to seeing how well I can do with a set of drag radials on the car. :)
11-07-2004, 08:09 PM
Ok, where's the pictures and video! It's been 24 hours already. :D
11-07-2004, 08:13 PM
Ok, where's the pictures and video! It's been 24 hours already. :Dyeah!! what stylin said!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
11-08-2004, 12:35 AM
Good seeing you again Steve. Nice ride.
11-08-2004, 10:41 AM
John, looks like I will be joining you and Tom on the bench next time around. I think I blew it up on the way home in Charlotte. I was having a little too much fun on the wide open stretches of I-485.
11-08-2004, 10:46 AM
John, looks like I will be joining you and Tom on the bench next time around. I think I blew it up on the way home in Charlotte. I was having a little too much fun on the wide open stretches of I-485.
Well, that sucks! Hope it turns out to be no big deal!
Everybody enjoyed watching you tear up the track though. What was your best run?
11-08-2004, 10:47 AM
John, looks like I will be joining you and Tom on the bench next time around. I think I blew it up on the way home in Charlotte. I was having a little too much fun on the wide open stretches of I-485.
Dude that sucks......what symptoms are you having? Smoke, loss of power, ????
Shon Herron
11-08-2004, 10:52 AM
what symptoms are you having? Smoke, loss of power, ????
Parts on the highway?
11-08-2004, 10:56 AM
John, looks like I will be joining you and Tom on the bench next time around. I think I blew it up on the way home in Charlotte. I was having a little too much fun on the wide open stretches of I-485.
I think Tom Lewis and I need to stay away from events. That really sucks Steve. Keep us posted.
11-08-2004, 09:06 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Steve, I hope it isn't anything major. :(
11-08-2004, 10:30 PM
Well, that sucks! Hope it turns out to be no big deal!
Everybody enjoyed watching you tear up the track though. What was your best run?
11.89 @ 115 was the best on drag radials. I was pretty happy leaving the track. I guess that's why I haven't been too upset about the motor. I ended it's life on a good note. ;)
After pulling all the plugs, looks like we're in for some trouble. #7 and #8 to the rear are destroyed, passenger side plug was hit by something, and the driver's side is melted....probably detonation. :(
11-08-2004, 11:23 PM
passenger side plug was hit by something,(
That something is called a piston :) Very typical for the piston to smash the plug when something lets go.
Sorry to hear but this is just your excuse to make it better now...
11-09-2004, 01:17 AM
Here's a ton of pics ... videos are coming ...
Our guys had a blast allll day! Even Michael, who blew his engine too.
11-09-2004, 09:51 PM
Hope you don't mind me borrowing a few pics from you for the SCMC website?
11-09-2004, 09:57 PM
Nice pics Donna. :thumbsup:
11-10-2004, 04:31 AM
Nice pics, I'm in some of them:thumbsup: !
11-14-2004, 09:56 PM
So where's those videos!? We're dieing here. We need some entertainment.
11-14-2004, 10:09 PM
Well.... I just had a Outlook Express crash. I lost all e-mail from 2001 to the present. No pictures, no video, no nothing! :mad:
So if you sent me a message in the past year or so, you might want to resend it to me?? :(
11-15-2004, 04:11 AM
The first first two 11 second passes 06NOV04: ( (
On the Fistful vid, while I didn't completely miss the 2-3 shift, I was having issues with the Tri-Ax's notchiness and the ET/MPH in the 1/8th shows it :o . I'd just installed the Tri-Ax the Thursday preceeding the Drag Day and was still getting acclimated.
11-15-2004, 09:19 AM
Tony, Ouch!
Do you not backup your data? You might want to start backing up your outlook.pst file which is your entire Outlook mailbox, to an external source (external disk drive). Just imagine if you lost the forums! :(
I back up that file about every 3 wks, just in case.
11-15-2004, 07:05 PM
The SCMC forums is on SCMC's server so we wouldn't lose that information. It's my personal IE that crashed and I lost all e-mails from the past two years so if someone doesn't get an asnwer on something, it's because I lost the message in cyberspace. I now put everything in folders as whatever happened has never deleted folders. This is the second time this has happened.
I will see if Snapps can resend some pictures to me. I was really bummed that I didn't get my burnout picture for my banner. I also have Beverly sending me some pics too.
Hope I can have everything up this week. It's been pretty hectic with all of the events this year and finding the time to get everything done has been difficult. I have everything, just have to be patient a little. :)
11-25-2004, 11:27 AM
Get the write up and winner's list on the front page of the website at
Next time, I'll make sure I have plenty of pics for the forums! :thumbsup:
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